About Imaginary Audiences

By: Eryn Elyse McVay

Directed by: Molly H. Donahue



Right now, in front of you, but also, 2007-2022.



Right here, in front of you, but also, Montana, Los Angeles, Alaska, Nebraska, and the UK.



April 20, 26, 28 @ 8pm, April 22 @ 2pm. The Elizabeth Evans Baker Theater in Kantner Hall located at 19 South College Street, Athens, OH 45701.



Flashing lights, use of fog, and "excessive use of glitter." 



When Lola McIntyre, a twelve-year-old aspiring magician, uploads the home video of her latest act to YouTube and suddenly garners millions of views overnight, her distant dream of performing magic solo on a Las Vegas stage soon becomes a tangible potential reality. Fast-forward fifteen years, and Lola’s still reaching toward that dream, still just on the cusp on true greatness. From betraying a friend to making deals with a demon, Lola will do just about anything to get on that Vegas stage, she has to, because everything she’s done, everything she’s gone through, it has to be worth it, right?



I am six years old. I am in my living room. It still has the blue and white striped loveseat and matching sofa that my mom explains was very stylish in the 80s. My sibling and I don’t want to go to bed, please! Fine, we’ll wash up then go to sleep. But we plot in the bath, of course. We are not going to bed so easily. We choreograph an entire dance with original music and lyrics. Yes, mom, we promise we’ll go to bed, but first can we show you our dance? Super quick! My mom can’t resist – we are ridiculously cute and deadly serious. What follows is a meandering performance that no one across time or space will see, care about, or remember, except my exceedingly patient mom, my cool – but not too cool to make up dances – older sibling, and six-year-old me. This play is for her, for them. I still remember the choreography. 

Thank you to everyone who has directly or indirectly made this play possible. Erik Ramsey, Merri Biechler, Sarah Leibman, Tyler Whidden, Jihye Kim, Jess Hutchinson, Aaron Carter, Sarah Cho, Molly Donahue, thank god we got that beer, Sid and Cog, Jane and Greebly, Owen and ‘Rashi, mom and dad, Sadie and Willow (yes I’m thanking my cats because that’s my truth), Hayley McVay, Elizabeth Leavitt, Mark Kuntz, Kamarie Chapman, Dana Lynn Formby, there simply would not be a play without you, and my wonder-twin Steven Strafford. A special thank you to my love Jordan, who has both directly and indirectly made this MFA possible, every day, for the past three years. Cast and crew, you are all brilliant and full of joy. Thank you for sending me off with glitter. 

Eryn Elyse McVay - Playwright



Is this - all this - even worth it?

It will be.

Working on this glittery cardboard extravaganza has been a laughter-filled blast! Any in-depth discussion of Imaginary Audiences always starts with giggles and excitement, as the show is a circus of hilarious characters and magic tricks and gags. But inevitably our conversation ends with us all gazing off into the middle-distance, considering our own childhood dreams and where we are now. Sounds like a bummer when I say it like that - but it’s not - it’s a gift. Lola’s journey is one where she finds love and friendship and freedom in places she couldn’t fathom as a kid, or teen, or young adult. 

Life is funny that way; we think we understand, we think we know what we want, we think we control our magic - but the trick is that nothing is static. We never stop coming of age and the only certainty in life is change. There is freedom in embracing that, that our magic is going to grow and change throughout our lives and that the best thing we can do for ourselves is to let it. Listen to it. How does it want to grow? Where does it want to take us? Will it all be worth it? Yes - just not in the way you thought. 

Thank you for being here and making magic with us. See you on the other side.

Molly H. Donahue - Director



We, The School Of Theater and Vibrancy Theater, acknowledge that, from the time of Ohio University’s founding in 1804, it has occupied the traditional homelands of the Shawnee people, as well as the Wahzhazhe (who are also known as the Osage), who lived in Southeast Ohio before them. As the first federally legislated public university in the United States of America, Ohio University was an integral part of the U.S.’s westward expansion and empire building. 


The 29th Annual Seabury Quinn Jr. Playwrights' Festival

The annual Ohio University Seabury Quinn, Jr. Playwrights’ Festival held each year at the end of the Spring Semester represents the culmination of the work of Ohio University’s MFA Playwrights. Join us to celebrate and help in the creation of new work!



Wednesday, April 19, 2023: 8pm preview of Squeakers by Steven Strafford 
Thursday, April 20, 2023: 8pm opening of Imaginary Audiences by Eryn Elyse McVay 
Friday, April 21, 2023: 8pm opening of Squeakers by Steven Strafford 
Saturday, April 22, 2023: 2pm performance of Imaginary Audiences by Eryn Elyse McVay 
Saturday, April 22, 2023: 8pm performance of Squeakers by Steven Strafford 
Wednesday, April 26, 2023: 8pm performance of Imaginary Audiences by Eryn Elyse McVay 
Thursday, April 27, 2023: 8pm performance of Squeakers by Steven Strafford 
Friday, April 28, 2023, 3pm reading: Mona Quimby: Age 38 by Steven Strafford 
Friday, April 28, 2023, 8pm production: Imaginary Audiences by Eryn Elyse McVay 
Saturday, April 29, 2023, 3pm reading:  How Sweet the Sound by Eryn Elyse McVay 
Saturday, April 29, 2023, 8pm production: Squeakers by Steven Strafford 


For Your Information


Illuminated signs above each door indicate
emergency exits. Please check for the nearest
exit. In the event of an emergency, you will be
notified by theater personnel and assisted in
the evacuation of the building.


Everyone must have a ticket. Sorry, no
children in arms or on laps. Patrons who
leave the theater during the performance
will be reseated at the discretion of house
management. Those who become disruptive
will be asked to leave the theater.


The Elizabeth Evans Baker Theater in Kantner Hall is
fully accessible to those with mobility issues.
When booking tickets, please let our Box
Office know if you require a ticket that will
accommodate a wheelchair. Please call Ledger
Free, Director of Audience Services, at 917-
733-0081 if you need any assistance during
your visit. We are here to help you!