A CHRISTMAS CAROL: The clock tolls for all. AUDITIONS

Virtual Accepted - In Person Preferred.
Type of Auditions - ALL AGES
You may present your own monologue, and sing your own carols OR use the outtakes from the script for each character noted below:
Virtual Auditions - ALL AGES
DEADLINE: Sunday September 7, 5pm. Monologue and/or Christmas Carol type song.
810 Caroline St - 4th Floor Fredericksburg
9/2 Monday 5pm to 7pm 9/4 Wednesday 5pm to 7pm 9/7 Saturday 6pm to 8pm 9/8 Sunday 11am to 2pm
Rehearsal Schedule
This is a large cast. As a result most characters will NOT be required to attend all rehearsals. Characters will have a rehearsal call based on the scenes they are in, jointly with others. The schedule will be broken down by scenes and joint characters to prevent having individuals present more than necessary. Initially the cast will rehearse specific scenes three rehearsals in a row, and then not return to those scenes until later in the schedule when the cast rehearses ACTS, 1, 2,3, 4, and 5 Separately or jointly. The closer to show dates the more rehearsal you will need to attend, in Mid to late November. However prior to November the schedule of dates each chanter needs to be present will be spread out over time. Expected days/times will be: Monday and Wednesday Evenings 630-830 Saturday Mornings and Sunday early afternoons. Starting Mid September.
Ebenezer Scrooge
Male 50+
{Grumpy old man with a hidden heart] ~ SCROOGE ~ [Counting house interchange between Uncle Ebenezer and Nephew Fred. Scrooge is slightly annoyed and being dismissive with his nephew who is trying to tell Ebenezer he has no reason to be unhappy and should enjoy the holiday.] “What else can I be when I live in such a world of fools as this? Merry Christmas!? Out upon Merry Christmas! What’s Christmas time to you but a time for paying bills without money; a time for finding yourself a year older, and not an hour richer; a time for balancing your books and having every item in them through a round dozens of months presented dead against you! If I could work my will, every idiot who goes about with ‘Merry Christmas’,” {mockingly} “on his lips, should be boiled with his own pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. He Should!” ~ SCROOGE ~ [Ebenezer over the course of an exchange keeps trying to end the conversation and get back to work. He gets progressively more determined.] “Good afternoon.” {Dismissive.} “Good afternoon.” {More Dismissive.} “Good afternoon.” {Annoyed.} “Good afternoon.” {Angry.} ~ SCROOGE ~ [Scrooge is lead to the slums of London by the Ghost of the Future to see those less fortunate and how they must survive.] {Recognizing this place as a location of bad reputation, nervously Scrooge moves Upstage Left Center, and looks upon audience in disgust.} “Spirit, this is not a good place. A man such as I should not find himself alone in such areas. I understand you wish me to see the poor in their time of need. But these individuals are half naked, and in drunken states. The smells and filth are abundant. Am I to learn compassion in visiting such a place? I cannot believe these people know of compassion as they tend to be of interest only to thy self at another’s expense – often with ill intent.” “Oh, no! As I have feared. Spirit! Hear me! I am not the man I was. I will not be the man I must have been but for this intercourse. Why show me this, if I am past all hope?” ~ SCROOGE ~ [Scrooge is presented with his own gravestone. Begs for a second chance.] “Good Spirit, your nature intercedes for me, and pitties me. Assure me that I yet may change these shadows you have shown me, by an altered life!” ~ SCROOGE ~ {Grabbing hold of the Spirits robe, Scrooge pleads and sobs simultaneously as lights fade to dark.} “I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach. Oh, tell me I may sponge away the writing on this Stone! I will honor Christmas Spirit; I will honor Christmas… I will honor Christmas.” ~ SCROOGE ~ [Scrooge awakes to a second chance and is beyond giddy – He cannot contain himself.] “I am much too happy. I don’t deserve this much joy. Here, the both of you must accept this. I have been quite a dreadful master.” {Mimics an animal roaring with teeth shown.} “Please, take five pounds each,” {Laundress immediately takes coin and looks at audience with surprised crazy expression.} “And consider that a forth coming and regular increase in your weekly wage.” {He stops, turns to the audience, and puts on a quizzical smirk.} “Oh my – that feels surprisingly good! Ha, ha!” {Turns back to both in doorway – now with an even crazier smile.