About Murder's in the Heir

Turn the game Clue into a play and you have the masterfully entertaining Murder’s in the Heir!’ Almost every character in this hilarious mystery has the weapon, opportunity, and motive to commit the unseen murder.  And it’s up to you, the audience, to decide who actually did it!  

Each of the heirs to the tyrannical billionaire Simon Starkweather has the means and the motive to do away with him.  Starkweather gathers his family and employees to announce the contents of his will.  His lawyer, Lois van Zandt, reveals that he has bequeathed vast fortunes to his befuddled niece Fiona, her playboy son Jordan, his great-niece Paula (a Southern belle) and his grandson Simon III, as well as to his many servants.  Then Lois delivers the bombshell!  Within hours this will becomes invalid.  Of course, the rejected heirs are not pleased, so it’s not surprising when they roam the old mansion carrying such items as an ax, a gun, and poison.  Predictably, the lights go out, and Simon is discovered murdered.  

Simon III is determined to find his grandfather’s killer, with the help of detective Mike Davis.  The play’s unique ending, utilizing secret ballots gathered at intermission from the audience, determines the killer in this Billy St. John maze of murder.

Source: https://www.pioneerdrama.com/

John Bapst Memorial High School

Founded in 1928, John Bapst serves day students from over 30 towns across the region as well as boarding students from around the world.

Over the past five years, graduates have gone on to attend 26 universities ranked by The Times of London among the Top 100 World Universities, including Harvard, MIT, Yale, Columbia, NYU, Penn, McGill, Johns Hopkins, Chicago, Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon, Purdue, Emory, Georgia Tech, UC-San Diego, Stanford, and the University of Washington.

With more than 300 students taking art, music, or drama each year, it’s no surprise that at John Bapst art and music are considered major subjects, and that graduates go on to top music and art programs.

More than 50% of John Bapst students are involved in a JV or varsity sport. Over the past ten years we’ve had teams go to the playoffs and state meets in a wide range of sports: field hockey, football, soccer, cross-country, basketball, cheering, ice hockey, swimming, tennis, track and field, and others.