About Greater Tuna

The long-running off-Broadway hit features two actors creating the entire population of Tuna, Texas in a tour de farce of quick-change artistry, changing costumes and characterizations faster than a jack rabbit runs from a coyote. Two actors, 20 characters, and a barrel of laughs, y’all.

Greater Tuna was originally produced in 1981 in Austin, Texas by its authors, Jaston Williams, Joe Sears, and Ed Howard. The play’s stars, Williams and Sears, played all twenty characters, and Howard directed. One year after its premiere, Greater Tuna opened off-Broadway, ran for over a year, and went on to tour major theaters all over America and spots overseas for the next thirty-some years, becoming one of the most produced plays in American theatre history.

Santa Rosa Community Theatre


 In January 2006, a small theatre group was formed at the Imogene Theatre and selected the name Panhandle Community Theatre (PCT). Our first production as PCT was Soulmate Central, which performed to sell-out crowds. In 2021, we moved from our theatre's home in Pace and relocated to Milton, FL. We are thrilled to grow in our new home for the arts and now operate under the name, Santa Rosa Community Theatre ( our county's first and only community theatre ). Mission: To entertain and educate community residents and area visitors of all ages and backgrounds by allowing them to participate in and experience the performing arts. 


Santa Rosa Community Theatre's vision is one of growth: to enhance the creativity and quality of our performances, to experience growth in our membership, to expand our audience, to increase volunteerism, and to meet the needs of our audiences by staying in touch with the community’s desires. SRCT has a clear vision of its membership, pursuing a program that ignites excitement, enhances our image, and promotes participation in the community.