Three Musketeers Cast

Jordan King (D'Artagnan)
Jordan is a senior in the Biblical studies program and previously was Ted in Peter and the Starcatcher last fall. A fun fact about Jordan is that he is trying to run wildly after God and is in expectation for masses to know Jesus intimately, locking eyes with him, and surrendering all. He’s also in expectation for a move of God at LPU/all around the world and can’t see a greater time to follow Jesus than today. His faith for this some say is naive, but the way he sees it God himself was willing to die for it, so how can we not hunger for it as well. He hopes the performance sparks courage in each person watching to intercede for this, and is excited to see where the adventure of making Jesus Lord takes him.
Justin Moore (Athos )
Justin is back in his biggest role yet for his third theatrical production with LPU and is taking on a Character that is a bit closer to home. Justin, a Junior double major in both the Human Development and Psychology and Ministry programs spent plenty of time playing with swords and trying to become a leader growing up, and is excited to bring that experience into this role as the leader of the three musketeers! He is excited to see what God does through this production, and to hopefully glorify the most high king while partaking in the role of champion of the king of France. Justin would like to appreciate and honor the mentors that God has put in his life at LPU, Specifically Carissa Hawksworth and Marcus Robinson, who have pushed him out of his comfort zone and shown him how to lead with love and dignity, and how to care for the people he leads.
Vincent Avina (Porthos)
Vincent Avina is a Junior at Life Pacific University, majoring in Biblical Studies. Being cast as Porthos, this will be his first time on stage in a theater production. He has always enjoyed acting, and is excited to finally take a step and try something new. Vincent is thrilled to add acting to the long list of his life passions which include candlestick making, multi-level marketing, interpretive ribbon dancing, aerial gymnastics, underwater basket weaving, competitive hamboning, and dissecting stuff. Vincent would like to thank his family for showing their support and love. He loves them very much and would like to let them know, “I forguh muh glasses.”
Aaron Hedwall (Aramis)
Aaron is a senior here at Life Pacific playing the role of Aramis in the play. He wants to point out Jordan King forced him to audition. He also wants to shout out his Fiancé for being awesome. He says, “Praise god.”
Brianna De La Huerta (Sabine)
Brianna has always had an infinity for theater and the arts, however, this is her first production with LPU Arts, and is very thankful to be welcomed into this wonderful cast. This is Bri's senior year as a Worship Arts & Media major and being a part of this production is fulfilling her college goals to be a part of a show on campus. She would like to thank her boyfriend, Chandler, for being a constant love and support in her life, and her friends Hailey, Hannah, and Danielle, as well as her family for pushing her to audition for this play.
Collin David Barry (D'Artagnan's Father, Treville, Stanley, Fache)
Collin David Barry is a senior in Biblical studies. He is looking to pursue his masters in biblical exegesis at Wheaton university to prepare for the missions field and hopefully translate Bibles for groups that do not yet have their own translation. Collin has a heart to introduce people to Jesus and see them realize the fullness of life that awaits them if they will simply give their full yes to Jesus. He was convinced to stretch himself alongside his best friends Jordan and Vince in his first production ever. He is excited to take on the roles of D’artagnan’s father and Monsieur De Treville.
Abigail Dyer (Queen Anne)
Abigail has been involved with theatre and performing arts for years in her hometown, but this is her first production with the LPU Arts program. Her favorite shows she’s been a part of are Mamma Mia, High School Musical, and Shrek. She’d like to thank her family for always encouraging her in her acting endeavors and her friends for always showing up to support her.
Joshua Casis (King Louis)
Joshua is thrilled to be back in the acting world after he vowed to take a "small break." Look how well that turned out. However, he is really excited to be sharing the stage with his dearest friends, who just happen to be seniors, and is honored to be a part of their senior year play. He wants to thank his God, Carissa, Brianna, Chandler, Danielle, Hailey, and Hannah for being his greatest supporters, fans, and friends he could ever ask for. Enjoy the show!
Anthony Brunske (Cardinal Richelieu)
Anthony is super excited to be in his first full length Theatre production! It has been a childhood dream of his after his elementary school play got cancelled, and Covid hit during his junior year of high school after he joined theatre. He is a junior at LPU, majoring in Biblical Studies, and loves playing all sorts of games with his friends!
Andrew Christopher (Rochefort )
Andrew has a strong will and loves to perform. He cares deeply for his family who has helped him through his time at LPU and at home. He has an energy that many would consider infectious and always makes other people as happy as him.
Saysha Brown (Constance)
Saysha Brown is so excited to perform at her very first play. Saysha is currently a Sophomore at LPU and is majoring in mass communications. She is passionate about visual arts and creativity and dreams of telling stories through her art one day. Whether it is a painting or performing on stage, Saysha desires to let her light shine in everything she does to ultimately give glory to God. She would like to thank Carissa Hawksworth for giving her such an amazing opportunity to be in The Three Musketeers play. Saysha truly loves acting and performing and she can’t wait to bring Constance Bonacieux to the stage.
Hannah Jesudasson (Milady)
Hannah is in her senior year here at LPU studying to become a worship pastor. Tho she is primarily a musician, she’s excited to try her hand in acting and is honoured to have the opportunity to be apart of this production. She wants to thank her family and friends for being the best support system. A special shout out to her friends Dani, Bri, Josh, and Hailey who made her time at Life Pacific so special! (Don’t forget to stream Catch and Release on Spotify!)
Benjamin King (Ravanche, Innkeeper, Duke of Buckingham)
Benjamin is a junior at LPU and pursuing a major in Human Development and Psychology. This is his first time on stage and he is glad for the opportunity he had to work with Carissa and this great cast. He wants to thank his family and friends for encouraging him to take part in this production. Some fun facts about Ben include that he loves to read and makes a lot of terrible jokes.
Sydney Lauren Ivory (Old woman, Elise, Abbess (Sister))
Sydney is an American actress, radio personality, and musician from Michigan, United States. Under the mentorship of broadcast producer and voice over actor Tim Siegrist, Sydney has been blessed to be a part of both the broadcasting and theatre communities of Metro Detroit. Sydney enjoys writing short stories, sewing, and listening to movie soundtracks.
Monica Bellamy (D’Artagnan’s Mother, Adele, Mother Superior, Septime)
Who’s she you may ask? Monica is in her third year as a HDP major who was nominated as the audience’s favorite non-speaking role as Milky White, the all-white cow from last semester’s theater production called Into the Woods. The Three Musketeers production was her second theater performance at Life Pacific University followed by her California state recognition awards from the play called Deja Vu. None of this could be possible without the support of her peers, cast team, and close family. She would like to thank Carissa Hawksworth for being her cheerleader whenever needed.