About Hello Best Friends: An Evening with Reilly Rose


Hello Best Friends: An Evening with Reilly Rose

Reilly Rose is an East End-raised, NYC-based singer/songwriter. She writes and performs poetic piano folk music. Her music is lyrical, nostalgic, with a sense of deep yearning. Her songs might make you cry, they might make you laugh, but they are guaranteed to make you think of your ex-lover. Her greatest musical muses are Regina Spektor and Andrienne Lenker. (Regina/Adrienne if you are reading this there are 2 comped tickets for you both). She is a recent graduate of NYU Gallatin where she designed an individualized concentration in 'The Ethics and Aesthetics of Storytelling'. In addition to her musical pursuits she is a sketch/improv comedian and filmmaker. Join Reilly Rose at LTV for a night of music!



Reilly Rose is an actor / comedian / singer / writer based in NYC.

In my most recent feature film, I play the title role; a pink-haired emo teen in the pop-punk romance feature film ‘Lily Darling’ which is available to stream on Pure Magic Pictures!

I perform in two comedy troupes, Bechdel Test (sketch & improv) & LALAHAHA (musical sketch).

My documentary short, 'Making Maple' is currently airing on Vermont PBS and my short series 'Hands of The Hamptons' airs on LTV East Hampton.

I received my degree from NYU Gallatin where I developed a concentration titled 'The Ethics and Aesthetics of Storytelling.

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