About Queens

Queens by Kristen Doherty tells the story of the wives of King Henry VIII. Chained to his throne in his crumbling castle, the women of his life share their perspectives on how their lives came and went. Written with historical documents, this haunting drama will immerse you in the story you thought you knew about the women of Henry VIII. Queens is produced by special arrangement with Stage Partners. (www.yourstagepartners.com)

West Essex High School

The Masquers of West Essex is our immersive High School Theatre Arts Program. Students who are a part of the program gain experience in the many realms of theatrical production. Students can be involved in the cast, the stage crew, and the creative crews covering everything from painting the sets to designing the props and costumes. Students can also be a part of the technical crew managing the lights, sounds, and microphones. Dedicated students in Masquers are recognized by being invited to join our chapter of the International Thespian Society, an honor society dedicated to those who have a passion for the performing arts!