Once Upon A Mattress Cast

Kenny Badger (Sir Harry)
Kenny is 14 years old and going into freshman year at Thomas Jefferson High School. Kenny has been with Rosebud for 5 years now, this is his first year in the teen program. In his free time, Kenny loves to draw and listen to music. Kenny’s first production with Rosebud was as a part of the ensemble of Alice @ Wonderland, he also played Hilda in Sleepy Hollow, and Hercules Porridge in Murder at Crimson House in previous years with Rosebud. Kenny has his dad to thank for telling him about Rosebud, he also has his best friend Zaylee to thank for being there with him over previous Rosebud productions.
Jessie Beeler (Princess #12/ Sir Studley)
Zaylee Lopez (The Mute King)
Zaylee is 14 soon will be a freshman at Thomas Jefferson High School. This is her 3rd year with Rosebud and 1st year in the teen program. She can’t wait to do this show. In her free time, she likes to play the Clarinet and hang out with friends. In her first year at Rosebud, she played Greta in Sleepy Hollow and in her 2nd year, she was Mulligan in Murder at Crimson House. She is so thankful of her parents for taking her to Rosebud and paying for it and to her best friend Kenny for showing Rosebud to her.
Lilas Maurer (Minstrel)
Lilas is a soon to be senior at Thomas Jefferson High School. This is their first show with Rosebud and they are extremely excited for it. In their free time they enjoy making art and programming. You may have seen them in Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief (Thomas Jefferson High School), and Working (Thomas Jefferson High School). They want to give a big shout out to their favorite sibling who always makes their day better.
Brielle McKay (Lady-In-Waiting)
Brielle is 12 years old and is about to enter 7th grade. This is her 3rd and ½ show she’s done and her 2nd production with Rosebud. Last year, she played the role of Penny Russel in Rosebud’s Murder at Crimson House, and she also just finished playing Goldilocks and Prince Hercules in Rosebud’s Princess Whatshername. She’s also played Mrs. Bucket in Tacoma Little Theatre’s Willy Wonka Jr and Young Eponine in LMPs Les Miserables. She enjoys drawing/painting, playing her electric guitar, volleyball, basketball and hanging out with friends! She would like to thank her family for being so supportive!
Stephanie Norris (Winnifred)
Stephanie is so glad to be spending her twelfth and final summer with Rosebud working on such a special show. She is 20, and is entering her third year at San Diego State University, where she is a Theatre Performance major with minors in Interdisciplinary Studies and English. She is also the Vice-President of SDSU’s Skull & Dagger Dramatic Society. On the Rosebud stage, you may have seen her as Morticia in The Addams Family, Rapunzel in Into the Woods, and Elle in Legally Blonde, among other roles. You may also recognize her from Village KIDSTAGE’s Summer Independent program. Other favorite credits include Beth in Little Women (SDSU), Florinda in Into the Woods (SDSU), and Emma in Emma (KCHS). You can follow along with her upcoming projects at stephanienorris.wixsite.com/stephanienorris. To Jenny and Katelyn: “I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.”
