About Zombies on Highland

Originally written and directed by Mr. Rich in 2012, “Zombies on Highland” was created with a specific group of students in mind.  At the 10th anniversary of it's debut, Mr. Rich & Mrs. LaCroix have adapted the original show to fit the needs of our current student population.  It has been great fun to not only bring this show to life again, but to tell the story in way that makes it unique from it's premier 10 years ago.  

Students playing Zombies were tasked with designing their own costumes and makeup.  Using questions such as “What kind of student are you?", “How did you get attacked?” and “Where were you bitten?”, they created their character from “pre-zombie” to zombie attack and then to their final zombie form.  We enjoyed the rehearsal days scheduled to complete that costume and makeup work.  We'd like to specifically thank the families of the cast & crew for your support.  Driving students home from rehearsals, ensuring they stay on top of their grades, providing costume pieces and props….all of these things have helped make our show a success!

“Zombies on Highland” is the perfect show for Halloween, and everyone involved hopes that you enjoy the show!

Milwaukee High School of the Arts - Theatre

OUR VISION:  The Theatre department at MHSA seeks to prepare the next generation of the creative workforce, by nurturing the passion and creativity of our students through creative problem solving, global perspectives, cultivating curiosity and interdisciplinary collaboration while developing expertise in their area of study.

The Theatre Department at Milwaukee High School of the Arts was established along with the other art areas  in 1984, replacing the former West Division High School.

Since then, we have developed a unique, well rounded Theatre Arts education for our students.  

Over their four year high school career, students in the Theatre Department learn Theatre History, Improvisation techniques, Script Analysis, Character Analysis,  Theatre Production & Design skills, practical Theatre Production skills, Meisner Acting Technique, Acting for the Camera, Directing and Film Making.  

We also partner with local companies and Theatre Artists for field trips, master classes, residencies and more.