Kids From Wisconsin - 2023 Performers

Emily Zeller (Hometown KFW Singer/Dancer!)
Emily Zeller is ecstatic to be a part of the 55th Anniversary KFW Show!! She recently graduated from New Richmond High School where she performed with the Concert Choir, Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Show Choir, numerous Honors Choirs, and even played bass in the Jazz Band. Emily loves all kinds of performing - whether through cheerleading, plays, or musicals. She was even nominated for a Jerry Award for "Outstanding Lead Performance" in her role as Lily in the new musical, "Ranked." This Fall, she plans to attend Viterbo University to major in Music Education. With this being her first summer in the KIDS, she would like to thank her high school choir teacher, and former KIDS Alum, Jodi Mealey, for inspiring her to audition for this amazing show.
Joshua Mealey (Hometown KFW Trumpet Understudy!)
Josh Mealey is a 2023 graduate of New Richmond High School. At NRHS, he studied music under the direction of his parents, Matt and Jodi Mealey (Band and Choir Director, respectively) who, interestingly, met as performers in KIDS. Josh sang bass with the NRHS Vocal Jazz Ensemble, Concert Choir, Show Choir, and performed on stage in the new musical, Ranked (John) and the comedic plays, Puffs (Wayne) and The Con (Batguy). He played trumpet in the Seussical pit band, Wind Ensemble, Marching Band, and lead trumpet in the Jazz Band. He also played with several honors bands, as well as the WSMA State Honors Jazz Band this past year. He plans on attending Northwood Technical College next Fall to study automated packaging and robotics. He's excited to attend KIDS camp with his Dad (KFW Band Coach) and be a part of this incredible organization.