} ~ SCROOGE ~ [Shouting out the door the two ladies exited because they believe him to be mad.] “Yes, well I deserve that I suppose. Nonetheless, a raise it is. You will see. Ha, ha!” {Turning towards audience.} “They will see, I am earnest and quite sound – maybe never more so sound in my days’ past.” ~ SCROOGE ~ [Scrooge goes to dinner and meets Clara, Fred’s wife, for the first time.] “I have not been a very kind or gracious uncle, and I most certainly failed to give you, dear Clara the honor you deserve, when you took Fred’s hand. For I am most ashamed of this and hope you may forgive this old man for his shortfalls. I can promise you to not be absent anymore, and to the best of my ability I will be here for you and Fred, as family should. For all that I have shall be yours, if you can find it to welcome me into your hearts.”
Nephew Fred and Clara
Male & Female 20-40
[Jovial kind hearted man] ~ NEPHEW FRED ~ [Nephew Fred has just been challenged by his uncle to explain why he thinks he there is any good in items that are not profitable. He speaks to his uncle through the audience and is at the same time trying to teach the audience this lesson. Halfway through he pivots back to his uncle and concludes the ‘speech’.] “There are many things from which I might have derived good, by which I have not profited, I dare say, Christmas among the rest. But I am sure I have always thought of Christmas time, when it has come around – apart from the veneration due to its sacred name and origin, if anything belonging to it can be apart from that – as good a time, a kind, forgiving, charitable, pleasant time; the only time I know of, in the long calendar of the year, {moves to and addresses audience as if looking out a window} when men and women seem by of one consent to open their shut-up hearts freely, and to think of people below them as if they really were fellow-passengers to the grave, and not another race of creatures bound on other journeys.” {Getting bolder, raises finger in ah ha moment, and returns to Scrooge’s desk} “And therefore, uncle, though it has never put a scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe that is has done me good, and will do me good; and I say, God bless it!” ~ NEPHEW FRED ~ [Fred having been dismissed and leaving his Ebenezer’s counting house, must have the last word, and adds a little humor by teasing his uncle.] “I am sorry, with all my heart, to find you so resolute. We have never had any quarrel, to which I have been a party. But I have made a trial in homage to Christmas, and I’ll keep my Christmas humour to the last. {Removes his hat from rack, and waives it at Scrooge} So, A Merry Christmas, uncle!” {Ebenezer responds Humbug – so Fred adds} “And A Happy New Year!” {Exclaimed with a defiant laugh as he moves towards door via Bob’s desk.} CLARA & FRED PARTY GAME [Fred and Clara are playing a fun teasing game with their party guests.] ~ CLARA ~ “Is it living or dead?” ~ NEPHEW FRED ~ “Ah, yes or no questions only, remember.” ~ CLARA ~ “Sorry. Is it living?” ~ NEPHEW FRED ~ “Yes.” ~ CLARA ~ “Is it an animal?” {Taking secret advise from a guest.} ~ NEPHEW FRED ~ “Oh Yes.” ~ CLARA ~ “Is it a cow? Mooo!” {Playfully go from one side to the other of Fred from behind.} ~ NEPHEW FRED ~ “Nooo.” {Mimicking Clara.} ~ CLARA ~ “Is it a dog? Woof!” {Playfully go from one side to the other of Fred from behind.} ~ NEPHEW FRED ~ “No.” {Laughs.} ~ CLARA ~ “Is it a rat?” {A party guest makes a rat hiss sound.} ~ NEPHEW FRED ~ “Ah – No, no it is not.” ~ CLARA ~ “Is it a Mule?” ~ NEPHEW FRED ~ “Ah – Sometimes. But no.” ~ CLARA ~ “Is it a rather disagreeable animal?” ~ CLARA ~ “I have found it out! I know what it is, Fred. I know what it is! {An ah-ha moment – finger up!} ~ CLARA ~ [Fred is having just discussed his uncle’s unwillingness to join family or events.] “More shame for him, Fred!” ~ CLARA ~ “I am sure he is very rich, Fred. At least you always tell me so – But what good is it all if you haven’t the joy of sharing your good fortune with those less fortunate – to see how much good you can do for others. All that wealth, how can he be so miserable?” ~ CLARA ~ “Oh, I have no patience with such waste. I honor your uncle because he is family, but I have no pity for him and his choices.” ~ CLARA ~ [Clare meets Scrooge for the first time. Walks over to Mr. Scrooge and gently puts her hand out. He reaches for it and takes it and places a kiss upon it.] “Welcome to our home, uncle Ebenezer. It is with great joy for Fred and Me, that you have come today. Merry Christmas.” ~ CLARA ~ “Why dear uncle Ebenezer. You have always been and always will be in our hearts, this you can be assured of. Please come celebrate Christmas with us. We are family.” {Pause} “This, calls for a carol. All Ye Faithful everyone…”
