The Laramie Project Creative

Isaiah Serra
Isaiah is a rising sophomore at Miami University where they are studying theatre and creative writing. This is their third production with Roundtown Players, and they are very happy to work with such a wonderful cast and crew.
Assistant Director
Justin Atkinson
Justin has been involved with Roundtown Players for many years. He is grateful for the opportunity to assist Isaiah and this cast with this profound and important work.
Lighting Designer/Technician
Maddie McCain
Maddie McCain has been with the theatre since 2022, having been on stage for shows like Puffs and You Can’t Take it With You, as well being the assistant director for A Few Good Men. However, she much prefers to be squirreled away in the tech booth. She wants to so that it has been an honor working on The Laramie Project, and to continue to honor Matthew’s memory.
Costume Designer
Thursday O'Phelan
Thursday is currently a rising senior at Logan Elm High School. They are involved in In The Know, Drama Club, Band, The National Society, and more. This is their first time working with Roundtown and first time working as a costume director. They are excited to be working on the show and think it is very important to have shows like The Laramie Project in theaters.

Director's Note

When I first learned that Roundtown Players would be producing The Laramie Project, I realized that this would be an amazing opportunity to spread awareness and understanding of exactly what happened in the town of Laramie, and how it still affects the world as we see it today. I encourage the audience to really listen to what these people had to say. These are powerful words spoken by very real people who lived through this event, and we would do well to truly understand them. 

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped me through the directorial process, including my parents, friends, the RTP board, and especially my assistant director Justin, who has been vital as both a crew member and as my mentor throughout the show. Lastly I would like to thank the audience for coming to such a meaningful show, I hope you enjoy it!

Isaiah Serra