About And the Beat Goes On

Per l'Art: A Classical Ballet (20 minutes)

  • "Per l’Art! Our performers will take you on a beautiful, engaging journey through the grace and beauty of classical ballet."

Much Ado About Everything: A Fun Twist on "Everything" Shakespeare (20 minutes)

  • "Shakespeare, and its fun! Join our thespians as they tackle the Bard's greatest hits with a modern twist. It's comedy, drama, and everything in between!"

And the Beat Goes On: A Tap Production with the Jive and Feel of the 1960's and 70's, Dig it! (18 minutes)

  • "It's far out! You will be grooving to the beat with their fun and infectious production."

Ready to Roar: A Romp Through a 1920's Speak Easy (18 minutes)

  • "Get ready to shimmy and shake! This performance will transport you to the roaring twenties with jazz, flappers, a Speak Easy and a whole lot of fun!"

Oklahoma Performing Arts

Founded in 1996, Oklahoma Performing Arts offers developmentally sensitive programs for children ages three to 19 featuring ballet, tap, jazz, acrobatics, music, voice, acting, and technical theater, as well as public performances in diverse theatrical genres. Unlike many other arts organizations that serve youth, however, Oklahoma Performing Arts teaches more than just how to dance, sing, or perform onstage. Through the vehicle of performing arts, students develop the emotional intelligence, tenacity, and grit they need to truly succeed in life. 

At Oklahoma Performing Arts, we are creatively growing character.