A Christmas Story Cast

Jayme Short (Ralph, a storyteller)
Jayme has been excited to start theater again since the end of the last show Beauty and the Beast. He has a love for theater that trumps everything else for him: Jayme has been in a total of five shows counting this one which include Shrek the Musical jr., Footloose, Godspell Jr, and Beauty and the Beast. As always Jayme wants to thank his parents for getting him into theater in the first place and Doug Parks and all the other adults who've helped out make this a fun place to be.
Elijah DeVaughn (Ralphie Parker)
Eli is a tenth grader. He has been in one previous show as a (fat ghost and Ernie Mac) in puffs. Eli is so grateful for the things his brother Jason taught him. He also wants to give a big thanks to Mr. Parks and his family for giving him the advice and leadership to get to this role. He would like to dedicate this performance to his family, and most of all the Parks family and the Parkersburg South theatre program.
Cate Evans  (Mother, his mother)
Cate is currently a Senior. She has been in over 15 shows, with some of her most notable roles being Rebecca (Our Town) at the Actors Guild and being a steak (Madagascar Jr.) She enjoys playing her flute, dancing, singing riding horses and hanging out with her friends and family. She is very excited to be playing the role of Mother. She would like to thank her friends and family for always being supportive.
Caleb Rowan  (The Old Man, his father)
Caleb is a senior and is very excited to be in this production of A Christmas Story. He has been a part of many different shows throughout the years, the most recent ones being Footloose (Reverend Shaw) in his sophomore year and Beauty and the Beast (Beast) in his junior year. Along with theater, he also participates in the other fine arts, being in many ensembles of band and choir. He would like to thank his parents for endlessly supporting his pursuing of the arts.
Emmalynn Short (Randy, his little brother)
Emmalynn is a fithteen year old tenth grade student and this is her third show she's done. Her other shows include Shrek the Musical Jr and Puffs. Other than acting she likes to write stories and will try any form of art. She'd like to thank her mom, dad, brother and grandma for encouraging her to continue theater.
Erin Miihlbach (Miss Shields, his teacher)
Erin is a senior and excited to be part of this production. The most recent show she has been previously was Beauty and the Beast (Laundry Lady), Puffs (Tech). When not on stage, Erin loves to write, sing, play the Sims 4 and do word searches. She would like to thank her family for always being there, and volunteering their time to help out with the show.
Zoe Koskey (Flick, his friend & classmate)
Zoe is seventeen years old and is a junior at Parkersburg South High School. She has participated in many shows including The Wizard of Oz, The Little Mermaid Jr., and Conflict. She is excited to be Flick in this production of A Christmas Story!
Alexzander Parks (Schwartz, his friend and classmate)
Zander is in ninth grade at Parkersburg South. This will be Zander’s second show with South, he was in the ensemble for Beauty and the Beast. Zander is no stranger to the stage, he has been performing since he was four years old. His first show was Seussical Jr at Blennerhassett Middle School. He has performed in many shows at BMS including Aladdin Jr (Abu), The Lion King Jr (Young Simba) and most recently Peter Pan Jr (Smee). Zander serves as a Student Thespian Officer for WV Thespians. He is also part of the Speech & Debate team at PSHS. Over the summer, Zander was chosen to represent Wood County Schools at the West Virginia Ambassadors Camp. Zander looks forward to being part of PSHS Thespians. He would like to thank his family for their support, guidance, and love.
Eisley Adams-Morrison  (Esther Jane Alberry, a classmate)
Eisley is a freshman at PSHS and is so excited to start South theatre. She most recently appeared in Newsies at the AGP as a newsie, in Beauty and the Beast as ensemble, and as Mal in Descendants. She is so happy to be playing Esther Jane and looks forward to many more South shows to come. She would like to thank her family and friends for always supporting her, and her cast for all of their hard work.
Ryanne Erb  (Helen Weathers, a classmate)
Ryanne is thrilled to be in her second production at Parkersburg South. She enjoys acting, and singing. She has been in High School Musical Jr, Peter Pan Jr, and Beauty and the Beast. Ryanne would love to thank her family and friends.
Noah Lacey (Scut Farkus)
Noah is excited to try his first show in Parkersburg South Highschool. He has already been in a couple shows in Hong Kong and he wants to try and rekindle that flame he had before. He strives to improve and aim for the best. He is currently in 11th grade, quite out-going and easy to get along with. His mother is in the Philippines rooting for his success. He hopes to be an asset to the theater program.
