Fools Creative

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Costume crew
Izzie Brinker
Izzie Brinker is the daughter of Pat and Ana Brinker and went to Our Lady of Lourdes. She has participated in several theater productions, including “County Fair” and “This is a Test”. She enjoys participating in theater because she gets to be a part of an amazing cast and crew. Finally, Izzie would like to end with “Do one thing every day that scares you - Eleanor Roosevelt.”
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Production Stage Manager
Lucy Schaefer
Lucy Schaefer is the daughter of Laura Heath Schaefer. She went to Whitegate Montessori Land School. She participated in “This is a Test”, “Kodachrome”, and “County Fair”, along with many many more. She enjoys participating in theater because it gives her a sense of accomplishment. Finally, she’d like to end with “Mr. Buchheit deserves so much respect. It’s truly amazing how much he pulls off every single show.”
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Head of Construction
Nicole Frankenberg
Nicole Frankenberg is the daughter of Patricia and Jeff Frankenberg and went to St. Gertrude’s. She has participated in several theater productions, including “Big Fish”, “County Fair”, and “Kodachrome”. She enjoys participating in theater because she gets a chance to be creative and do what she loves while hanging out and working with friends.
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Head of Costumes
Maddie Dickinson
Maddie Dickinson is the daughter of Rebecca and Joseph Dickinson and she went to Immaculate Conception. She has participated in several theater productions, including “Kodachrome”, “County Fair”, and “Wizard of Oz”. She enjoys participating in theater because she loves being around this group of people who inspire her daily.
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Sound crew
Lucia Miller
Lucia Miller is the daughter of Shawn and Kara Miller and she went to Union Middle School. She participated in “Kodachrome”. She enjoys being a part of theater because it’s fun to do something other than sports.
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Sound Crew
Nicole Apprill
Nicole Apprill is the daughter of Lisa and Curt Apprill. She went to St. Gertrude’s. She enjoys being a part of theater because she gets to be involved and participate with her friends. Finally, she wants to say “I’m glad to be a part of an extracurricular for my senior year.”
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Master Electrician
Benjamin Hampton
Ben Hampton is the son of Tina and Micheal Hampton, and he went to St. Francis Borgia Grade School. He has been involved in “Kodachrome”, “County Fair”, “We Live by the Sea” and many more. He enjoys being a part of theater because he gets to hang out with his friends and create something others enjoy.
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Lights crew
Evan Benne
Evan Benne is the son of Duane and Vanessa Benne. He went to Our Lady of Lourdes. He has participated in “County Fair”, and enjoys being a part of theater because being a part of something big is fun and the people accept him and make it fun. Finally, he would like to say, “And now for your education. Before there was time, before there was anything, there was nothing. And before there was nothing…there were monsters. Here’s your gold star!”
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Construction crew
Luna Potter
Luna Potter is the daughter of Colleen Potter and went to Washington Middle School. She participated in “This is a Test”. She enjoys being a part of theater because she helps create quality entertainment for the audience and crew.
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Props crew
Lydia Paubel
Lydia Paubel is the daughter of Mary and Brad Paubel, she went to Union Middle School. She’s participated in “How to get into College”, “County Fair”, and “Kodachrome”. She enjoys being a part of theater because it is fun.
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Construction crew
Maddy Rodrigues
Maddy Rodrigues is the daughter of Deídre and Luiz Rodrigues. She went to Immaculate Conception. She has participated in “How to get into College”, “County Fair”, and “This is a Test”. She enjoys being a part of theater because it’s fun.
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Props master
Josie Collins
Josie Collins is the daughter of Lance and Angie Collins. She went to Immaculate Conception. She has participated in “ We Live by the Sea”, “Clue”, “Wizard of Oz” and many more. She enjoys being a part of theater because she enjoys getting to make great memories with the people she loves the most. Finally, she would like to say “Love yourself and be yourself”.
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Head of House
Kersten Mayer
Kersten is the daughter of Jodi and Dominic Mayer. She went to Washington Middle School. She’s participated in “Clue”, “Kodachrome”, “How to get into College” and more. She enjoys being part of theater because it has all her friends involved and is like another family to her. Finally, she’d like to say “Heave-Ho!”
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Construction crew
Destin Boland
Destin Boland is the son of Cassandra and Matthew Boland. He went to South Point Elementary. He has experience in Robotics and building robots. He enjoys participating in theater because it gives him a feeling of contributing to something that not only entertains people but adds to a community in and of itself. Finally, he would to say “Out of all the dead CEO’s, I feel bad for Walt Disney.”
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Construction crew
Kali Glosemeyer
Kali is the daughter of Mary Glosemeyer, and she went to St. Ignatius of Loyola. She was a part of “This is a Test” and she enjoys being a part of theater because she loves being a part of this group of people.
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House crew
Lillian McDonald
Lillian is the daughter of Lisa and Bryan McDonald, and she went to St. Francis Borgia Grade School. She participated in “This is a Test”, “County Fair”, “Kodachrome” and more. She enjoys being a part of theater because the people are amazing and she has a lot of fun doing it. Finally, she’d like to say “Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.”
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House crew
Amadea Shaw
Amadea Shaw is the daughter of Vincent Shaw and she went to St. Bridget of Kildare. She has never participated in theater before, but she took the technical theater classes. She enjoys participating in theater because it is fun and enjoyable. It’s a place where she can be herself without having to fake anything around people who feel similarly to her.
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Makeup crew
Maddison Seeck
Maddison Seeck is the daughter of Sarah Dyson and Brian Seeck and went to Our Lady of Lourdes. She enjoys participating in theater because it is a positive and fun environment and she is excited to be a part of something.
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Props crew
Rebecca Brinkmann
Rebecca Brinkmann is the daughter of Dan and Debbie Brinkmann and she went to St. Vincent de Paul. She has been involved in several theater productions, including “How to get into College”, “County Fair”, “Kodachrome”, and “This is a Test”. She enjoys being a part of theater because she gets to have fun with all of her friends.
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Sonic Engineer
Maggie Duggan
Maggie Duggan is the daughter of Tom and Linda Duggan and went to Immaculate Conception. She has participated in several theater productions, including “How to get into College”, “Kodachrome”, and “County Fair”. She enjoys participating in theater because she likes being a part of something with her friends.
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Head of Makeup
Sophia Anderson
Sophia Anderson, the daughter of Cassie Anderson, went to Rockwood Valley Middle School. She has participated in many theater productions, including "Kodachrome," "How to Get into College," and “County Fair”. She participates in theater. Also, she likes to draw, and she works as a babysitter. She would like to thank her mom for always being supportive of her, no matter what. She would like to end with “nothing”

Original Creative Team