Mystery at Upton House Cast

Tavia Melhus (Lady Headley Maxine Regina Steadly-Proud, Countess of Crawley - The Grande Dame)
Born in 1865, Lady Crawley is a 75 year old spitfire. She is an opinionated, fiery old woman in a young man’s world. Upon learning of her beloved husband’s mysterious death at the hands of the Germans she mourned for two days and then immediately started to plan a fund for war widows.
Pete Pellinen (Mr. Carson Wadsworth Rowley - The Butler )
Rowley has seen it all and so is direct, arrogant, pompous, proper, and has a dry wit. He is a veteran of the Great War, served in the most recent and so, has an enlisted man’s bearing. He’s only been with the staff for a month and has whipped them into shape.
Jamie Patterson (Mrs. Cassidy Baxter - The Personal Maid of the Countess of Crawley )
Mrs Baxter is a gentle soul, and motherly. She’s all heart and heartbreak. She is as meek as they come until something surprises her. She is easy to embarrass and kind, but she holds a grudge. She is married to the former butler, Clarence Baxter, who has stepped down with Lady Crawley’s blessing to enlist in the navy. She wants out of the staff and tried to use her husband’s enlistment to step down. He forbade it and so, here she is.
Karel Winkelaar (The Honorable Edgar Lynn Simon Marion Steadly-Proud III - The Spoiled Son )
Edgar is a spoiled brat and dumb as a brick, but he means well. He lives off his family’s fortune and collects an extravagant monthly allowance. He has been living out of three-star hotels since his mother gave his yacht away. He is completely smitten with Maggie, who he has known for two weeks. He often forgets her name even though they are engaged. He speaks with a proper dandy accent.
Chelsea Trucano (Miss Maggie Stimpleton - The Mysterious Woman )
Maggie’s a tough kid who can play all of the angles. She is brilliant and dangerous. She is a former member of the staff who was in charge of preparing the Lady’s medication. She was having an affair with Lord Crawley. She left after he died and moved on to seduce Edgar. She found him, seduced him, and inexplicably fell in love with the idiot.
Sam Papin (Chief Superintendent Christopher Kitchen - The Police)
C.S. Kitchen is a rough, gruff police superintendant known for his bowler hat and tweed jacket. He hates to drive and was assigned a driver from the Mechanized Transport Corp. He was a gambling friend of the late Lord Crawley and knew of the affair between the Earl and Maggie. He was blackmailing Lord Crawley. He is a veteran of the Great War and was asked to Upton House to present a talk to the guests about how to spot spies and saboteurs.
TBD (Charlee (Charleen) Weeks - Kitchen's driver,)
Charlee is a force in her own right. She is direct, confident, intelligent, and keen eyed. She is a volunteer member of the Mechanized Transport Corps. She is strong, intelligent, witty, and in any other age would be a leader, rather than a servant. She is the Detective.