About Murder by Membership Only

Murder by Membership Only by Thomas Hischak

This murder mystery-comedy occurs in the exclusive Orczy Club, an "inner sanctum" for women mystery writers in London. Most of them hate the arrogant Octavia Sturges, the most successful mystery writer of the day, so it is no surprise when she is found dead—poisoned by one of the poisons she was so fond of using in her stories. But what happens now? Should these specialists in murder try to solve the case themselves—at the risk of their own lives, since obviously the murderer is one of them—or should they call Scotland Yard?

 "How would it look if a roomful of mystery writers had to go to the police to solve a murder that took place under their very noses?" one of the characters in this play asks. The group decides to solve the murder themselves.

"Produced by special arrangement with THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY of Woodstock, Illinois"

Little Theatre of Mechanicsburg

Cast TBA