Noble Black Box 2024 Cast

Politricks (Delaney Baldwin)
Politricks (Hannah Broadhurst)
Hannah Broadhurst (Betty in Caution, Politricks!) is a junior at Noble High School. It’s her seventh show here at Noble and you might recognize her as having been in the ensemble of The Prom, along with playing Mildred in Noble’s Blackbox production of Harold Hardluck’s Lucky Strike. She was also The Motorist, Cook, and Backup Cop in Noble’s production of Clue last year. This is her eighth year of doing theatre and other productions she has done have included Grease, The Little Mermaid, Tarzan, Seussical, The Greatest Showman, and Willy Wonka Jr. Along with performing she also does Chorale and Treble Choir outside of school. She is very excited to be in Noble’s 2024 festival production of Caution, Politricks! and would like to thank the directors for giving her the opportunity to audition.
Politricks (Kayla Brown)
Kayla Brown (Janitor in Politricks) is excited to be performing for the second time overall and this year! She is a sophomore as NHS and loves choir and really enjoys performing for Theatre. She would love to thank her Mom and sister for pushing her to do the fall musical, because she wouldnt be doing Black Box if she never had that experience!
Everything But (Miela Bui)
This is Miela’s first chance to shine on the Noble stage, and she’s more than ready to get out there! Miela is an 8th grader at NHS and enjoys writing, art, playing video games, and hanging out with her friends. She’s excited for all of you to see her on stage, and she wants to thank her family and friends for all of their support.
Everything But (Kaylee Colon)
Politricks (Emily Cutter)
Emily Cutter (reporter in caution pollitricks) is a junior at Noble high school, this is her fifth production that she has worked on and her third production she has been in. she loves baking and hanging out with friends and family. She also thanks her friends and family for the support they show in her theater career.
Politricks (Haley Delisle)
Haley Delisle (Playing “Haley/Stage Manager” In ‘Everything But’ & Crowd Member In ‘Caution: Politricks’) Is so excited to be In her 5th show at Noble! She Is a Freshman at NHS and loves to sing In the Chorale and Treble choirs at the highschool. She would love to thank her friends for always supporting her. Enjoy the Show!
Politricks (Lin Dubois)
Lin Dubois (Clara - Caution: Politricks) is ecstatic to be back performing in the Black Box shows! They are a Sophomore at Noble High School and this is their first time going to Festival. You may remember them from Little Shop of Horrors (Bernstine/Ensemble) or last year's Black Box production (Brooke - Dividing Hostas). You can find them outside the theater in the Chamber/Treble choirs. Thank you for coming to tonight's production. Please enjoy the shows!
Politricks (Ben Feist)
Everything But (Owen Feist)
I Owen (veronica/Owen/Memory mom) am in 8th grade, this is my first time in black box, however I am (kinda of not really) experienced in musicals and other this in that fall in that category.
The Day the Internet Died (Harley Goff)
Harley Goff (Nina and Sandra in The Day The Internet Died) is a sophomore at Noble High School. This is her sixth production at Noble and her ninth production ever. You may have seen her in Noble’s Fall Musical, Little Shop of Horrors in November where she played Crystal - her favorite role so far! She loves acting, singing and performing and is thrilled to continue in this department in future. She has enjoyed meeting new people and making great friends, as well as working with a new director this time around. You’re awesome Joe! She wants to shout out her friends and family for being huge supporters of her passion for years now, and surely forever. Enjoy the show!
Politricks (Gavin Golet)
Production Stage manager (Talyssa Goulet)
Everything But (Sidney Heitmann)
My name is Sidney Heitmann, I’m an 8th grader at Noble High School. This is my first time being in blackbox and my first time acting. Acting and singing has always been something I couldn't wait to do once I got in High School. My sister is in theater and has influenced me to be in theater. I play soccer, softball, and volleyball for Noble and wanted to also try theater. I can’t wait to be a part of the cast!! I would love to thank my family for supporting me with all my activities!
Politricks (Kendra Lorenzo)
Kendra Lorenzo (Ensemble in Politricks) is in 9th grade this year. You might have seen her in last year’s black box play Harold Hard Lucks Lucky Strike. She loves widdling, drawing, playing volleyball, the beach and taking care of her two frogs and three cats. She would like to thank her parents for driving her two and from rehearsal, her sister for helping her find her script, and her cats for constantly sleeping on her binder.
Politricks (Ari Messier)
Ariy (camera person in caution polatrix) is excited to do her 4th show on the stage this year and is ecstatic to work with her former cast mates
Politricks (Megan Mustapha)
Megan Mustapha (Darla) is a senior at Noble High School. She’s in every choir possible in school and considers singing her favorite hobby. She is currently performing in the Honors Performance Series at Carnegie Hall in New York so she will be only performing in the One Act Festival in March. Nonetheless, she is very proud of the rest of the cast and she knows that everyone watching will enjoy the show.
Politricks (James Paradis)
James Paradis (Mark in Caution: Politricks) is excited to be a part of this production. He is a junior at NHS and this is his first ever time being a part of black box. He hopes you enjoy the show as much as he’s enjoyed being part of it!!!
Politricks (Bryleigh Plante)
Bryleigh Plante is a Junior this year at Noble High School. This is her second year doing theater and the 5th play she has been apart of. She plans to go to college after high school. She really likes being in the plays and musicals and wants to be in more in the future. She would like to thank her parents for their support during the plays.
