About Marie Antoinette: The Color of Flesh

Co-artistic director Lizzi Albert will direct Marie Antoinette: The Color of Flesh, by Joel Gross, which will run June 6-21, 2025. The Color of Flesh imagines a love triangle on the eve of the French Revolution between Marie Antoinette; Elisabeth VigĂ©e le Brun, the beautiful, ambitious portrait painter who made her image famous; and the fictional Count Alexis de Ligne, whose enthusiastic embrace of revolutionary ideas spell disaster for the doomed Queen. 

Perisphere Theater

Mission: Perisphere Theater produces plays that examine personal and collective history and the notion of history itself. 

Vision: A theater experience that gives audiences a greater appreciation of history and of those who are often left out of its retelling. 

Values: Artistic Excellence, Diversity, Antiracism, and Respect