Tartuffe Cast

Valerie Hanna (Madame Pernell)
Orgon’s mother, is totally deluded by Tartuffe until near the end of the play
Scott Turner (Orgon)
Husband of Elmire, son of Madame Pernelle, and father of Mariane and Damis, is the central character of the play and comes entirely under the influence of the hypocrite Tartuffe.
Elaine Clifford (Elmire)
Orgon’s second wife, is reasonable and represents the opposite of her husband throughout most of the play.
Josh Jackson (Damis)
Orgon’s son and Elmire’s stepson, uses his common sense to see through Tartuffe, but when he tries to prove him a hypocrite to his father, he is disinherited.
Chelsea Pyle (Mariane)
Orgon’s daughter, is in love with Valère and is being forced by her father to marry Tartuffe.
Jamie Morrow (Cleante)
Orgon’s brother-in-law, tries, usually unsuccessfully, to get everyone to view things with calm and reason.
Michael Juncker (Tartuffe)
A hypocrite, is a superb scoundrel who can don any pose and become a master of it. He convinces Orgon and Madame Pernelle that he is a devoutly pious and humble man; his obvious hypocrisy, however, is apparent to the audience. Tartuffe’s superiority lies in the fact that he can accurately analyze the weaknesses of his victims and then exploit these flaws for his own advantage. He is no simple or ignorant charlatan; instead, he is an alert and adept hypocrite who uses every means to bring about his success.
Katie Schieferecke (Dorine)
Mariane’s maid, She is the wise servant who sees through all pretense, and, while being the inferior in terms of social position, she is the superior in any contest of wits.
Rebekkah McIntosh (Police Officer)
Brandon Baker (Valere/M. Loyal/Flipote)