She Kills Monsters Creative

Heather Strauss
Retired Board Member and SCDW President, she has done a bit of everything at SCDW. She has a special place in her heart for some performances including TANYS award winning shows Bathroom Humor, Fiddler on the Roof (‘07 & ‘15), The Children’s Hour, Sweeney Todd & Savannah Sipping Society. Has directed award winning shows including Beauty and the Beast, Snow Stars, Egyptian Mosaic (TANYS Festival) and Oliver!. “Deepest thanks to my wonderful family Marc, Matt & Grace for their support and love (google)…
Dawn Perneszi
SCDW Board President, Dawn has been part of SCDW since 2006. She has been a stage manager, prop mistress, designer and director of our famed Haunted Theatre. She was the main stage director for the award winning shows Nevermore, Into the Woods, CLUE!, and The Little Mermaid. She is very much looking forward to directing this years beloved family musical, The Wizard of Oz.
Stage Manager/Props
Jenny Silverman
Board member, Prop Mistress and amazing grandmother, Jenny performed in the 2019 One Acts, by filling in parts in Linger a While and the sweeper in Betcha. Technically she has been suckered onto the stage by her grandson Cole, and friend Heather - Who love her dearly and who know they couldn’t do it without her! She is amazing—A retired teacher from Fallsburg CSD, she spends her additional free time traveling with her amazing husband Lou.
Set Construction
Lou Silverman
House committee, Board member, Lou can be found working with hammer in hand, building the images that the director dreams up. And if not there, watch for him at the candy counter with candy bars, ice cream and a cold soda ready to serve! Too chilly? He can make a mean cup of coffee too!

Original Creative Team