Jacob Marley's Ghost
Male 50+
[An old ghost - haunted spirit] ~ MARLEY’S GHOST ~ [The Ghost of Marley dark and deafening – trying to save a loss soul.] “Ebenezer.” ~ SCROOGE ~ “How now!? What do you want with me?” ~ MARLEY’S GHOST ~ “Much!” {Loudly and stern.} ~ SCROOGE ~ “Who are you?” ~ MARLEY’S GHOST ~ “Ask me who I was.” {Commanding Scrooge, who complies, to rise, with his hands.} ~ SCROOGE ~ “Who were you then?” {Raising his voice as if annoyed for being corrected}, “You’re particular – for a shade.” ~ MARLEY’S GHOST ~ “In life I was your partner, Jacob Marley.” ~ SCROOGE ~ “Jacob! but you are dead.” ~ MARLEY’S GHOST ~ “Huh! {laughs} Always the observant one, Ebenezer. Yes, I am dead, for you at this moment are still very much alive.” ~ MARLEY’S GHOST ~ “It is required of everyman that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellowmen and travel far and wide; and if that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death. It is doomed to wander through the world --- Oh WOOOEEE is MEEEE! – And witness what it cannot share, but might have shared on earth, and turned to happiness.” {Again, the spirit screams a frightful loud cry of agony and despair. Chains rattle.} ~ MARLEY’S GHOST ~ “I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it link by link, and yard by yard; I girded it on my own free will, and of my own free will I wore it. Is its pattern strange to you?” {Lays chain out in front of Scrooge.} {Ghost lets out the most frightful cry and rattling of chains among all.}
Bob Cratchet
Male 30-45
[A kind hearted working class family man] ~ BOB CRATCHIT ~ [Bob is about to leave the office for the holiday, and knowing the Scrooge is never happy with days off, is nervous about the conversation at hand, and just a want to get out. He begins to be cordial but remembers Scrooge does not enjoy such niceties and sees them as wasteful indulgences.] “A Merry Chr…” {Catching himself mid-sentiment and noticing the sideways look from Scrooge, Bob stops and clears his throat instead} “A merry critter I am Mr. Scrooge.” {Awkwardly countering his mistake and with a noted look on his face} “Ah, good night to you, Mr. Scrooge.” {Bob, takes his own hat off rack, and moves toward exit, rushed.} ~ BOB CRATCHIT ~ [Bob has returned home with Tiny Tim and his wife asks him how the boy behaved while at church amongst the people.] “As good as gold, and better. He showed no such concerns. He hides his ills well, I should admit, more than I could ever hide such.” {pauses in thought} “Somehow, he gets thoughtful, sitting by himself so much, and thinks the strangest things you ever heard. He told me, coming home, that he hoped the people saw him in the church, because he was a cripple, and it might be pleasant to them to remember upon Christmas Day, who made lame beggars walk, and blind men see.” {Voice trembling part way through as Bob reflects on the day.}. “He still has the innocent hope so dashed from our means.” ~ BOB CRATCHIT ~ [Regaining composure after thinking about the loss of Tiny Tim, for the benefit of all, he rises and moves center room while Mrs. Cratchit takes his seat.} “You might be surprised as to who I met while on my walk, none other than Mr. Scrooge’s Nephew, who I have scarcely seen in quite some time. Such an extraordinarily kind man. He saw I was a bit down,” {catches his admission in front of his children – downplays} “just a little down, you know, and he inquired as to what was in my distress. I of course told him of our loss.” {Pause for thoughtful effect} “He turned to me and said, ’I am heartily sorry for it, Mr. Cratchit, and heartily sorry for your good wife.’ By the bye, how he ever knew that, I don’t know.”
Gentleman and Businessmen
Male/Female 18+
[Town Folk who volunteer for causes] ~ GENTLEMAN NUMBER ONE AND TWO ~ {Singing gaily before entering. It should end off-key – to seem realistic to two gentlemen who rarely sing.} “God rest ye merry gentlemen, let nothing you dismay; Remember Christ our Savior, was born on Christmas Day; To save us all from Satan's power, when we were gone astray; Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy; Oh, tidings of comfort and joy.” ~ GENTLEMAN NUMBER TWO ~ “Ahh, this is the place I believe. Is your Master available dear Sir?” {They enter the Counting House, addressing Bob, who directs them to Scrooges’ desk, where they hand Ebenezer, a business calling card. Scrooge reviews the card in earnest.