Jacob Dillon -Fountaine (Grover Dill/Tree Lot Owner/The Radio Announcer)
Jacob Dillon-Fountaine Jacob is a sophomore who is excited for this years fall play. He has been in other PSHS shows such as Puffs, Conflict, and Beauty and the Beast. He’s also thespian Secretary and a choir fundraising chair. Other than theatre Jacob likes writing and history. He’d like to thank PSHS for giving him this opportunity.
Landon Henthorn (Santa Claus, a jolly old elf)
sophomore, is looking forward to his first ever play. He has enjoyed watching plays in the past. He is excited for this opportunity to work with this amazing group of people and to see where this takes him. He would like to thank his family, and friends who encouraged him to try out for the play.
Alayna McIntosh (Elf/ Ensemble )
Alayna has been in several productions over the years, starting as tech and working her way up. She has been ensemble for Beauty and the Beast at South along with others at different theaters and costuming for South. In her free time she enjoys reading, writing, and art. She would like to thank her parents and Kloe Hickel.
Kloe Hickel (Elf/Ensemble)
Kloe is a sophomore and is excited for this theater season as she gets to be costumer. Her favorite part of theater is eating together and getting to know everyone. Aside from theater Kloe is in the PSHS Color Guard and the PSHS Jazz Band. She plays the alto saxophone in the band.
Henry Cain/Neighbor (Ensemble)
Henry is in the tenth grade and is very excited to be apart of A Christmas story this year. He has been in two other productions, he played in Puffs (Wayne Hoppkins) and he was in Beauty and the Beast (Crony number two). Henry is very excited to be a part of theater this year and help out.
Shaylee Carpenter (Ensemble )
a Freshman who is excited to be in these plays. She plays an ensemble charecter in The Christmas Story. Shaylee has also been in Decedent's (ensemble), High School Musical (ensemble), and Peter Pan (Slightly). She is excited to play and have fun in this production with her friends.
Ali Evans  (Ensemble)
a tenth grader, has been in many shows at Blennerhassett Middle School, the Actors Guild of Parkersburg, and here at South. She was in Shrek Jr. (Fiona), High school musical Jr. (Sharpay), Descendants(Evie), and many more. She has also worked as tech for a couple productions. She participates in student council and dances. She is also in the band and choir here at South. She would like to thank all of her friends and family for always supporting her.
Lily Kelbaugh  (Ensemble)
Lillian is very excited for this show. She loves everything fine arts and is in colorguard and choir along with theatre. She has been in High School Musical and Beauty and the Beast. She wants to thank her friends and family for encouraging her to continue with theatre.
Lily Rice (Ensemble )
a freshman and is exited for participating in her first fall production. She enjoys and appreciates all of the work that gets put in to run a production. Aside from enjoying theater, Lillian spends her free time doing color guard, reading, drawing, beekeeping, and listening to music. She would like to thank her parents for supporting and helping her with the start of her high school career.
Chloe Lesher (Ensemble)
Chloe is a freshman and is happy to be in this season’s production. This is her first ever show, and she is very excited to get to work on it with all her friends. Aside from theater, she enjoys art and writing, as well as and volunteering and listening to music. She wants to dedicate her performance to her family.
Kaelynn Seabaugh (The Goldblastt's Public Address Voice/ EnsembleEnsemble)
a senior and is excited to be in “A Christmas Story”. She has been in 9 different shows, including Beauty and the Beast (Sausage curl lady), Newsies (Brooklyn Newsie), and The Patient (Nurse Bond). Aside from being in South’s Thespian Troupe, she is also a member of The Company at the Valley Gem, where she performs different shows. When not performing, Kaelynn is typically dancing at Tina’s Dance Studio, where she has danced for 10 years, or singing with three of the multiple choirs at South. She would like to thank her sister for getting her into acting and all of her friends and family who support what she loves to do.
Payton Guthrie (Ensemble)
is fourteen and a freshman this year. She is very exited to be in the show this year. She has done two plays in middle school, Peter Pan Jr (Lost boy) and High School Musical Jr. (Ensemble). She would like to bake or work with animals later on in her life. Payton would like to thank her parents for everything they have done for her.
Abby Griffth (Ensemble )
Abby is a freshman and looking forward to joining the stage at PSHS. Her recent plays include Shrek Jr, High School Musical Jr, and Peter Pan Jr. She enjoys playing clarinet, bassoon, and has a passion for the arts. She would like to thank her parents, grandparents, and brothers for encouraging her and being involved in her activities.
