About Hedda, Primitively Speaking

Hedda Gabler is a classic play by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen. Hedda, Primitively Speaking is an adaptation by Suzy DeVore.

Hedda Gabler is a recently married woman who is an activist and longs to make her husband who holds beliefs opposing to hers see her ways.  Hedda  realizes she is about to be embroiled in a scandal, and seeks her husband’s help. 

This emotional journey is filled with suspense and drama. With its timeless themes, Hedda Gabler is one of the most powerful and thought-provoking plays of all time. This new adaptation asks the important questions: 

· Can two people with opposing beliefs be together? 

· What motivates humanity to take action or react, particularly in a fiery political climate? 

· How do nature’s primal responses cause us to react?


Hillsborough Community College - Theatre

The HCC Theatre Department proudly produces two student performances per year. These performances provide opportunities for student actors and crew. The HCC Theatre Department has produced world premiere plays, while collaborating directly with the playwright. HCC Theatre also explores the rich classical history of theater in production and includes a range to contemporary plays. All casting is nontraditional and diverse, welcoming all students into all roles. HCC Theatre offers exposure to a world class and diverse guest artist series, which provides performances and workshops to the community and students. The HCC Theatre Department welcomes the community to attend all its performances.