The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe Cast

Daniel Orahood (Aslan)
Hey! I'm Daniel and I'm a senior! This will be my 8th production. I started theatre in 8th grade with the role Pawnee Bill in "Annie Get Your Gun!" And since then I have fallen in love with Theatre! My favorite role of all was the Beast in "Beauty and the Beast." I currently hold the record of most kisses with an astounding 4! (Shout out to Ally for her shout out to me.) I want to thank my friends and family, for all the support through the years. I hope you enjoy the show!
Emma Rodenbarger (Jadis, The White Witch)
Hi! I'm Emma! I'm a junior, and this will be my fourth production with Seeger drama department which will be "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe" where I will be playing Jadis, The White Witch. My past shows have included "Crazytown," "The Night of the Living Dead," "The Drowsy Chaperone." My favorite role so far has been being a reporter in "The Drowsy Chaperone," since it was my first musical. I'm excited to see what this role brings, and I hope that you'll enjoy the show!
Sam Odle (Lucy)
Hi my name is Samantha Odle and I have been involved in drama for more than 8 years. I have been involved in over 10 productions in my life. Acting has always been a huge passion of mine because it allows me to be myself while taking over another personality. I was the face of our play “Night of The Living Dead” one year ago and I acted as Kitty in our musical “The Drowsy Chaperone”. I have so much love for the arts and plan to continue them through my whole life.
Travis Beckett (Edmund)
I am a Sophomore. This is my fourth show with the Seeger Drama Department which is "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe." Previous shows include "High School Musical on Stage", "Beauty and the Beast", and "The Drowsy Chaperone." I acted for High School Musical and The Drowsy Chaperone and was on the set crew for Beauty and the Beast. My favorite role so far was Robert from the Drowsy Chaperone because I got to tap dance (shoutout to Kali Haddock and Mitchell Harper for being my tap family!!!) Out of all the clubs and sports at Seeger, or any high school, theatre is the best and the most fun.
Eve Pigman (Susan)
As a senior in high school I have been involved in 8 Seeger Drama productions so far! I have loved being involved in the theater family! My favorite role I have gotten to play was Gabriella in High School Musical! I want to thank my family and friends for coming out supporting me with every show! It truly means the world to me! I love drama club, it’s what makes high school somewhat bearable!
Lane Shamp (Peter)
My name is Lane Shamp. I’m a senior. This is my eighth production here at Seeger High School. My first show was Annie Get Your Gun my eighth grade year. I have had to develop French, Spanish, and British accents throughout my different productions. Throughout the years I have found a home and a place to relax. I truly hope I may continue my theatre experience at Indiana University where I will be attending college next fall.
Kaden Churchill (Mr. Beaver)
I am a freshman and this is the second show that I will have been involved with. The other production was "The Drowsy Chaperone" which was so much fun! I have also worked the curtains and helped make sets for two years before trying out for a part in the play. I have been having such a fun time in drama and can't wait for future productions.
Ally Baker (Mrs. Beaver)
I am a senior. I have been seriously involved in the program for 5 years, but I was also an Oompa Looma in the 4th grade. I have been involved in 8 productions. My favorite role I have played was Mrs. Tottendale in The Drowsy Chaperone. Being able to do 100 spit takes was so much fun! (shout out to Daniel for being such a good sport) Drama club has been my favorite part of high school!!
Tori Ford (Unicorn)
I am Tori Ford, I am a 17 year old senior and I have been involved in almost every single one of Seeger’s productions. Those productions include High School Musical, Crazytown, Beauty and the Beast, Night of the Living Dead, and now The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Acting is one of my favorite things to do, and I hope I can continue my acting experiences in college.
Alex Key (Centaur)
Hi! I'm Alex Key, and in this production of "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe" I play the Centaur. This is my second production with the Seeger Drama department. I started in the spring of 2018, where I was apart of the chorus in Seeger's production of "The Drowsy Chaperone." This is only the second production I have been in only two productions, but this Drama Club has made me feel welcomed and like family.
Mitchell Harper (Mr. Tumnus)
I am a Senior at Seeger High School. I have been in 7 productions. I started when I was in the 8th grade in Annie Get Your Gun. After that I was in An Audition for Murder, High School Musical, Crazy Town, Beauty and the Beast, Night of the Living Dead, and finally The Drowsy Chaperone. My favorite roles were in High School Music and Night of the Living Dead. This is because I loved playing the supporting character role.
Kara Larch (Fenris Ulf, Wolf in charge secret Police)
My name is Kara and I am a senior! This is my eighth show with the Seeger drama department. My first ever show was Annie where i starred as July the orphan. Other roles I have been are Sharpay in “High School Musical On Stage!” and Drowsy in “The Drowsy Chaperone” as well as being an actor I have also been a part of hair and makeup crews. My favorite role has been Drowsy because she was such a fun character to portray. I love the opportunities I have gained through Drama Club!
