Mirror Mirror On The Wall, A Virtual Fractured Fairy Tale Cast

Beast and Co-director (Dennis Hancock)
Productions like these are just not possible without the help of everyone involved. I am so very glad we were able to continue our theater program through the power of technology and the hard work and dedication of the students and co-directors Ms. Snyder and Mrs. Coia. I am so happy that we were able to take this journey together and produce something we should all be very proud of.
Evil Queen and Co-director (Jennifer Coia)
I'm so delighted to be a part of this year's virtual production of Mirror Mirror on the Wall, a fractured fairytale. We had to pivot from our usual musical theater production, but these students have been more than dedicated and we are so proud of their accomplishments!
Witche's Voice and Co-director (Samantha Snyder)
I am so excited to be a part of Mirror, Mirror on the Wall! This year’s Theater Club production is so different and special. I am so proud of all the hard work the students have put into this production. We hope everyone enjoys the show!
Bouncy (Catalina V.)
I have never been in one in my life and I thought it will be fun and it is so much fun.
Ermine (Eliana B.)
I am excited because I get to dance.
Stinky (Kendia A.)
I am excited to be on the play because I like being a part of something new.
Weasetta (Brystol S.)
I love to do this because I love to act.
Rapunzel and Glammy (Arabella Q.)
I am excited to be in the play because I enjoy acting and I’m very thankful that we found a way to do this while covid is happening.
Prince Charming and Prince Impeccable (Todd E.)
I am excited to part of this play because I am a prince.
Jack (Bruce R.)
Snow White (Kyliana D)
I am excited to be on camera.
Fairy Godmother (Wilmarie F.)
I love being in this play because I love to act at home.
Butterscotch (Hunter C.)
Cinderella (Marnelly A.)
I am excited to be a part of this play because one of my dreams is to act. When I figured out I was old enough to act I was so excited! My dreams are to sing, act, dance, and be a pediatrician.
Beauty (Sinyae S.)
I’m excited to be a part of this play because I love acting. Also, because it helps me express myself.
Sluggy and Miller's Daughter (Za'nyla R.)
I am excited to be in this play because I have never been in a play before. Another reason why I am happy to be in this play is because I like acting and I want to be an actor when I grow up. My last reason why I am excited to be in this play is because it is exciting to be part of something, even if I'm nervous. It looked fun all those years and I waited until I was old enough to do something like this.
Gasdumb (Gilbert C.)
I am excited to be in this play because it is a Zoom play and Zoom plays are good.
Speedy and Gretel (Yeidelis D.)
I am excited to be in this play because I love acting, and it’s my second career.
Stoatia (Dalal E.)
Magic Mirror (Aubree V.)
I am excited to be a part of this play because it is something new compared to our in-school theater club/production.
Prince Dashing and Pigsty (Rileigh C.)
I like acting and it is very fun for me to interact with people I usually wouldn't interact with if I were not in the play. The play helps students make more friends while doing something fun.