Much Ado Out West Cast

Kirsten Davis (Calamity Jane)
Well, bless your heart! Did you hear the news about Kirsten? She's finally makin' her debut at the Spotlight Community Theatre! She's plum tickled pink about it, y'all. You see, she's been workin' her tail off behind the scenes for KHT's "The Odd Couple", "A Doll's House Part 2", and "Boeing Boeing". But that ain't all; her first time on stage was as the Compositor for "Book of Will", and now she's attendin' Salem PlayHouse's actin' class with Zach Dufault. When Kirsten ain't busy being a dedicated full-time preschool teacher, she loves spendin' her free time readin' books, hangin' out with her brother, and playin' with her dogs. She's downright grateful to Zach DuFault for helpin' her step out of her comfort zone to develop her actin' skills. She's also mighty thankful for her family's unwaverin' support throughout her actin' journey.
Cadance Pedersen (Winny)
Cadance is back on Spotlight's stage after her amazin' performances in The Importance of Being Earnest and Alice: The Musical. Bless her heart! When she's not actin', she loves being a part of her church's home school co-op and lendin' a hand with the children and A/V. In her free time, she likes to read, bake, play basketball and softball, and play the piano. Ain't she just the sweetest thang?
Emma Lee Abell (Betty)
Y'all meet Emma Lee Abell, a mighty talented theatre artist who's been a part of nine shows and loved every moment on stage. Maybe y'all remember her from "Alice: The Musical", where she played the iconic Mad Hatter here at Spotlight. This time, she's fixin' to take on the lead role for the first time. When she's not actin', Emma likes to indulge in her hobbies, which include sewin', gamin', weldin', and gardenin'. Emma loves to make folks laugh, and as Betty, she aims to bring a big smile to your face. So, without any further ado, she hopes y'all have a fantastic time out west! (Pun intended!)
Mary Sangster (Aunte Betty/Wugly Twin #1)
Bet Y'all would like to learn somethin' 'bout Mary. She is just the sweetest thang and an absolute peach, ya hear? Mary's got a natural talent for actin' and has been in many plays when she was in high school and college. She even played Nursie in Spotlight Community Theatre's "Sleeping Beauty: The Musical," and let me tell you, she was just exceptional! When she's not on stage, Mary loves spendin' time with her family, includin' her husband, four little ones and her doggy. She's also a youth minister at her church, bless her heart. Mary loves to sew, craft, and even 3-D print. And if that ain't enough, she gets a real kick out of watchin' them horror movies and finds the gory special effects downright hilarious. Mary still lives in the same ol' house she grew up in. Ain't that somethin?
Boaz Pedersen (Pedro)
Goodness gracious, y'all! Boaz, who y'all might remember from his stellar performance in "The Importance of Being Earnest," is fixin' to return to Spotlight's stage alongside his sister Cady and brother Elijah. He is a math whiz in high school at his church's homeschool co-op. Durin' his free time, he loves to compete in sports, play video games, and build Legos. We sure hope y'all are just as thrilled as we are to see what this talented young man will bring to the stage this time!
Ryan Landman (Claude)
Y'all, let me tell you 'bout Ryan. He's always been mighty passionate 'bout actin', and he's been dreamin' 'bout bein' like them stars on his favorite TV series, "Stranger Things". For two and a half years, he's been practicin' his voice actin' skills at school, and he plans to take drama when he gets to high school. Ryan's a proud student of Cascade Jr. High School, and he knows how to balance his academics with the good times he has with his friends and girlfriend. You wanna hear somethin' funny 'bout Ryan? Well, he finds it downright difficult to fake cry, unless someone eats the last slice of pizza – that always makes him cry for real.
Ashtin Matson (Maggie)
Y'all, meet Ashtin, an 18-year-old senior in high school! Some of y'all might have seen her playin' the Cheshire Cat in Spotlight's last production, "Alice: The Musical". Ashtin is mighty passionate about art, voice actin', and skateboardin'.
