About Prelude to a Kiss

"Prelude to a Kiss" is a romantic comedy that explores themes of love, identity, and the extraordinary nature of ordinary life. After a whirlwind romance, Peter and Rita marry and experience a life-changing twist when a mysterious stranger appears at their wedding. This thought-provoking story delves into the complexities of human connection and the essence of true love.

Directed by Larry Watson and stage-managed by Beth Schwartz, this production promises to captivate audiences with its blend of humor, heart, and a touch of magic. The cast features some of the finest local talent, including Colin Malette as Peter,  Jessica Wells as Rita, and Don Smith-Weiss as the Old Man who bring depth and authenticity to their roles.

Cast List

Peter: Colin Malette

Rita: Jessica Wells

Old Man: Don Smith-Weiss

Mrs. Boyle: Maria Barry

Dr. Boyle: Tim Lord

Taylor: Kevin Linkroum

Leah/Minister: Julie Shea

Aunt Dorothy: Katie Davis

Uncle Fred: Matthew Davis

Tee: Alyson Galipeau

Waiter: Patrick McCarthy


Patrick McCarthy

Charlie Metcalf

Melissa Groff

Katie Davis

Matt Davis

Becky Rowlands

Nashua Theatre Guild

How It Began

On June 21, 1961, fifty people met in the barn of the Chandler Memorial Library in downtown Nashua with a mission to offer the community affordable, high-quality theatre while enriching the talents and abilities of its members. Nashua Theatre Guild is now a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and is proud to be one of the oldest theatre groups in New Hampshire.

Where We Are Now

Today, Nashua Theatre Guild continues to entertain audiences with comedies, dramas, and cutting-edge theatre. We perform all our main stage shows at Court Street Theater in downtown Nashua, and sometimes take our acting beyond the stage. For 25 summers, we performed our annual Shakespeare in the Park in Greeley Park. In the summer of 2023 we performed Shakespeare in the Parking Lot at Temple Beth Abraham in Nashua.

​NTG is not just community theater, but theater for the community. Our organization is funded through membership, tickets, concession and raffle sales, grants and personal donations.