Hannah Rose (Wizard)
Hannah is 15 years old and an incoming sophomore at Federal Way High School. Hannah started theater at 4 years old and has been in 10 different musicals including Mary Poppins Jr (FWHS) and The Addams Family (Rosebud). In addition to performing on stage, Hannah has assisted backstage on Run Crew of Blithe Spirit and will be helping out with this fall’s play backstage as well. Hannah's hobbies include musical theater, swim team (both at school and with Marine Hills in the summer), choir, dance, baby sitting and so much more. Hannah really hopes you enjoy the show :)
Harper Rose (Lady-In-Waiting)
Harper is 13 years old and this is Harper’s 6th musical with Rosebud. Harper is going into 8th grade at Lakota Middle School and she participates in gymnastics, dance, and choir. Harper has been doing theater since she was 5 and her favorite musical that she has been in was last summer’s Murder At Crimson House. Harper would like to thank her mom for all the encouragement and hopes you enjoy the show! :)
Arden Rubatino (Jester)
Arden is 16 and a musical theater Major at Tacoma School of The Arts. He started theatre in 2018, playing Alice in Alice @ wonderland (Rosebud) and has been in 9 shows in the 5 years since then, including roles like Teddy in Arsenic and old lace (SOTA) and Zeke in High School Musical (TMP)
Jenny Speelmon (Lady Larkin)
Jenny is very excited to be in her ninth production with Rosebud. You may have seen her as the Baker’s Wife in Into the Woods, Beth in Little Women, or working with Rosebud’s preteen shows as part of the tech team. Jenny will be a sophomore at the University of Washington this fall, where she enjoys being section leader in choir, when she’s not swamped with homework, of course. She would like to thank her previous music teachers at Thomas Jefferson High School for encouraging her to continue her various musical endeavors beyond high school, as well as her family and friends for supporting her. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Avi Taylor (Prince Dauntless)
Avi is a soon to be Sophomore at Federal Way High School. This is his first Rosebud show but second show overall, previously starring in Blithe Spirit (FWHS) and helping out on the tech side with Mary Poppins Jr. (FWHS). He is very excited for this show because it’s his first musical and a very fun one to behold and perform. Outside of theatre, he likes to cook and write and is a member of the International Thespian Society. A huge shoutout to his best friend Chris for always being able to help with whatever he’s working on in theatre :).
Sophia Vering (Lady-In-Waiting)
Sophia turned 14 this year and is going into her freshman year in high school. This is her second show at Rosebud. She was the crazy butler last year in Murder at Crimson House. She loves to read, write fantasy, sing, and dance. She is so excited to be in the show and would like to say thank you to her family.
Katelyn Wales (Queen Aggravain)
Katelyn is an upcoming sophomore at the University of Washington with the intention to study Mathematics. This past year, she has had the opportunity to take various acting and stage management courses, and was selected as President for the University Singers choir on campus for the 2022-2023 school year! One of the highlights of her choral experience with UW was having the opportunity to sing with the Seattle Symphony at Benaroya Hall for the Dear Humanity Festival and Concert. In the fall, Katelyn will begin her role as a Resident Advisor for UW Housing and Food Services. This is Katelyn’s seventh performance with Rosebud CTC, and you may have seen her as Wednesday Addams in The Addams Family last August! This is also her fifth summer as a Designer-in-Training and Prompt Reader for Rosebud’s pre-teen program, having just completed her work for Princess Whatsername. Katelyn would like to give a shout out to all of the talented actors in both of Rosebud’s summer productions, and to her family and friends!
Natalie Wales (Rowena, a Lady-In-Waiting)
Natalie is 15 years old and is a rising sophomore at Thomas Jefferson High School. She participates in Robotics, Math Team, Leadership, and Dungeons and Dragons. This past year the robotics team competed in FIRST’s Charged Up Competition, where they won an award at each event they participated in, qualifying for district competitions. At the end of June TJ’s Math Team went to Nationals at the University of Arkansas, and her team placed fifth overall. This is Natalie’s 7th performance with Rosebud Children's Theater Conservatory. Her favorite role with Rosebud was the Queen of Hearts in Alice @ Wonderland. She would like to thank her sister Katelyn for always helping her with theater, and hopes you all enjoy the show!
Alexa Waltman (Sir Luce)
Alexa is 15 years old and an upcoming 10th grader at Sumner High School. She participates on the Swim Team and is looking forward to joining the Varsity Choir in the fall. Alexa is excited to be performing in her first show with Rosebud Children’s Theater. You may have seen her in The Descendants (Tacoma Musical Theater) and in Beauty and the Beast (Sumner Middle School). Alexa enjoys hanging out with friends, going to concerts, and drawing. She would like to thank her family and friends.