Alma Cast

Jessy Gruver (Alma)
This biracial, bilingual Latina enjoys confusing everyone with her Colombian and Pennsylvania Dutch/German looks! Jessy is dedicated to providing opportunities for underrepresented people to share their stories and loves to explore how art can create empathy and bridge the gap between different communities. An adventurer at heart, she has had the privilege of learning from the stories of people from the many different countries she’s visited, from China to India to Colombia and more. There is nothing better than experiencing the world through someone else’s eyes, and mirroring these stories through art. Committed to telling more Latine stories, Jessy has both performed in theatrical productions centering around Latine culture and produces Philly’s only all Latine burlesque show, “Wepa!” Jessy also maintains an active private voice and piano studio throughout the Philadelphia area. When not performing, Jessy can be found on a yoga mat, riding her bike through the city, or snuggling her two loves E and P (as well as her pup), and striving to be someone who always chooses adventure.
Diana Maldonado (Angel)
Diana is a boricua actor (see: Puerto Rican) based in NY/NJ. Performing started because of her mother’s own love for the arts, which was instilled in all the Maldonado children. From scream-singing the soundtrack of Les Misérables, to performing at cheerleading Nationals, Diana was in love with the stage. She tried to resist the pull of acting with sports and Chinese martial arts, but ultimately she succumbed to the inevitable: she got a BFA in Acting. Her training at Montclair State University taught her to channel all that energy into specificity. When not performing, she is often found reacting very passionately and absurdly to a fantasy book, or pursuing one of the many hobbies she does not spend enough time on because there are just too many! She is only one woman.