The Plot Like Gravy Thickens Cast

Keenen Haney (Walter)
The playwright and a character in the show. He writes us through "How to Commit a Murder!"
Jolie Conner (Allegra Worthington)
Allegra is a sophisticated and glamorous woman who married the millionaire, Edward Worthington, and has quite the hateful attitude.
Claire Walker (Peggy Sue)
Edwards "personal" secretary who is one of Edward's closest business associates. She is from Alabama south of the Mason-Dixon line.
Grace Parrish (Justine Worthington)
Edward's witty ex-wife who stays around to collect her alimony checks.
Lillie McLaughin (Debra )
Edward and Justine's daughter. She is a failing college student.
Nathan Carpenter  (Roy Phillips)
Roy is Edwards bland business manager. He is very uptight and nervous.
Tess Roberts (Connie Phillips )
Connie is Roy's wife. She is very emotional, giddy, and loves to shop at Walmart.
Ivy Taylor (Lauren Tate)
Lauren is Edwards Lawyer. She is very Professional and straight to the point.
Emi Eberhardt (Edith )
Edith is Edward's young maid. She is a twin sister and quite the airhead.
Marin McGuire (Edwina)
Edwina is Edward's 2nd maid. She is Edith's twin sister. She is shy yet flirty.
Skyelynne Peck (Ina )
Ina is Edwards cook. She carries NO SECRETS and is not afraid to speak her mind.
Kailey Romero (Mrs. Vickers)
Mrs. Vickers is Edward's outspoken housekeeper. She is the mama hen of the servents.
Johnny Karr (Tony Blackwell)
Tony is your typical playboy. He lives with his sister, Allegra, and her husband. He mooches off of them every second he gets.
Lena Wentzel (Beatrice Worthington)
Beatrice is Edward's elderly sister. She is a daffy and forgetful kleptomaniac.
Archer Schmitt (Hollister )
Hollister is Edward's butler. He is no known sense butler, who is proud and loyal.
Ella Conway (Lt. McMillain)
Lt. McMillan is the detective in our story. She gets straight to the point and is eager to solve the murder.