She Kills Monsters Cast

Agnes Evan (Rosie Knaggs )
18. Tilly’s older sister. At first an average girl, of average height, of average weight, and average build. Has no knowledge of the DnD culture. By her junior year, she has transformed into “magnificent cheerleadery.” In her Senior year, she discovers Tilly’s D&D book and wants to play it.
Tilly Evans (Karalynn Kirkpatrick)
15. A nerdy, tomboy and closeted lesbian in real life who is obsessed with Dungeons and Dragons, she is famous among the geek crowd at her school. In the world of D&D, she’s a level 20 Paladin, Healer of wounds and protector of lights; aka not to be messed with. She’s spunky, powerful, agile and brings a young energy and fresh spirit. She dies at the very start of the show. The character that shows up in the play is a creation of Agnes’s imagination.
Chuck/Dungeon Master (Adam Neumann)
A dorky freshmen, outspoken but self-aware nerd who loves the “Grunge Rocker roadie” look, a D&D enthusiast, also goes by the name “DM Biggs”. He is employed at the local game store and is a Dungeon Master who knew Tilly during her life. He acts the Dungeon Master for the game Agnes plays
Miles (Santana Sawyer)
18, Agnes’ boyfriend, not at all into “nerd culture”. He is a football player, and very sweet. He tries very hard. He’s just your average square kinda guy who can come off as being very frat. He genuinely loves Agnes and is a caring guy. Eventually, he joins in the D&D game, playing alongside Agnes.
Lilith/Lily (Grace "Rowan" Onken)
16. Her D&D Character class: Demon Queen. Acts as her party’s muscle. Has probably been alive for eternity. Very hot and Tilly’s girlfriend. Also very sarcastic, serious and self-aware. Think Gamora from “Guardians of the Galaxy.” In the real world, Lily is an average, modest teenager who is in the closet..
Kaliope/Kelly (Hannah Zinke)
15. Her D&D Character is a Dark Elf. Acts as the party’s master tracker, lock picker, magic-user, and all-around elven ass-kicker. She’s athletic, a waywatcher and navigator. Very analytical. She gives off earthy vibes. In real life, she has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair to help her get around. Ronnie is her older brother.
Narrator (Lillian Weston)
A mysterious woman who speaks a lot like Cate Blanchett from The Lord of the Rings.
Vera/The Beholder (Cheyenne Callan)
18. Agnes’s best friend and fellow cheerleader, but would rather be with the punk-rockers. She clearly is only a cheerleader because Agnes is one. In the D&D game, she becomes a ferocious single eyeball of doom monster.
Orcus/Ronnie (Keaton Hull)
17. His D&D character is a red demon. Has probably been alive for eternity. Former Overlord of the Underworld and current couch potato. If there’s a lost soul, he’ll either have it or at least know where it is. He’s the comedic relief of the party. In the real world, Ronnie is a normal sloppy teenager, his sister is Kelly.
Farrah/Evil Cheerleader (Sarah Bibb)
A little forest faerie. Appears very young. She’s adorable, but she’s actually an angry savage in a small package. Must have some form of character voice.
Evil Gabbi (Emily Roggy)
15, Evil succubi cheerleader and a great dancer. Tilly’s vision of pure evil; the epitome of fake-nice preppy girl. She appears as normal a cheerleader that tormented Tilly as well as a succubi cheerleader in the D&D game.
Evil Tina (Sarah Weston)
15, Evil succubi cheerleader and a great dancer. Tilly’s vision of pure evil; the epitome of fake-nice preppy girl. She appears as normal a cheerleader that tormented Tilly as well as a succubi cheerleader in the D&D game.
Steve (Gen Vegter)
15. Character Class: Mage. Adventurer supreme. He is dorky both in D&D and the real world.
Student Director (Macy Willamson)
Director (Joplin James Sell)
Set Designer/Prop master (Theresa Brandon)