} ~ GENTLEMAN NUMBER ONE ~ “Scrooge and Marley’s I believe,” {Checking a list in his hand and removing hats into hands} “Have I the pleasure of addressing Mr. Scrooge, or Mr. Marley?” ~ GENTLEMAN NUMBER TWO ~ “We have no doubt his liberality is well represented by his surviving partner.” ~ GENTLEMAN NUMBER ONE ~ “At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,” {Taking up pen to his list. Moves to opposite side of Scrooge, whilst other gentleman stays on one side} “it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time. Many thousands are in want of common necessaries; hundreds of thousands are in want of common comforts, sir.” ~ GENTLEMAN NUMBER ONE ~ “Under the impression that they scarcely furnish Christian cheer of mind or body to the multitude, a few of us are endeavoring to raise a fund to buy the Poor some meat and drink and means of warmth. We choose this time, because it is a time, of all others, when Need is keenly felt, and Abundance rejoices. What shall I put you down for?” [Businessmen show little empathy and are both dismissive and arbitrary about the death of a man they knew.] ~ BUSINESSMAN NUMBER ONE ~ “No, I don’t know much about it, either way. I only know he’s dead.” ~ BUSINESSMAN NUMBER TWO ~ “When did he die?” ~ BUSINESSMAN NUMBER ONE ~ “Last night, I believe.” ~ BUSINESSMAN NUMBER TWO ~ “Why, what was the matter with him? I thought he’d never die.” ~ BUSINESSMAN NUMBER ONE ~ “God knows. Maybe he was suddenly allergic to Silver and Gold.” {Both Businessmen laugh at this quip.} ~ BUSINESSMAN NUMBER TWO ~ “What has he done with his money?” ~ BUSINESSMAN NUMBER ONE ~ “I haven’t heard. Left it to his company, perhaps. He hasn’t left it to me. That’s all I know.” {Laughingly.} ~ BUSINESSMAN NUMBER TWO ~ “Nor I, I can guarantee that much. Never heard him speak of family. More for Parliament I suppose. How ironic, that in his death, the government might spend his money on others – such a dreadful thought – he will roll over in his grave.” {Both men laugh.} ~ BUSINESSMAN NUMBER ONE ~ “It is likely to be a very cheap funeral, for upon my life I don’t know anybody to go to it. Suppose we make up a party and volunteer?” ~ BUSINESSMAN NUMBER TWO ~ “I don’t mind going if a lunch is provided. But I must be fed if I am to form such a group.” {Another Laugh among all.}
Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Dilber, Laundress
Female 18+
[Comedic Roles - Sarcasms] COOK – DILBER – LAUNDRESS – ADULT BELLE ~ MRS. COOK ~ [Mrs. Cook finds out that her holiday won’t be days off, but instead she will have to watch young Ebenezer, and she is a bit dismayed.] “Well, I have a hard enough time caring for all you little ones when I have to each day of the year. Christmas is the one time I get to not have to run about and prepare meals for the lot of you. So don’t expect much while we are together. You’ll have to fend for yourself for most meals. You can share a table with me at dinner, but other than that, take the time to sit back and relax with a good book or two – That is what I will be doing, and I don’t expect to be interrupted or otherwise bothered – understood?” [Having overheard from a doorway, that Ebenezer will be going home, she becomes excited.] “Bring down Master Scrooge’s Box to the carriage, there! Please make haste.” {Looking at the children} “It’ about time, you would come and fetch this lad, I would say. Five years I have had him in my hair at Christmas.” {Messes with his hair} “This will be a good holiday for me, that is for certain. I have Great Expectations!” {Exits scene.} ~ MRS. DILBER ~ [Dismissing judgement from others for selling off a dead man’s wares.] “Every person has a right to take care of themselves. He Always did! Why then, don’t stand staring as if you were afraid, man; who’s the wiser? We’re not going to pick holes in each other’s coats, I suppose. ~ LAUNDRESS ~ [Laundress is the most eccentric and comedic character – facial expressions and over reactions are key to delivery.] “Look ‘ere, ole Joe, just by chance! If we ‘aven’t all three met ‘ere without meaning it! What odds then! What odds, Mrs. Dilber, we both come ‘ere we ‘ave? We could ‘ave shared the cost of a carriage, couldn’t we ‘ave.” “If he wanted to keep ‘em after he was dead, the wicked old screw, why wasn’t he natural in ‘is lifetime? If he had been, he’d ‘ave had someone to look after ‘im when he was struck with Death, instead of lying gasping out ‘is last breath, there, alone by ‘imself.” “I wish it was a little ‘eavier judgement, and it should ‘ave been, you may depend upon it, if I could ‘ave laid my ‘ands on anything else, I would ’ave, I would.” “NOOO!, No of course not” {She turns her head to the audience and gives a nervous face of relief, eyes wide open.} “Don’t you be afraid of that, I aint so fond of ‘is company that I’d loiter about him for such things, if he did. Ah! You may look through that shirt till your eyes ache, but you won’t find a ‘ole in it, nor a threadbare place. It’s the best he had, and a fine one too. They’d ‘ave wasted it, if it hadn’t been for me.”
