About Confessionals

The audience is bearing witness and given the “power” to be the judge, jury, and executioner with the hopes that witnessing the artist's honest and vulnerable confessions without shame and guilt will highlight the beauty in the art of confessing while bringing to light the patriarchal hierarchy of Catholicism. This performance is an act of reclaiming feminine power and dissolving the shame that comes with confession, highlighting that vulnerability is in fact, an act of great courage. 

Gabriele Keusch is a queer BIPOC poet and performance artist, creating atmospheric landscapes dripping in history, her own muses, and a meditative blossoming. A long time Florida transplant, who uses ritual, metaphor, raw materials and the power of vulnerability in her performances. 

For her spoken word, Gabriele uses an analog loop pedal to create an atmospheric container, one to set the mood of the space, but to also create a feeling of being held, or to evoke a feeling that captures. From there she reads her work~ will involve the audience in some way and ritual is always a big part of what she does. You will see jars of dirt or bowls of water during her performances, all to conjure a feeling of connection, a feeling of sacredness. Ritual is life, is magik and these are at the root of all her performances.

Genre: Spoken Word

Age Range:  PG-13