Acrobatic Conundrum: Circus of Second Chances Contributors

Artistic Director, Founder (Terry Crane)
Terry Crane is a consummate circus performer, fluent in a half dozen circus disciplines, with a multi-decade history of collaboration, coaching, directing and being in front of audiences. He is the founder of Acrobatic Conundrum, a contemporary circus company based in Seattle. He has performed on 4 continents, in theaters, under the big top, and on the street. Terry is delighted to share his love of rope technique, circus creation, and collaboration via workshops and performances across the globe. As a director, Terry is on a relentless quest to tell true fictions, contradict human isolation, and portray paradox.
Circus Artist (Melissa Knowles)
Melissa K. Knowles has been performing with Acrobatic Conundrum since 2017. She is an anti-conformist, defiantly klutzy, whimsical, intentional, absurd, and in search of balance. Melissa loves art because it cultivates curiosity and brings new perspectives to life. With performing, she strives to use vulnerability as a vehicle for connection. She also loves laughter and dark chocolate.
Circus Artist (Emma Curtiss)
Emma Curtiss has been channeling her weirdness into art for nearly a decade. Her love of collaborative performance is always taking her somewhere new to play and create with others. When she isn’t up in the air or on her cyr wheel, she can be found teaching at the School for Acrobatics and New Circus Arts in S Seattle.
Musician (Kamila)
Kamila is a singer, composer, multi-instrumentalist and sound engineer based in Montreal who has been performing her music throughout the Americas, Asia, and France. She has a love for creating sound and music for visuals and has worked with filmmakers, game makers and circuses to help bring their projects to life. During her earlier years, Kamila built her career by charming passersby with her theremin or her nose flute, and continues to have a deep appreciation for anything out of the ordinary. This is her second show with Acrobatic Conundrum.