Adult Belle, Mrs. Cratchit
Female 30+
[Matriarchs] ~ ADULT BELLE ~ [The break-up scene] “I am not surprised he is not by his partners’ side. He tends to that which serves him best, I suppose. Sad as it is, Ebenezer is as wealthy as a man could want to be. He needs no one and is happy it seems in being in his own singular company. His love will always be for the gain he can achieve, not for another soul.” ~ MRS. CRATCHIT ~ “The Founder of the Feast indeed! I wish I had him here. I’d give him a piece of my mind to feast upon, and I hope he’d have a good appetite for it.” {She faces Bob but looks through Scrooge as she vents her frustrations.} “It should be Christmas Day, I am sure, on which one drinks the health of such an odious, stingy, hard, unfeeling man as Mr. Scrooge.” {Each word like a shot at Scrooges face – who takes each as if a hit to his head. The ghost shakes his head in agreement on each attack.} “You know he is Robert! Nobody knows better than you do, poor fellow!.” {Mockingly pretending to be Mr. Scrooge in jest.} “I suppose you’ll want the whole day off tomorrow?” “Very well, Robert. I’ll drink his health for your sake and the Day’s, not for his. Long life to him! A Merry Christmas and a happy new year! He’ll be very Merry and very happy; I have no doubt! Mr. Scrooge!”
John and Caroline
Male/Female 18+
[Comedic - ad lib roles] JOHN AND CAROLINE [A melodramatic over the top comedic break from reality – a potential for ad lib with audience interaction.] ~ CAROLINE ~ “Oh, John” {Upon seeing him coming. She quickly picks an audience member and asks them to hold the baby.} “Here, hold this.” {Turning back to John who has arrived at her arms, and they embrace.} “Is it good? Or bad? John?” ~ JOHN ~ “Bad.” ~ CAROLINE ~ “We are quite ruined! Prison?” {They embrace tighter, sides to audience.} ~ JOHN ~ “No. There is hope yet, sweet Caroline.” ~ CAROLINE ~ “If he relents, there is! Nothing is past hope, if such a miracle has happened.” ~ JOHN ~ “He is past relenting. He is, I am afraid,” {dramatic pause} “Dead!” {They both turn heads toward audience on Dead! And a smile crosses their face, but quickly turns to shame.} ~ CAROLINE ~ “Oh John, may the Lord forgive me for such thoughts of joy at a time of such sorrow. This man he treated our debt harsh, but the debt was fair and his lease just. I should not find hope in his death, but I fear I might. So, to whom will our debt be transferred?” ~ JOHN ~ “Transferred??? – Oh, bullocks – right. I don’t know, but before that time we shall be ready with the money; and even if we were not, it would be a bad fortune indeed to find so merciless a creditor in his successor as he.” {Embracing her again.} “We may sleep to-night with light hearts, Caroline.” {The couple begins to exit, when Caroline suddenly remembers the baby.} ~ CAROLINE ~ {Running to the audience member, Caroline directs her comments to the unlucky person.} “Give me my baby. What is wrong with you, who would do such a thing?!” {She exits.} ~ JOHN ~ {Follows Caroline to the audience member, and stays behind after she retrieves the baby, to scowl at the audience member.} “The NERVE! Taking, children – what type of person takes another person’s child?” {He looks around to see if Caroline has gone.} ~ JOHN ~ “Do you want it. Seriously, I can’t keep doing this, the sleepless nights, the crying, the spitting up, the baby talk, the poopy pants; Oh My God, the poopy pants – it’s not natural – have you seen the color; Help me, please. Help me!” ~ CAROLINE ~ {From off stage, she shouts.} “John, are you coming – the baby needs his father – he’s all wet in front!” ~ JOHN ~ “It’s never dry. Wet, Wet. Little bugger is like a fountain.” {John exits, mumbling all the way, like a frustrated] child.} “Baby’s wet in the front. Always wet. John, come get the baby, John, it’s your turn. John, John, John….” {Exits.}
Trader Joe - Mr. Fezziwig
Male 35+
