Little Shop of Horrors Creative

Noah Way
Noah is a director/writer originally from Chicago. He currently works for the City of Paris at KPAC.
Kaley Fletcher
Kaley is a dancer and choreographer. She currently attends the University of Tennessee Martin where she studies English and Dance. She is also the owner of New Genesis Dance Co.
Vocal Director
Hailey Prince
Hailey attends the University of Tennessee at Martin. She loves singing, getting coffee with friends, and reading.
Stage Manager
Anna Hefner
Anna is an actress earning her BFA from the University of Memphis. She enjoys reading and journaling.
Set Designer
Bala Boyd
Bala is the Associate Director of Renaissance Theatre at Bethel University. He enjoys Norse and Celtic Mythology.
Sound Design
Nathan Miller
Nathan Miller works for Inman School and is an accomplished sound designer.
Managing Director and Producer
Rhonda Stanton
Rhonda is the Managing Director for KPAC at the City of Paris. She enjoys genealogy and reading.

Original Creative Team