About Once Upon a Mattress

Many moons ago in a far-off place, Queen Aggravain decreed no couples could marry until her son, Prince Dauntless, found a bride. Princesses came from far and wide to win the hand of the prince, but none could pass the impossible tests given to them by the Queen. That is, until the “shy” swamp princess, Winnifred the Woebegone, showed up. Would she be able to pass the Sensitivity Test, marry her prince and help Lady Larkin and Sir Harry to the altar? This rollicking spin on the classic tale The Princess and the Pea provides some side-splitting shenanigans.

Spencer-Van Etten Music

Music has traditionally played an important role in the overall curriculum of the Spencer-Van Etten School District. Students receive general music instruction from grades PreK-8 and may enroll in music theory, music technology and jazz history at the High School. The district offers vocal ensembles beginning in third grade and continuing through high school where students can participate in cantate, concert choir, chamber choir and an extra-curricular jazz choir.

Instrumental instruction begins in fifth grade. All Students receive small group lessons, which meet weekly and continue throughout their school career. An optional two week summer music program is offered to students in grades 5-12. Ensemble experience starts at the middle school in the Sixth Grade Band and then progresses to a combined Seventh and Eighth Grade Concert Band. The high school offers the Senior Band, which meets daily. Students may also participate in a number of chamber music groups at both the middle school and high school level, as well as in jazz ensembles in both buildings and a fall pep band at the high school.

Students in the High School music program have participated in musical tours to Nyack, N.Y., Washington D.C., Vero Beach, Fl., Disney World (3 times), Virginia Beach, New Orleans, Toronto (2 times), Ottawa, Quebec City, Boston, Montreal, England, Finland (2 times), Sweden, and Scotland. The Middle School performing ensembles have consistently received Excellent and Superior ratings at evaluation festivals. Students in the music program are regular participants in Tioga County All-County Festivals, NYSSMA solo and ensemble festivals, and NYSSMA Area-All State and All-State honors ensembles.

The Music Department presents major American musicals about every other year. Past productions have included Damn Yankees, The Music Man, Oklahoma!, Bye Bye Birdie, Brigadoon, Anything Goes, Crazy for You, Beauty and the Beast, Grease, and Little Shop of Horrors.