About Mad Agnes

Mad Agnes is mad – but only in the most endearing way. 
And if you ask them what they’re mad about…
Why, they’re mad about you.


Mad Agnes has won hearts on two continents with their signature intricate harmonies, compelling songwriting, and passionate delivery.  The genre-bending trio—Margo Hennebach, Adrienne Jones and Mark Saunders—creates an exciting, inclusive performance, delivering new original songs, selections from their thirteen album catalog, story telling and impromptu vocal improv. 

In their current iteration, Mad Agnes uses primarily one microphone around which they form and re-form, early-radio style. Their ease with one another on stage invites the audience into their world of human connection and spontaneous fun. Well-crafted instrumentation – using guitars, mandolin, ukulele, piano, melodica, an inventive keyboard and three-part harmonies as tight as jeans from the dryer – enthralls audiences again and again. Mad Agnes’ latest recording, Likely Story, was released on Feb. 1, 2024, and is being nationally promoted from Feb-April. It is available NOW BY CLICKING HERE.

Salmon Brook Music Series

The Salmon Brook Music Series is a community music series sponsored by Granby Congregational church. Our concerts usually take place in Fellowship Hall 242 Salmon Brook Street in Granby, CT. Concerts start at 7:30 PM and door open at 7:00. Refreshments are served during intermission and we have a donation jar for those who wish to contribute.

The proceeds from our concerts go to community-based projects such as OPEN CUPBOARD and WASTE NOT/WANT NOT. If you are a regular at our concerts, thanks for supporting us and if you have never been, we invite you to stop by and have an enjoyable evening of music and fellowship.