The Day the Internet Died (Lily Porter)
Politricks (Maddison Provencher)
Maddison Provencher (Sarah in “Caution: Politricks”) is ready to show you what she has worked so hard on! This is her 9th show here at Noble High School. Roles you may recognize her as a Ronnette in Little Shop or Toni Olive in the prom from last year! She is a Junior here at NHS. You can see her more often than not in the music wing. She enjoys singing as a pastime and recently got into Allstate for music and will be performing in Orono ME in May. She would like to give a quick thanks to her fellow cast members for their never-ending support and joy brought to her life and thank her mother for supporting her theater shenanigans. Thank you, and enjoy the show!
Stage Manager - Everything But (Tobias Rand)
Tobias Rand (Stage Manager for Everything But) is proud to present to y’all the first show that he is stage managing for. It was a great honor to him. He is a Sophmore at Noble High School and loves music. He would like to thank his family, especially his mother for the support and the late night rehearsal car rides and hope that y’all enjoy the show.
Politricks (Isabella Roakes)
Isabella Roakes (Darla in Caution: Politrix) is excited about her first Black Box show! She is an eighth grader at Noble High School and loves dance and field hockey. She would like to thank her parents for their constant support and love and hopes they and everyone else enjoy the show!
The Day the Internet Died (Abigail Rose)
Abby Rose(Sheriff, Jasmine, and Jules) is excited to be a part of The Day The Internet Died. This is Abby’s third show in Noble theatre. Enjoy The Show!!
Politricks (Emma Rose)
Emma Rose is so excited to be acting for her first time, both in a theater community and at Noble highschool, she is a junior in high school and enjoys art in many different ways from sketching and painting, to makeup and set building. She would like to thank her friends and family for supporting her and hopes that you love the show!
Everything But (Alex Sadowski)
Alexander Sadowski (Lilly/Alex in Everything But) is going to be on stage for his second time! He is a Junior at NHS and loves his class of landscaping and horticulture. He would like to thank his friends and family for supporting him. Enjoy the show!
Politricks (Hayley Skelton)
Hayley Skelton (Caution: Politricks and The Day the Internet Died) is a Junior here at NHS, This is her Fourth and Fifth show acting but she has done tech and helped with costumes in an additional two shows as well as assisting with costumes for the Blackbox shows, she is also the Stage Manager for The Day the Internet Died. Outside of theatre, Hayley enjoys listening to music and watching crime shows, She would like to thank her entire family for all their amazing support, especially her mother who drove her to and from rehearsals. Enjoy the show!
The Day the Internet Died (Nyx Tasker)
Nyx Tasker (The Day the Internet Died) is happy to be coming back for his second show at Noble. Outside of theater, he daylights as a high school sophomore and enjoys playing guitar and writing. He thanks his mom for always showing up and his brother Nash for infecting him with “Being a Theater Kid”.
Everything But (Nicholas Theriault)
Nicholas Theriault (Directors in Everything But) is a sophomore at Noble High School. This is Nicholas' eighth school production at Noble. He was last seen as Mushnik in Little Shop of Horrors earlier this year. You also may have seen him as Nick in The Prom or as the pianist for Clue last year at the school, or perhaps in Cinderella, The Importance of Being Earnest, or Macabaret two years ago if you’re a true Noble theatre fan. He’s been having a lot of fun performing at the school and at Rochester Opera House and hopes he can share this awesome experience with you! At home Nicholas likes to read, stay fit, play chess and videogames, practice piano, and create havoc alongside his older brother and younger sister. He’d like to thank his parents, siblings, and all the wonderful fellow thespians and mentors he’s met through theater! He hopes you enjoy the show!
The Day the Internet Died (Levi Tibbetts)
The Day the Internet Died (Trentin Toof)
Trentin Toof ( the Mayor and Conner in “The Day the Internet Died”) I'm happy to be back here for another play. I like doing plays and playing some games with my friends (mostly tower defense games). I would like to thank my mom and dad for letting me be able to stay and do the rehearsals. And thanks too Kathy Fink for reaching out and letting me join even though I was not at the auditions.
Everything But (Caelum Vance)
Caelum Vance (Angie in Everything But) is a freshman at NHS. This is their second production with the school but their first play. They love participating in the arts programs at school and hope to keep up with acting. They want to thank Haley, Alex, and Emily for being some of their biggest supporters in theater. They hope you love the show!
The Day the Internet Died (Laiken Voishnis)
Laiken Voishnis is an 8th grader at NHS, making their very first entrance as a new actor at Noble! They would like to thank their family and friends for supporting them and helping them practice. Enjoy the show!
The Day the Internet Died (Emrey West)
Emrey West (Betty, Jenny, Maria in The Day the Internet Died) is excited to take the stage for the second time! She is a junior at NHS and adores playing the saxophone. She hopes to land many more roles in future productions. Emrey West would like to thank her best friends, her family, and her teachers for helping her through tough times, as well as helping her gain the confidence she needed to audition!
The Day the Internet Died (Mikey West)
Politricks (Olive Young)
Norah(Olive) Young is super excited to be playing Sue in “Caution Politricks” as her 7th show at Noble and her 2nd time in the festival one acts. She is a sophomore and in her free time loves to crochet and paint. She would like to thank her family for bringing her to and from rehearsals and supporting her love for theater.
Everything But (Brianna Cruz)
is super happy and excited to perform this play! She is an 8th grader at NHS and she loves to do dance and volleyball. She would like to thank her family and friends for supporting her. She had an amazing time working with everyone. She hopes you all enjoy the show.