Mike Engberg (Sheriff)
Y'all gotta meet Mike! He's a seasoned actor at the Spotlight Community Theatre. You might've caught him in his latest performance in "Sarah: Plain and Tall." But let me tell you, his talent don't stop there! He's an active member of his church drama group, the Santiam Senior Center Tai Chi classes, and the Combat Sports Center of Salem's Rock Steady Boxing. Now, here's somethin' interestin' about Mike - he once got to play a 7-foot-tall Hostess Twinkie for a local restaurant promotion and even got paid for it! He's always been passionate about showcasin' his actin' skills and makin' people happy with his performances.
Abbi Foote (Drake)
Let us enlighten you about Abbi, one of our newer actors on Spotlight's stage, but she aint no stranger to our theatre scene. She recently volunteered as a lightin' technician in our last show, "Alice: The Musical." Ain't that just grand? Abbi has also played the role of Barbara Booster in a production called "A King is Coming To Town" at another theatre. She's home-schooled and enjoys listenin' to music durin' her free time. Bless her sweet soul; she's even trainin' to become a barista. Ain't that somethin'?
Jacquie Rogers (Understudy)
Jacquie is a real peach, y'all. This gal is a theatre enthusiast with plenty of experience under her hat, having starred in "Scapino" in Boise, Idaho, as well as actin' in "Pygmalion" and "The Importance of Being Earnest" at Spotlight Community Theatre. And if that ain't impressive enough for ya, she's also generously contributed her voice to two of Spotlight's radio shows - "Gracie Runs for President" and "The Lone Ranger". Fun fact: Jacquie is the proud stepmom of an African cat. When she's not performin' or rehearsin', she's busy homeschooling' her child or helpin' clients find their dream homes as a full-time realtor. Ain't she just a jack of all trades?
Scott Abell (Understudy)
Y'all need to hear 'bout Scott! That fella's got a real passion fer performin'! He put that aside fer a while to start a family, but now he's back in the saddle and lovin' every minute! Over the last six months, he's done three shows across two different theaters. Ain't nothin' better than seein' someone livin' their dreams again, y'all!
Gabriella Pedersen (Extra in Crowd Scene)
We reckon we should tell y'all about Gabriella! She's usually a little shy but absolutely fantastic when she's up on that stage. Gabriella done performed in a couple of shows over at River Learning Academy, her homeschool co-op, and she's just thrilled to get back to more acting. When she's not busy rehearsin', you might find her swimmin' or playin' video games, but she also loves to plunk on her piano and guitar.
Jennifer Abell (Ponytail Sally/Wugly Twin#2)
Now, y'all, let us tell you 'bout Jennifer Lee Abell. She's just a lovely lady about to make her first appearance in a Spotlight show. She's been a stage mom for quite some time now and just loves to see a good ol' story come to life. When she's not up on that stage, you can find her volunteerin' - whether it's helpin' with sets, props, costumes, or anythang else that a theater might need. Now, let me tell you, "Much Ado About Nothing" is one of her absolute favorite plays. And you know what? She couldn't be more excited to be a part of bringin' out the comedy of relationships that Shakespeare wrote about in one of the silliest adaptations she has seen.
Elijah Pedersen (Ben)
You won't believe the star we have in our midst. Elijah is just a real gem, y'all. He's been a part of several plays with other theatre venues, and let me tell you, he's an absolute delight to watch on stage. Recently, he blew everyone's socks off with his performances in "The Inportance Of Being Earnest" and "Alice: The Musical" at the Spotlight Community Theatre. Let me tell you, Elijah is homeschooled through his church co-op and is also a talented pianist. Oh my goodness gracious! When he hears a good song and feels the rhythm, his feet start movin' and his body groovin'. It's a real treat for everyone around, I tell you what. Elijah is just tickled pink to be back with Spotlight Community Theatre. He says it's always fun to be with them. Ain't that just the neatest thing?