Frankenstein: The Monster Play Cast

Dan Brown (Dr. Frankenstein)
Dr. Frankenstein is the monster's creator. He lives with his mother and mentally challenged sister, as well as his fiance' Elizabeth. Dr. Frankenstein creates the monster with hopes that he will be the first man to create the perfect specimen ever to walk the earth. Dan Brown has been involved with Ole Olsen since 2007. You've seen him in 'Of Mice & Men', 'Count Dracula', 'Bus Stop', & 'Witness for the Prosecution', just to name a few.
Autumn North (Elizabeth Lavenza)
Elizabeth was taken in by the Frankenstein family as a toddler. She is engaged to Victor, who she grew up with. She is beautiful, has a compassionate nature, and a big heart. She forms a bond with the monster. Autumn has been with Ole Olsen for 10 years. She has been in 'Luv', 'Terms of Endearment', 'The Diary of Anne Frank', & 'Come Blow Your Horn', just to name a few.
Debby Myers (Mrs. Caroline Beaufort Frankenstein)
Caroline is Victor and Willa's mother, and Elizabeth's guardian. She is a devoted mother with pride in her family. She has a heart condition, but when she's feeling well, she doesn't hesitate to use her cane to punctuate her opinions. Debby has been in Ole Olsen for 27 years. She is in the Ole Olsen Hall of Fame. Debby has directed 20+ plays & performed in 'See How They Run', 'Steel Magnolias', 'California Suite', 'Dixie Swim Club', and 'Crimson Cap Ladies Bare it All', just to name a few.
Patrick Sullivan (Henry Clerval)
Patrick has been in Ole Olsen for just over a year now. Patrick has been in 'Dirty Rotten Scoundrels' & 'Crimson Cap Ladies Bare it All'. He is the son of Hall of Famer's Stu & Christy Sullivan and was in a few shows when he was younger too.
Joe Pyke (The Monster)
The Monster is created by Dr. Frankenstein in his lab. When he is first revealed, he is viewed by his creator in horror. As he stumbles into a strange new world, he begins to long for friendship from humans. When he is rejected because of his looks, he begins to become the terrifying monster, because he has no other way to go. Joe has been with Ole Olsen since 2007. He's been seen in 'Of Mice and Men', 'Charlie Brown', and 'Iliad, Odyssey, and All of Greek Mythology in 99 Seconds or Less'. Joe has also been involved in Tipton & Wabash productions.
Michelle Cota (Willa Frankenstein)
Willa is the younger sister of Dr. Frankenstein. She adores her brother. Because she is mentally challenged, Willa doesn't understand that the monster is dangerous. Michelle is performing for the first time on our stage and has never done a play before. She decided to get involved after having recently moved here to make friends and have fun.
Jen  (Justine Moritz)
Justine is Willa's caretaker. She lives with the Frankenstein family and is extremely loyal and very fond of Willa and Mrs. Frankenstein. Her love interest in the show is Victor's best friend, Henry. Jen is doing her first show with Ole Olsen.
Doug Working  (Igor)
Igor is a creepy, crippled hunchback that lives in a corner in Victor's lab in hopes of being the next human Victor experiments on. He is the first person, other than Victor, to see the monster. Because of his own ugliness, he has no fear of the creature. Doug has been a part of Ole Olsen for over 20 years. His favorite performances have been in '
Todd Riddle (Felix )
Felix is one of the many villagers who see the monster. He is chosen, along with his wife, Maria, to confront Dr. Frankenstein when he learns that 3 deaths at the hands of the monster, happened in his mansion. Todd has been in Ole Olsen for the last 5 years. His favorite plays he's been in include - 'Nana's Naughty Knickers', 'Little Women' & 'Come Blow Your Horn'.
Gloria Brumbaugh (Maria)
Maria is married to Felix and accompanies him to talk to Dr. Frankenstein about the monster's wrath on their homes. Gloria has been with Ole for 8 years starting as a stage manager. Her favorites shows she's been a part of include - 'Little Women', 'Nana's Naughty Knickers', & 'The Ballad of Granny Siler.'
Cindy Ridenour (Nurse & Servant)
The nurse is Caroline Frankenstein's caregiver assisting her in all of her every day activities due to her frail health. The servant does the cleaning and cooking in the mansion for the Frankenstein family. Cindy has been in Ole Olsen on and off for nearly 20 years. Favorite shows she's been a part of include - 'The Crimson Cap Ladies Bare it All', The Ballad of Granny Siler' & 'Inherit the Wind'.
Bryan Bertoline (Director)
Bryan is directing his 2nd show for Ole Olsen. He has been a part of the organization off and on for 20+ years. He is currently the President of the Board of Directors.
Chris Badami  (Assistant Director)
Chris is serving as an assistant for the 2nd time with Ole Olsen. Chris has been a part of our group for the last 4 years.