Mary Bamonti (Dwarf, the Witch's servant / Student Dir)
My name is Mary Beth Bamonti, I am a senior and this is currently the eighth production that I have been involved in here at Seeger Memorial Jr./Sr. High School. The first production that I was involved in was “Annie Get Your Gun,” this production made me fall in love with theatre. Since then, I have been given the opportunity to be the student director and I have maintained this position for the past seven productions. This has been the most incredible experience. I want to thank my parents for always helping out with the shows and supporting me for the last five years. Lastly, I want to give a special thank you to my sisters, Hannah and Zoey, without them my time in Drama Club wouldn’t be the same.
Wil Clark (Father Christmas)
Abi Simpson (Elf)
My name is Abigail Simpson and I am a junior here at Seeger! This is my fifth show with our Drama Department. My very first show was Crazytown," where I played Kim Bixby, a sportscaster. My favorite role was certainly Man in the Chair in our production of "The Drowsy Chaperone." The lines weren't the easiest, but the character is one I've truly come to love. The Drama Department has been and will certainly continue to be the place I call home. Thank you to all past, present, and future castmates for bringing these shows to life and making this the most fun I've ever had.
Kali Haddock (1st Animal)
I am a junior and this is my fifth production here at Seeger. I started as a seventh grader tap dancing in "Annie Get Your Gun." I have also been able to help behind the scenes with choreography for multiple musicals. One example being I choreographed "Cold Feets," a tap dance routine in the show "The Drowsy Chaperone."
Hannah Cunningham (2nd Animal)
I’m a freshman and this is my second show acting wise. I worked on Night of the Living Dead, The Drowsy Chaperone and The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. I’m excited for what the future of drama club holds for me :)
Jillian Huckleberry (3rd Animal)
I'm a Junior. This is my 3rd show acting for the Seeger Drama Department and 7th show in total. I've been in The Importance of Being Earnest (Lane), Mary Poppins (Jane Banks), Hello Dolly (Chorus), Beauty and The Beast (Chorus), The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (3rd Animal) and a few more. I also worked on the set of Night of the Living Dead. I think my favorite production so far was Beauty and the Beast or Mary Poppins. Performing on stage is one of my favorite things to do!!
Shaylen Gregory (4th Animal)
I’m a Sophomore who has moved from behind the scenes set work to appearing onstage. I’ve also dabbled in makeup and costumes. I’ve made posters and a video advertisement for our play “Night of the Living Dead” and want to do the same for future productions. I plan to appear in more plays and musicals for the years to come.
Lydia Burton (1st Newcomer)
I am Senior and I have been in five and counting shows including Beauty and the Beast, Crazytown, etc. My favorite show probably being High School Musical because it was my very first production. I am also involved in the Seeger Choir, Chamber Singers, Art Club, and Seeger Band.
Kailey Brenner (2nd Newcomer)
My name is Kailey Brenner. I’ve attended Seeger for 3 years. Despite being a senior this is my first production. I play a member of the Witch's Army and have two lines, but those two lines have made me more friends than you can imagine.
Cati Bowen (Aslan's Follower)
Hi! My name’s Caitlyn Bowen and I’m a Senior. I’ve been in Drama Club since my sophomore year and I was in Tech/Set Crew until last year. I stepped out of my comfort zone this year and auditioned for this show. I love all of the positive energy within this department and the amazing group of friends that I get to act with! I’ve made so many new friends by being involved with these productions and I’m really going to miss these geeks after I leave. I hope that this department continues to grow after I graduate! Once a drama kid, always a drama kid!
Elijah Dill (Witch's soldier)
Hi I am Chayton Oliver and I am part of set crew. This is the first performance that I have been a part of. Some of the set items that I have worked on are the stone table legs, the spears, the pan pipe, and some of the background. I have had a lot of fun so far during the preparation for the play, and I look forward to being part of the plays and musicals in the future.
Brock Foster (Aslan's Follower)
Ethan Swanson (Aslan's Follower)
Hi, my name is Ethan Swanson. I am a freshman and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe will be my very first Seeger Drama production! I have been looking forward to joining drama for years and I have definitely not been disappointed so far. This show has been a blast to work on with everyone and I hope you will all have as much fun watching it as we had making it.
Noah White (Bear /Aslan's Follower)
Hi my name is Noah and I am a sophomore. This is my first production in drama and I am already having a blast playing as these characters in the play The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I plan on many more plays and musicals to come throughout my high school career.
PJ Amble (Witch's Soldier)
Zoe Latoz (Witch's Army / Horn Player)
I’m a sophomore, and this is my first year in Drama. I’m excited to play my trumpet for this year’s production. Drama Club has been an awesome experience this year! Everyone has been welcoming of newcomers like myself, and extremely helpful. I’m looking forward to future years in Drama Club.