About Chambless & Muse Celtic Concert

Tickets $15, available at tennesseevalleyarts.org

For more than 25 years, Alabama natives Jil Chambless and Scooter Muse have been performing the music of Scotland, Ireland, and early America with various ensembles in a wide variety of venues, from simple house concerts to festivals and concert halls. Their albums include The Lang Awa’ Ships, Passing Tales & Glories, and The Laverock Sang.

Cash Bar Available.

The Ritz Studio is a small, intimate venue, and seating is very limited.

Tennessee Valley Art Association

The Mission of the Tennessee Valley Art Association is to provide cultural and educational performing and visual arts experiences of unequaled quality for diverse communities in Northwest Alabama with intention to further expression in and appreciation of all the arts. 

Our Vision is to be an organization whose inspiring visual and performing arts programming is an essential part of everyday life for diverse populations of Northwest Alabama and to heighten public understanding and appreciation of art as an expression of the human experience.