Legally Blonde Cast

Emily DeMarie (Elle Woods)
Past shows at Lake include Grease 2022 as Frenchy Emotional Baggage 2022 as student director
Levin Wilkerson (Emmett Forest)
Past shows at Lake include Miracle Worker 2019 as Doctor Mamma Mia 2020 as Sam Carmichael Little Women 2021 as Laurie Talent Showcase 2021 Grease 2022 as Kenickie
Ava Lupinetti (Paulette Bounefounte)
Past shows at Lake include Grease 2022 as Cha Cha. Ava is the current Secretary of LFHS Drama Club
Justin Webster (Warner Huntington III)
Past shows at Lake include Grease 2022 as Roger
Brodie Sapp (Professor Callahan)
Past shows at Lake include Grease 2022 as Danny. Brodie is the current public relations officer of the LFHS Drama Club
Alexis Huston (Vivienne Kensington)
Past shows at Lake include Mamma Mia! 2020 as Ali, Little Women 2021 as Amy March, Talent Showcase 2021, Grease 2022 as Rizzo
Phoebe Walker (Brooke Wyndham)
Past shows at Lake include Mamma Mia! 2019, Grease 2022, and Emotional Baggage 2022 as Insecure. Phoebe is the Vice President of the LFHS Drama Club.
Anna Bauman (Pilar)
Past shows at Lake include Miracle Worker 2019, Mamma Mia 2020, Talent Showcase 2021, Grease 2022 as Principal, and Emotional Baggage 2022 as Student Director. Anna is the president of the LFHS Drama Club.
Kaylee McDowell (Margot )
Past shows at Lake include Annie 2019.
Emma Holston (Kate )
Past shows at Lake include Emotional Baggage 2022 as Can't Get Over Past Love.
Tyonna Jervey (Serena)
Past Shows at Lake include Emotional Baggage 2022 as Living in the Past
Brandt Stevenson  (Kyle O' Boyle & Winthrop)
This is my first performance at Lake.
Elle's Mother (Isabella Martz)
This is my first performance at Lake!
Coi Okonewski (Grand Master Chad & Aaron Shultz)
This is my first performance at Lake!
Tasia Smith (Delta Nu Sister)
This is my first performance at Lake!
Phoebe Thompson (Whitney & Carlos )
Performances at Lake include Grease 2022 as Patty & Emotional Baggage 2022 as Chip on Shoulder about Weight
Kylie Marquardt (Enid Hoops)
Past shows at Lake include Grease 2022 as Sonny
Rockie Kemp (Pforzheimer)
This is my first performance at Lake!
Mya Carlton (Judge, Store Manager)
Past shows at Lake include Grease 2022
Fallon Fields (Saleswoman, Jet Blue Pilot, Reporter, Kiki)
Past shows at Lake include Grease 2022 as Vince Fontaine & Emotional Baggage 2022 as Overbearing Mother
Anastasia Prieto (Chutney Wyndham )
This is my first performance at Lake!
Lucas Avers (Elle's Dad & Dewey)
Past performance at Lake include Grease 2022 as Doody.
Marianna Whaley (DA Joyce Riley & Lowell)
Past shows at Lake include Grease 2022
Darian Wurst (Stenographer)
Past shows at Lake include Miracle Worker 2019 as Helen Keller, Mamma Mia! 2020, Grease 2022, Emotional Baggage 2022 as Mother
Sebastian Munoz (Ensemble)
This is my first performance at Lake!
Ava Bergeron (Ensemble)
Past performances at Lake include Emotional Baggage 2022 as Well Rounded