About The 44th Annual Big Band Bash

Beginning in 1978, the Big Band Bash was started by the then Region 10 Band Parents Association for the purpose of presenting a performance to show case the progression of the students throughout the Region 10 Grades 4-12 Instrumental Music Program. The event has continued every single year since with the exception of 2021 and 2022 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

Currently in it's 44th year the purpose of the event continues to be a showcase for the talents of the students in all of the concert bands throughout the school district. It continues to provide funding for festival audition and performance opportunities, uniform expenses, outside clinicians and guest conductors, new instruments, transportation costs and many other activities and services that help to support the Region #10 Instrumental Music Program and the school district music department in general. 

The Harwinton Consolidated and Lake Garda School Combined Bands
The Har-Bur Middle School Grade 6 Band
The Lewis S. Mills High School Percussion Ensemble
The Lewis S. Mills High School Wind Ensemble

FRIDAY, MAY 3, 2024
The Har-Bur Middle School Grade 5 Band|
The Har-Bur Middle School Grade 7 Band
The Har-Bur Middle School Grade 8 Band
The Lewis S. Mills High School Wind Ensemble

Lewis S. Mills Band Boosters

Founded in 1977 the Lewis S. Mills Band Boosters is an organization dedicated to supporting the Region #10 Instrumental Music Program.  This is done through a variety of advocacy activities as well as through financial support.

A 501c3 non profit incorporated organization, the Lewis S. Mills Band Boosters sponsor fundraising activities to help off-set the cost of travel expenses related to music trips, organize band family social events, produce a newsletter and assist in chaperoning, equipment organization, and the hosting of festivals.

We are always looking for new members to help with the cause and need as many of you to pitch in as possible. Meetings are held in the LSM Band Room or online (via Google Meet) one night per month of the school year with the exceptions being September, December and May. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m., and are held on the first Wednesday of the month.