Legally Blonde Jr. Cast

Stella Sherwood (Margot)
Stella is a sixth grade student at Page Middle. This is her 5th performance and she is really excited!! She enjoys reading, singing and hanging out with her friends. She would like to thank her mom, dad, and her little sister Norah for making her laugh. She would also like to recognize her Grandma for being there when she needed it. Thank you, and enjoy the show.
Eleanor Mobley (Serena)
Eleanor is a student in eighth grade who sings in the school choir and loves cheerleading. She has been in other Page productions such as High School Musical Jr. and Fantastic Mr. Fox Jr. She loves theater and performing and would love to continue doing it throughout high school and even college if that is where life takes her.
Jane Petricek (Pilar)
Jane is an 8th grader and has been a part of the Page Middle Players for three years. Legally Blonde is her sixth and final full show. She would like to thank all of her family and friends for their support. She hopes you love the show!
Caroline Zdunek (Gaelen)
Caroline Zdunek is a 6th grader and this is her 4th show in her theater hobby. Some of the other shows she's been in are "A Trip To The Moon" And JTF. Caroline loves to go on walks,paint,shop and perform. Caroline really enjoys theater because it serves as a daily reminder that she is good enough and that she has potential to do what she inspires. Enjoy the show! <3
Safa Mulla (Kate)
Safa is an 8th grade student at Page Middle School. She plays two instruments and she loves singing. Other productions she has done at Page include, Sponge Bob, Trip To The Moon and Little Mermaid. She is thankful for all the support her parents have given and for helping her get where she is today. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Ella Bourque (Delta Nu)
Ella is a 7th grade student at page middle. This is her 5th play and she’s so happy to preform tonight. Ella loves singing, baking, an She’d love to thank her friends from page for being amazing and supportive. She’d also like to thank her parents, sister Lucy her brother Colby, and her dog, Winnie, for also being super supportive and loving.
Karen Lin (Delta Nu)
Karen is in her 1st year of page middle players she is very excited to be in Legally Blonde and she is very happy to be in it she likes to paint in her free time her favorite musical is Shrek or Hamilton.
Emma Baez (Elle Woods)
Emma Baez is an 8th grader at Page Middle School and this is her 6th full production with the PMPs. She is tremendously grateful to have had the opportunity to spend time doing what she loves with friends and family supporting her along the way. She could not be more thankful for all her teachers for their guidance. She is so excited for the show and hopes you are too!!
Opal Sharma (Sales Woman)
Opal is a sixth grade student at Page Middle School. This is her first musical and she is very excited. She loves singing and making art with her friends. She would love to thank her Mom, Dad, and her baby brother for giving her all the support she needed and for transporting her to and from school everyday. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Mia Handler (Store Manager)
Hi! My name is Mia I am a 6th grader at page middle school! I love page middle and have been excited to perform this show, Besides from theater, I enjoy art and hanging out with my family. I also play basketball and love doing programs with page middle! Hope you enjoy the show!
Grayson Dyer (Warner Huntington III)
Grayson is an 8th grade student at Page Middle school. This is his 6th production with Page and he is so excited! He enjoys acting, singing, hanging out with friends and loves to be social. He would like to thank all his teachers plus his amazing family who is always supporting him no matter what. He hopes you enjoy the show!
Boone Gernand (Grandmaster Chad)
Boone is a Page Middle School student. This is his second page middle show but his third overall. He enjoys playing games, video games, and singing for all the times that he is bored and he likes reading. He would like to thank his family for taking him this far in life and give a huge shout out to my sister for showing him the world of music and musicals! He said enjoy!
Hannah Bray (Winthrop)
Hannah Bray is a sixth grader at Page Middle School. This is her 7th show and she is very excited. She loves playing volleyball and hanging out with her friends. She would like to thank her family members for being so supportive and helpful throughout her time is the musical. She hopes you enjoy the show.
Madison Fritts (Lowell)
Madison is a 6th grade student at Page Middle. This is her 2nd play and the other play she did was Aladdin Jr. She loves soccer and dancing. She would like to thank her family and friends who have helped her throughout her journey. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Kirby Haley (Pforzheimer)
Kirby Haley is a 6th grader at page middle and is very excited for her first show! She loves her family, friends, and hockey! She thanks her parents for always supporting her and being there for her! She hopes you enjoy the show!
Charlotte Johnson (Jet Blue Pilot)
Charlotte is a 6th grader at Page Middle School. She has recently done the Little Mermaid and she can't wait to work with Page. She enjoys baking and playing tennis with her family. She wants to thank her mom, dad, siblings, grandparents, and friends for their support and transportation. She hopes you enjoy the show.
Cooper Frailley (Emmett Forest)
Cooper is an 8th grader at Page Middle School. This is his 8th show at Page Middle, and he is so excited to be apart of another amazing show! Cooper has been apart of 17 theatre productions in the past 3 years, and would like to thank his family for all his support. He hopes you enjoy this amazing show!
