Short Play Festival Cast

Muhammad Al-Kinani (Mikey )
Muhammad is a senior at Kalamazoo Central, As an exciting way to end the high school years he’s performing in his first High School show. He would like to shout out Steven and Aija and Key’Maura for helping him and motivating him (but he did all the work.)
Hayden Conroy (Woman, Linda Kelleher)
Hayden is a sophomore at Kalamazoo Central High School. This is their fourth production at KC and they couldn’t be happier to work alongside their cast members and awesome directors! She would like to thank all her family members and friends for supporting her dreams.
Kaylin Conroy (Bacchus )
Kaylin is a senior at Kalamazoo Central. She would like to thank her family for the support. She would also like to thank the cast for making her last show at KC so amazing.
Amelia Cox (Midas )
Amelia is a sophomore. This is her third production at Kalamazoo Central and she is excited to be on stage with her friends. She would like to thank her sister and her mom for always giving her rides to rehearsals and for always listening to her talk about the play.
Ella Cox (Saskia - 30, Older Woman)
Ella is a Senior this year and she is excited to participate in her final performance at Kalamazoo Central. She is thankful for all her friends who make rehearsals more fun and thankful to her parents for helping her along the way.
Cassi Grooten (Saskia - 17, Michael)
Cassi is a senior who is very excited for her fourth Kalamazoo Central production. Cassi is so happy to be ending her high school experience with great people, and thankful for everyone who has loved and supported her.
Sofia Gross (First Laundress, Gisele )
Sofia is a sophomore in her fourth KC show. She is thrilled and so grateful to be a part of this experience. She’d like to thank the absolutely incredible cast and crew for how kind and supporting they are, plus their overall awesomeness as both actors and people. The biggest thank you to her friends and family for always supporting her: “I love you guys!”
Makiyah Harris (Second Laundress, Helen's Mother)
Makiyah is excited to try something new with the different short plays. Thank you Cast!
Aija Hodges (Jasmine, Maria )
Aija is a busy 12th grader at Kalamazoo Central. This is her first play. She would like to shout out to the crew of this production, specifically Jay! She is so excited to be a part of this production.
Venus Jefferies (Randy, Eduardo)
Venus is a senior at Kalamazoo Central, and this is their second year performing in the yearly drama production. They've had a great time with their fellow performers, who are the reason they love theater. Also, they would like to shout out Junior Director Lee Lanting.
Key'Maura Lewis (Helen, Jennifer )
Key’Maura is a senior. She looks forward to thanking Lee and Jay in her Oscar acceptance speech. She shouts out her wife Rihanna for always supporting her.
Key'Vohn Lewis (Doug, Tom Kelleher )
Key’Vohn is in his third year of productions and he is a senior. He had tons of fun on the set for the play with all of his fellow actors. He would like to shoutout Junior Director Lee Lanting.
Steven Ray (Omari, Walter, Howie)
Steven is a senior at KC. This is one of many productions he has been a part of and he is very excited to be with this cast. He would like to thank the rest of the cast and the crew and give a special thanks to Jay.
Saige Roberts (Scientist, Becca )
Saige is a sophomore in their first KC show but their fifth show ever. They would like to thank their family and friends for supporting them through the ups and downs of life. They have truly helped them become a better person and a better actor on the stage. “You all made me who I am today!”
Estella Schuetz (Daughter, Karen)
Estella is a sophomore at Kalamazoo Central High School. This will be her second performance at KC and her first name role in a theater production. She is thrilled to be working with such amazing cast mates and directors!
Pan Westbury (Funeral Director )
Pan is a sophomore at Kalamazoo Central. She was in both of the musicals since she came to KC. This is to some degree her first on-stage non-musical play, due to prior ones either being cancelled due to Covid or being an virtual play.
Samma Yuag (Chad, Jason )
Samma is a sophomore at Kalamazoo Central. This is her first time acting in a play production. She is excited to be on the stage. Samma would like to thank her parents and her sisters for supporting her.
Isa Slate (Silenus)
is a senior at Kalamazoo central, and is currently trying to go into a film career. Isa has acted in 3 plays and 2 musicals and is hoping to continue they’re acting career after high school. They are also pretty chill and love working tech!
Logan Kappenman (Zeus & Philippe Petit )
is a sophomore at KCHS, and this will be his 3rd production in the theatric arts. He is excited to further his career in drama and would like to thank his friends for convincing him to take part.
Sappho Slate (Servant, Operator )
is a freshman who looks forward to all the opportunities to come. They would like to thank their family and friends for the support, the audience for seeing this show, and lastly, special shout out to the show family, Caspian, Mom, Alayshia, the Perry's, and their mac'n cheese.