[Jovial Comedic Roles] ~ OLD TRADER JOE ~ [A shifty pawn broker of sort – not overly honest in his assessments.] “You couldn’t ‘ave met in a better place. Come into the parlour.” {Sarcastically as this is no place for a parlour} “You were made free of it long ago, you know” {pointing to the undertaker} “and the other two aint no strangers to my establishment either. We’re all suitable to our calling, we’re all well matched.” {They all encircle the table.} “A pencil case – not of much use to my clientele, not a one can write I put wager to that. A brooch, nice quality, pretty face, but most likely more lead than silver, I expect. The time piece is in working order, this is good. Ah, gold cufflinks” {Noticing that they are indeed real gold, Trader Joe smiles as he inspects the cuff links, facing the audience, he catches his mistake in having too much excitement, and everts his eyes up towards the visitors, then proclaiming…} “Ahh… probably plated, but shiny enough. Let’s see, carry the one, right, then. That’s your account, and I wouldn’t give another six-pence, if I was to be boiled for not doing it. Who’s next?” {The Undertaker retrieves the coins placed on the table without comment, and places them in his money satchel. The other to try to sneak-a-peak at his earnings.} {He tries to match the shoes to his own feet to see if they will fit. Again, doing chalk math, and laying some coins on the table. Mrs. Dilber flirts a little with Trader Joe as he counts.} “I always give too much to ladies. It’s a weakness of mine, and that’s the way I ruin myself. That’s your account. If you asked me for another penny, and made it an open question, I’d repent of being so liberal and knock off half-a-crown, I would.” ~ MR. FEZZIWIG ~ {An excited and jovial man who brings joy to any room he enters] “Yo-ho, my boys! No more work to-night. Christmas Eve, Jacob. Christmas, Ebenezer! Let’s have the shutters up and curtains drawn, before a man can say Jack Robinson! Hilli-ho! My lads, and let’s be ready for a grand buffet, games, dancing and carols!” ~ MR. FEZZIWIG ~ “Hilli-ho, Jacob! Chirrup, Ebenezer!” {Both, smile back.} “A Christmas Bonus for both you lads.”
Ghost of Christmas Present
Male 18+
[Loud and Obnoxious] ~ GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT ~ [An over-the-top jovial spirit] “Ho! Ho! Ebenezer! A Merry Christmas my Lad. A Merry Christmas! Come here Ebenezer. Come here and know me better, man! I need not be feared.” “Ho! Ho! Ha! Ha! Ha! I am but the Ghost of Christmas Present. Look upon me!” “You have never seen the like of me before! Ha, ha!” {The Ghost finishes the grog and lets out a most grand burp.} “Burp!” {Clears throat, wipes his face with his sleeve while he looks upon Scrooge, and outstretches his arm.} “Touch my Robe!” “Ha! Ha, ha! Missed me, I tricked you, I tricked you. Ha! Ha, Ha!” {Dances about the stage teasing Scrooge} [in response to an accusation based on an assumption – increasingly annoyed.] “I!?” {Questioning.} “I!” {Confused even more.} “I seek!” {Loudly in dismay.} ~ GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT ~ “Man, if man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What surplus is, and, Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live; what men shall die? It may be, that in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man’s child.” {Ghost becoming angry) “Oh God! To hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust!” {Calmer} “No, good fortune is not an indicator of self-worth, lest that be known and remembered by us all.”
Ghost of Christmas Past
Male/Female 13+
[Sweet and thoughtful] ~ GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST ~ [Scrooge tells the Ghost that they are too bright – not understanding the light being shined is at a level to offset his own darkness.] “What! Would you so soon put out, with worldly hands, the light I give? Is it not enough that you are one of those whose passions made this cap and force me through whole trains of years to wear it low upon my brow!” ~ GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST ~ “The school is not quite deserted. A solitary child, neglected by his friends, is left there still.” ~ GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST ~ “Always a delicate creature, whom a breadth might have withered, but she had a large heart!” ~ GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST ~ “She dies a woman, and had, as I think, children?” {Knowingly by questioning.}
Beggar, Goose, Young Ebenezer/Fan, Tiny Tim
Children Ages 5-17