Aidan Pape (Aaron Shultz)
Aidan is a Seventh Grader at Page Middle. This is his Third show with Page and he is very excited for you to see it. He loves playing games with his friends, reading, and doing theatre. He would like to thank his family and friends.He hopes you love the show.
Beckett Holewinski (Your Majesty)
First play ever done coming back from jtf.I am very excited to perform legally blonde,and do more productions with my friends in the future. And I hope everyone else had just as much fun as I did.
Gabriella Kelly (Enid Hoopes)
Gabriella is a 7th grader at Page middle school. She is a Basketball cheerleader and is really excited to get to play Enid! She would like to thank her family and friends for everything! She would also like to thank you for being here to support her; she loves you very much! She would especially like to thank Ella Bourque for helping her get into acting in the first place!
Ava Nicholson (Vivienne Kensington)
Ava is an 8th grader, and this is her 9th show with Page! She loves hanging with friends, chillaxing, and road trips. She would love to thank her family for everything, all of the theatre adults for all their endurance with the talkative cast, and her amazing castmates who always keep things fun in the most painful moments. She will miss everyone next year. Enjoy the show!
Cooper Reynolds (Professor Callahan)
Cooper Reynolds is a kind, funny, and calming individual. He is one of four siblings and is the favorite child. He has been apart of the Page Middle Panthers for two years. He is playing Callahan in Legally Blonde Jr. He hopes you enjoy the show!
Sophia Giannotti (Paulette)
Sophia Giannotti is an 8th grade student at Page. This is her 7th show at Page. She is so excited to be apart of this years production! She has been in SB, LM, JTF, TTTM, BMM, WBG and LB. She wants to thank her Mom, Dad, Brother, and Lovie for believing in her, encouraging her, and putting up with her busy schedule. She hopes you enjoy the show!
June Plum (Whitney)
June is so excited to be doing her fourth show with the Page Middle Players! She is a seventh grader and has been doing theater since she was two. Currently, she is also playing Schwarzy in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee with Gift of Song. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Braydon Trumpp (Dewey)
Braydon has been a part of page middle players since 6th grade and is now part of his last show he was apart of highschool musical jr. as well as fanastic mr fox. and jtf wich was this fall this will be his last show here
Sandhiya Muralidharan (Brooke Wyndham)
Sandhiya is a 7th grader at Page Middle School. She has been singing from a young age and joined the Page Middle Players in 6th grade. She looks forward to playing her part of Brooke Wyndham and is excited to be apart of this cast.
Ashvi Perumpalli (Sabrina)
Ashvi is 6th Grade student at Page Middle School, and she loves dancing and reading. This is her third play and she would like to thank her mom and dad for supporting her! Ashvi hopes you love watching Legally Blonde!
Savanna Mhondera (Prison Guard)
Savanna is a 6th grader at Page Middle and this is her 2nd play. She has always loved singing and dancing and is excited to be a part of the Legally Blonde cast. When she’s not performing she loves playing basketball and volleyball. Savanna would like to thank her mum, dad, and sister for all their encouragement and support. She hopes you have fun and enjoy the show!
Jayce Malkiewicz (Kyle)
Jayce Malkiewicz is a 14 year old boy at Page Middle. He has been in FMF, LM, BMM, WBG, and now LB which is his 5th show. His hobbies are hanging out with friends and family and of course theater. Jayce would like to thank his friends and family for all their support. He hopes you enjoy the show!!
Brooke Bray (Kiki)
Brooke Bray is in sixth grade and loves to do theatre. This is her second show here at Page Middle School and she is very excited to be apart of another process. She would like to thank her family for supporting her and she hopes you enjoy the show.
Vibha Kashyap (Cashier)
Vibha is a seventh grader at Page Middle School. Some of her hobbies include, singing, drawing, theater, etc. Other productions she has been part of at Page include The Little Mermaid and SpongeBob. She would like to thank her amazing family, friends, and teachers for all the support and encouragement they have given her. She hopes you enjoy the show.
Tessa Mingle (Stylist)
Tessa has been interested in acting from a young age. She enjoys hanging out with her upbeat and supported friends during her various acting classes and musicals! She is looking forward to being in many upcoming shows and working with Page middle!
Reyna Lalani (Bookish Client)
Reyna Lalani is a 7th grader at Page Middle. She’s extremely grateful for her family, friends, and her theater directors. She LOVES to read books and hang out with her friends. She has made a Green Team campaign with her mom and has hosted a cleanup. She hopes you enjoy the show!/IMMIGRANTS(see Sophie S.)/
Judy Grace Clayton (Judge)
Judy Grace Clayton is in sixth grade, and this is her third musical .She is very excited to be apart of this show. Judy Grace loves making art and musical theater. She would like to thank her family for all the support through this process.
Sophie Schouder (Chutney)
Sophie is ecstatic to perform her role as “Chutney/Featured Ensemble”. She has been in previous shows such as Fantastic Mr. Fox, A Trip to the Moon, and others. When not lying about being in the “showah”, Sophie can be found at the Hair Affair. She wants to thank her family, Sandy Harper, and Ms. Peach, for helping make dreams a reality. -WE GET THE JOB DONE(see Reyna L.)-