About The Lonely Death of L. Harris

L. Harris is dead, alone and unseen in a NYC apartment with no next of kin and no mourners. Join IRTE in this serio-comedy as they piece together the clues and secrets of a life unnoticed, improvising a fitting obituary. Are any of us truly knowable? Is identity immutable? Or are we the sum of others’ perceptions?

IRTE, the Improvisational Repertory Theatre Ensemble, LLC, is an award-winning collective of actors and
writers who develop, produce and perform a season of original themed improvisational shows, following
the basic model of traditional repertory theatre. Inspired by the work of Viola Spolin, the Theatre of the
Ridiculous movement, and the indie comedy scene of turn-of-this-century's NYC, we incorporate simple
costumes, dime store props, and broad irreverent characters for a fluid and very funny show that breaks
down barriers between actor and spectator. Founded in 2011, IRTE's Mission is to create a tight
ensemble of comedy performers who work collaboratively to develop and produce new and innovative
theatre that melds traditional theatrical elements with the immediacy and spontaneity of improvisation.
IRTE has performed in NYC and across the country at various festivals, including Atlanta Fringe, Tucson

Fringe, In Fringe Festival New Orleans, Port Fringe Fest, the Providence Fringe Festival, Asheville Fringe
Arts Festival, Theatre For the New City's Dream Up Festival, the Del Close Marathon, Philadelphia
Improv Festival, Boston Comedy Arts Festival, and NYC Improv Festival. IRTE received Best Comedy
honors at the 2020 Tucson Fringe Festival. Previously, they won "Artists Who Made Me Laugh the Most"
at the Asheville Fringe Festival and Outstanding Genre Show at the Unscripted New York Festival.

Genre: Improv

Age Range: PG-13