[Excited, Vibrant, Boisterous] BEGGAR CHILDREN – GOOSE CHILDREN – YOUNF FAN – YOUNG EBENEZER – TINY TIM ~ SCROOGE ~ “What are you doing on my doorstep child?” ~ BEGGAR ONE ~ “Why, singing! sir?” ~ SCROOGE ~ “Singing!” ~ BEGGAR TWO ~ “Yes, sir. Beg your pardon. We thought that was clearer. Might you happen to have any change?” ~ SCROOGE ~ “Change!” {Angrily.} ~ BEGGAR THREE ~ “Would you sir, for a couple of poor children just trying to make a few bobs, we is? Bringing some holiday cheer, you see.” ~ SCROOGE ~ “What’s to-day, my fine fellow?” ~ GOOSE CHILD TWO ~ “To-day? Why it’s Christmas Day.”{Replies with a confused tone.} ~ GOOSE CHILD FOUR ~ “What, the one as big as me?” ~ SCROOGE ~ “No, no. I am in earnest. Go and buy it” ~ GOOSE CHILD FOUR ~ “Right away, Guvnor.” {Turning to playmates.} “Come on – Let’s go! No time to hang about.” {All run off like a shot.} ~ GOOSE CHILD TWO ~ “There he is. He’s the one who wants the bird.” ~ YOUNG FAN ~ “Dear, dear brother. I have come to bring you home, dear, dear brother. Yes, to bring you home, home, home!” ~ YOUNG EBENEZER ~ “Home, little Fan?” ~ YOUNG FAN ~ “Yes! Home, for good and all. Home, for ever and ever. Father is so much kinder than he used to be, that home is like Heaven! He spoke so gently to me one dear night when I was going to bed, that I was not afraid to ask him once more if you might come home, and he said Yes, you should; and sent me in a coach to bring you. And you’re to be a man! And are never to come back here; but first, we’re to be together for all the Christmas long, and have the merriest time in all the worlds!” {Clapping her hands in excitement.} ~ YOUNG EBENEZER ~ “You are quite a woman, little Fan! You have saved me so.” ~ TINY TIM ~ “She was?” {Astonished and not in on the joke.} ~ TINY TIM ~ “Yes, I should have. How many horses and coachman did it have?” {Disappointed.} ~ TINY TIM ~ “Who’s Grace?” {Ghost points to self.} ~ TINY TIM ~ “Hurrah!” {As he bangs the table with his fork and spoon. All laugh.} ~ TINY TIM ~ “God bless us, every-one!”
Young Belle, Apprentice Ebenezer, Peter, Belinda,
Youth Roles 12-17
[Romantic] YOUNG BELLE – APPRENTICE EBENEZER – BELINDA – PETER ~ YOUNG BELLE ~ “It matters little.” {Crying softly}, “To you, very little. Another idol has displaced me; and if it can cheer and comfort you in time to come, as I would have tried to do, I have no just cause to grieve.” ~ APPRENTICE EBENEZER ~ “What Idol has displaced you?” ~ YOUNG BELLE ~ “A golden one.” ~ APPRENTICE EBENEZER ~ “This is the even-handed dealing of the world! There is nothing on which it is so hard as poverty; and there is nothing it professes to condemn with such severity as the pursuit of wealth!” ~ YOUNG BELLE ~ “You fear the world too much. All your other hopes have merged into the hope of being beyond the chance of its sordid approach. I have seen your nobler aspirations fall off one by one, until the master-passion, Gain, engrosses you. Have I not?” ~ APPRENTICE EBENEZER ~ “What then? Even if I have grown so much wiser, what then? I am not changed towards you.” ~ YOUNG BELLE ~ {Belle moves toward Apprentice Ebenezer, and removes a ring from her finger, placing into his hands.} “Our contract is an old one. It was made when we were both poor and content to be so, until, in good season, we could improve our worldly fortune by our patient industry. You are changed. When it was made, you were another man of another mind.” ~ APPRENTICE EBENEZER ~ “I was a boy.” {Impatiently, stepping away.} ~ BELINDA ~ “I walked by the bakers today, and they had smelt goose, and it made such an aroma, that it pleased my senses. I could all but hoped it was our own, basking in luxurious thoughts of sage and onions. I imagined it to be the largest goose ever, and we should all dine on it” ~ PETER ~ “We have a bountiful saucepan of scrumptious potatoes prepared for us by our devoted mum, lest we forget, how lucky we is, this very day, to have a roof with little rain making an effort to enter each storm, and the cold winds of winter kept tightly outside our aged door. We should not have desires beyond our means, and shy away from such envious thoughts.” {Mrs. Cratchit walks over and gently kisses his head in thanks then moves to door.} ~ BELINDA ~ “Yes, we are. Lucky indeed. In fact, I am most certain that our potatoes have been enhanced with the flavor of goose nonetheless, as Mother works her magic, lucky we are.” {Happily.} ~ BELINDA ~ “Here’s Martha Mother. Hurrah!” {adding sarcastically} “There’s such a goose, Martha.” {They all laugh in unison.}
Other Roles
Male & Female All Ages
Other roles in the play will be selected via auditions from the roles noted above that have similar character styles.
Some Light Singing - Christmas Carols
[You do not have to sing well - just be able to join the chorus and sing like any average person] Below is a list of Christmas Carols that may be sung during the show. Please pick one associated wit your role(s) or that you are comfortable with for the audition.

