About See Me 5: Voices from the Wernert Center

A short film, amplifying the voices of lived marginalized experiences.

The “I Want You to See Me” Project is a collaborative Virtual Viewing Performance that is inclusive of various lived experiences and stories. This short film aims to amplify the real voices and stories of those who have been silenced by their communities or societies.  You can join us for a virtual viewing experience from the comfort of your own home! Click the link below for tickets!

Want to share your story next year? Read our FAQ’s below!

Q: How/what is needed for a submission?

A: You can tell your story through whatever medium is comfortable for you! This could be a written story, audio recording, poem, video of a dance, a personal song, etc! Be creative and be you!

Q: What do I share? Are there topics that you are seeking?

A: Share what you feel best answers the question of “how do you want the world to see you”. This includes removing a stereotype, discussing religious oppression, racism, sexism, overcoming a trauma, sharing a story of resiliency you are proud of and wish to inspire others with. Anything!

Q: What if I have never shared my story or have done anything like this before?

A: We understand it can feel uncomfortable at first. At IBT, we have the training, tools, and experience to help you through this process and we will work with you through the editing and creation process. No experience or tools necessary!

Q: Does my piece have to be finished or perfect?

A: Our stories grow with us and are truly never “finished”. We absolutely are accepting “drafts” and are willing, able, and ready to help you transform your piece into its final form for this project!

Q: What will happen with my story?

A: Your story segment (apx 3-5 min) will become part of the cohesive collection and viewable only to those who purchase tickets to watch the full length video of the “I Want You to See Me” Project. After the full video airs, you will be given your fully edited segment of your story for you to use in the future and will have creative rights over your segment.

Q: Who can I contact if I still have questions? 

A: You can email [email protected] with any additional questions. Our co-directors, Rosie and Meg, will get in touch with you as soon as possible!

Issue Box Theatre

At the intersection of theatre and social issues, art and activism, is a community of change agents we call actorvists.

Actorvists believe in the power of theatre arts to educate, celebrate, interrogate, protest, acknowledge, and cajole – to transform and heal, to create space for human dignity.

Issue Box Theatre is an organization committed to making theatre that grows out of the communities it serves. Whether the community is one of location or of identity, such as the LGBTQ+ community, disability community, or victims of dehumanizing crimes. Issue Box Theatre works with community partners who provide resources that address specific issues.

Our programs and workshops use theatrical elements like storytelling and improv as a catalyst for open discussion. We write and develop original work, as well as devise performances from existing scripts. We're not just putting on a show to entertain, social justice is at the forefront of what we do – and we’re doing it to make a difference.