Steel Magnolias Cast

Truvy Jones (Hailey Parker)
Hailey Parker is a junior that is 16 years old. She always tries to stay super positive at all times through everything she does. This is her first time doing the play and she is absolutely loving her experience. Hailey is a varsity golfer for Kearney she is also in Chamber Choir and Frequency. She is hoping one day to become a music teacher. A little fun fact about me is that she is obsessed with Coffee!
Annelle Dupuy-Desoto (Nathalia Rosero Rodas)
Nathalia is a 17 year old. She’s a foreign exchange student from Ecuador. She’s been doing theater since 8 grade. Early this year, she did the musical ‘Cinderella’. She loves musical theater and she hopes to keep doing it in college. She loves Italian food.
Clairee Belcher (Claire Walker)
Claire Walker is 17 years old and a junior at Kearney High School. This is her first play, but not her first theater program with Kearney High School. Claire was also involved in the musical Cinderella earlier this year. Claire is also a member of National Honors Society, and dreams of being a writer when she graduates college. She also loves to sing, and is involved in the choir program. Acting is something she does for fun. She hopes that you love the show, and enjoy the experience.
Shelby Eatenton-Latcherie (Heidi Eberhardt)
Heidi Eberhardt is a Kearney High School Senior. She first got involved with Mamma Mia! in 2019 and CLUE in 2020 doing tech work, but decided to step on the stage in Light Up Broadway and Dracula 2021, which fueled her love for performing. After playing Cinderella in the musical last fall, Heidi is excited to be back with her friends in playing Shelby for Steel Magnolias. Outside of theatre, Heidi enjoys spending time with her friends, cooking and baking, and playing video games. After school, Heidi plans to go to Kansas City Kansas Community College to study vocal jazz with music technology and theatre.
M´Lynn Eatenton (Jessica Riley)
Jessica Riley plays M'Lynn. Jessica is an 18 year old Senior at Kearney High School. She has been very involved with the theatre program at Kearney. Previous productions for Jessica include The Music Man, Beauty and the Beast, Mamma Mia, Clue, Light Up Broadway, Dracula, and Cinderella. Outside of theatre Jessica enjoys playing golf. She is a varsity golfer at Kearney and went to state this year. She is involved in both Chamber Choir and Frequency as well as being a member of National Honor Society.
Ouiser Boudreaux (Ellaire Haggart)
Ellarie Haggart plays Ouiser and is a 18 year old senior. She’s going to the Kansas City Art Institute next year. Ellarie was Kearney’s first ever video producer in the production of Dracula. She was first involved in theatre with Beauty and the Beast in 2018 and has been with us ever since. She is involved in theater, scholar bowl, speech and debate, K.I.N.D., and NHS, and was a competitive dancer for 12 years. She likes to travel, read, watch movies, and do art. She says that “Ouiser is iconic. I would have never played anyone else! Just kidding, but she is definitely my favorite character. I think we are different in a lot of ways, but personality-wise, I have to admit we definitely are similar. She is proud and confident, as well as independent, which I really admire.” She likes to come home after rehearsals to her life-sized cut out of Adam Driver.
Swing (Lily Yarc)
Lily Yarc is the swing for Steel Magnolias. This is Lily's first time doing anything relating to theatre. Outside of doing the play, Lily loves to read, sleep, and hang out with her cat. She loves trying new things and getting way out of her comfort zone. Since Lily is a sophomore, she has no clue what she is going to do after high school. She hopes to do something with entertainment or coding.
D.J. (Ryan Bowles)