Willow Casto  (Ensemble )
Willow is in eleventh grade. A few of her favorite roles were as one of the Three Little Pigs in Shrek Jr. and as Bippy in Puffs. In addition to theater, Willow is in ROTC and is a teen volunteer at CCMH. After high school, she would like to either be a nurse or a special education teacher.
Sierra King (Ensemble)
Sierra King is in ninth grade. This is her second theater performance, playing water in Moana Jr. last year for Edison Middle School. She’s excited to be part of this production and can’t wait for the finished product. She is anticipating continuing her first year in High School theatre.
Avrie Whitacre (Ensemble)
Averie Whitacre is in 10th grade at PSHS and Christmas Story is her third show at South. She has been seen in Puffs and Beauty and the Beast. Outside of theatre, she enjoys doing dance and choir. She is looking forward to a great season in theatre this school year!
Stage Manager Right  (Jamie Wilcoxen)
Jamie is in twelfth grade and has only ever worked tech. Jamie is stage managing for this show and plans to student direct this year’s competition show. He also enjoys helping build the sets and props. Some of Jamie’s recent plays include Footloose, Conflict, and Beauty and the Beast. Jamie is excited to start senior year out strong!
Tech  (Zero Shaffer )
Zero is a junior and has only been in one other show (Beauty and the Beast) but she is looking forward to being in A Christmas Story, and in future shows as well. She dreams of being a writer, and possibly a podcaster as a side job. Zero looks forward to meeting everyone in the show, and helping wherever she can.
Tech (Payton Barry )
Payton is a junior and is happy to be apart of this fall’s production. Her list of successful productions are The Beauty and the Beast. Aside from being apart of Tech, Payton also works as a lifeguard for the YMCA, loves drawing, and being in nature.
Tech (Lydia Gump)
Lydia Gump is a sophomore and can't wait to be doing theater again. Her list of shows are High-School Musical Jr. in middle school doing tech for it and Beauty and the Beast in high school also doing tech for the show. Besides Theater Lydia does Marching band, Jazz band, Concert band, Pep band, and Student council. She would like to thank her parents for letting her do theater with their already busy schedule.
Tech (Brenna Collely )
Brenna is so excited to be part of theatre this year. She enjoys the energy behind the stage and the fast pace atmosphere. The only production Brenna has helped with so far is Beauty and The Beast. Brenna is thankful her family pushed her to join theatre.
Spotlight Operator  (Abigail Badgett)
Abigail is a member of tech. She runs the spotlight, and first started with Beauty and the Beast. She has a variety of interests, but just a few include writing, drawing, and playing the piano. Abigail is looking forward to continuing to work with other members of theater.
Tech (Kaylyn Wigal )
Kaylyn is a freshman and is really anticipating being apart of the performance. This is her first production, so she’s working on learning all the basics. She’s doing tech this year and hoping to possibly work her way up to trying out for a different part. Her parents see this as a wonderful opportunity.
Tech (Makayla Brick)
Makayla is in ninth grade at South. She is really excited for the fall play coming up. She enjoys theater, although she has never participated in a production of a play before. She watched the musical Hamilton and it sparked a lot of inspiration. She enjoys painting, history, riding her bike, and listening to music. Makayla wants to thank her friends who encouraged her to do this and for her siblings who introduced her to this opportunity.
Tech (Peyton Moon)
Peyton Moon is a freshman, she is very excited to take part in this production. This is Peyton’s first year doing tech in theatre. She enjoys every aspect of the theater, from the stage to doing tech. Aside from Theater, Peyton likes to draw, read and play in the band.
Tech (Lauren Harris )
Lauren is excited for her very first show on the stage at Parkersburg South. While Laurens goal is to generally not be seen, you may have previously seen her work at the Actors Guild. Most recently she was the ASM for Descendants.
Tech (Josiah Trimble )
Josiah is new to theater. He is a Sophomore and he is lights. He doesnt why he's here but he's happy to help. He came from lincoln high school in clarksburg, and he couldnt join theater there. He doent plan on acting but life can change.
Set Construction (Ian Osborn)
Ian is no stranger to the working on a show. Ian was on stage and worked tech at Blennerhassett Middle School. Ian has worked builidng sets for several years and has built and lended his artistic talents to many productions.