Christmas Carols to be sung - Most as a group - some separate

CAROLS AND SONGS - We are not expecting great singers - just average tunes within a chorus of others.



[Singing and stalling for time around the stage – cleaning and preparing room.]


“Away in a manger – No crib for a bed – The little Lord Jesus – Laid down His sweet head – The stars in the bright sky – Looked down where He lay – The little Lord Jesus – Asleep on the hay.  The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes, but little Lord Jesus no crying he makes.  I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky, and stay by my cradle ‘til morning is nigh.  Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay, Close by me forever, and love me, I pray. Bless all the dear children in thy tender care, and take us to heaven, to live with Thee there.  Take us to heaven to live with Thee there.”




“Oh, come, all ye faithful; Joyful and triumphant!” {Scrooge smiles and joins in nervously at first then full throttle, as Nephew Fred and Clara take him by both arms and bring him Upstage Center Left, rocking him side to side.} “Oh, come ye, oh come ye, to Bethlehem: Come and behold Him, Born the King of Angels; Oh come, let us adore him; Oh, come, let us adore him, Oh, come let us adore him…”




“Silent night, holy night, all is calm, and all is bright; Round young virgin, mother and child, Holy infant, so tender and mild; Sleep in heavenly peace, ooh, sleep in heavenly peace.”


CAROLE #1: Do You Hear What I Hear? 



Said the night wind to the little lamb, 

“Do you see what I see? (Do you see what I see?)

Way up in the sky, little lamb, 

Do you see what I see? 

A star, a star, dancing in the night 

With a tail as big as a kite, 

With a tail as big as a kite." 


Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy, 

“Do you hear what I hear? (Do you hear what I hear?)

Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy, 

Do you hear what I hear? (Do you hear what I hear?)

A song, a song high above the trees 

With a voice as big as the sea, 

With a voice as big as the sea."


Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king, 

“Do you know what I know? (Do you know what I know?)

In your palace warm, mighty king, 

Do you know what I know? (Do you know what I know?)

A Child, a Child shivers in the cold~

Let us bring him silver and gold, 

Let us bring him silver and gold." 


Said the king to the people everywhere, 

“Listen to what I say! (Listen to what I say!)

Pray for peace, people, everywhere, 

Listen to what I say! (Listen to what I say!)

The Child, the Child sleeping in the night 

He will bring us goodness and light, 

He will bring us goodness and light."




CAROLE #2: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen




God rest you merry, gentlemen, 

Let nothing you dismay, 

Remember Christ our Savior 

Was born on Christmas Day; 

To save us all from Satan's power 

When we were gone astray. 

O tidings of comfort and joy, 

Comfort and joy, 

O tidings of comfort and joy! 


In Bethlehem in Israel 

This blessed babe was born; 

And lay within a manger 

Upon this blessed morn; 

For which his mother Mary

Did nothing, taking scorn. 

O tidings of comfort and joy, 

Comfort and joy, 

O tidings of comfort and joy! 


From God our heavenly Father

A blessed angel came; 

And unto certain shepherds 

Brought tidings of the same; 

How that in Bethlehem was born 

The Son of God by name. 

O tidings of comfort and joy,

Comfort and joy, 

O tidings of comfort and joy!



“Joy to the world! The Lord is come!
Let earth receive Her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing

Joy to the world! The Savior reigns!
Let all their songs employ!
While fields and floods, rocks, hills, and plains

Repeat the sounding joy! 
Repeat the sounding joy! 
Repeat, repeat the sounding joy! 


No more let sins and sorrow grow
Nor thorns infest the ground.

He comes to make, His blessings flow

Far as the curse is found

Far as, Far as, the curse is found.

He rules the world with truth and grace
And makes the nations prove
The glories of His righteousness
And wonders of His love! 
And wonders of His love! 
And wonders, wonders of His love!”