The Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon Cast

Fevronia "Nova" Ekimogloy (Narrator 1)
Fevronia “Nova” is in the 8th grade and plays the role of Narrator 1. Nova also sings in the school choir and in Vox. In her free time off of the stage she draws, paints, sings along to music (all the time- there is no point where she isn’t singing), or out competitively duck riding. The Brothers Grimm is Nova’s 11th show and 4th show at HMS. Other favorites include: Beauty & the Beast Jr, Frozen, and Elf. She would like to thank her siblings for getting her into theater and helping her grow in the art for all of these years, and her parents for paying for all 11 of the shows she’s been in. She is looking forward to her final show at HMS this spring with her theater director/teacher, Ms. S. Winters. She wants to thank Ms. Winters for helping her grow as an actor. Nova believes that she wouldn’t be where she is now without her.
Phoenix Staggs (Narrator 2)
Phoenix is in the 8th grade and plays the role of Narrator 2. He loves art and technology. This is his first show, aaaaaaand he’d like to thank his cat Biscuit for being his fuzzy self.
Aubrey Griffith (Actor)
Aubrey is in the 8th grade and is playing the role of Actor. When she has the time, she enjoys teaching Russian to her cats. This is her 3rd show at HMS. She was also in Game of Tiaras and Matilda Jr. She would love to thank her friends, family and Ms. Winters for supporting her. She would also like to thank her cat for being a cool dude.
Lily Shotwell (Girl)
Lily is in the 8th grade and plays the role of Girl. She is in dance, likes to bake, and loves art. This is her first show. She would like to thank Ms. Winters, Nova, Aubrey, Charli, and the rest of the cast and crew.
Carson Clark (Dirt Merchant/Guard)
Carson is in 6th grade and plays the Dirt Merchant and Guard. He is involved in flag football, and his interests are catching Pokemon. This is his first show ever and he would like to thank Ms. Winters for setting up the entire show.
Hayden Brooks (Rumpelstiltskin/Frog Prince/Walt)
Hayden is in 8th grade and plays Rumpelstiltskin and The Frog Prince. He loves to get his bearded dragon, Monty out and dress him up in a series of costumes for fun. This is his fourth show at Heritage. He was also in Little Mermaid Jr, Game of Tiaras and Matilda Jr. He would like to thank Ms. Winters for choosing him for these roles, and his family for letting him be in them.
Zoey Fischer (Enchantress)
Zoey is in the 8th grade and is playing the Enchantress. In her spare time, she enjoys duck herding and competitive dog grooming. She also participated in The Little Mermaid Jr and Game of Tiaras. She would like to thank her family and friends for supporting her along the way.
Charli Clampet-Yancey (Devil/Wolf)
Charli is in the 8th grade and plays the role of Devil and Wolf. They have also been in The Little Mermaid and Matilda. In their moments of leisure they are the Collector of Useless Trivia along with an avid Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fanatic. They would like to thank their mom and bonus dad for helping them with lines, listening to the ramblings from the show and being their main source of transportation.
Franklin Illingworth (Prince)
Franklin is in 6th grade and is playing the role of a Prince in the show. He loves taking a thousand pictures of his dog every second. He has played in Aladdin as Aladdin, Grandpa Joe in Willy Wonka, and is soon to play Kurt von Trapp in Sound of Music. He would like to thank his family and theater teacher, Ms. Winters.
Grace Chatterton (Rapunzel)
Grace is in 7th grade and playing the role of Rapunzel. She loves dance and choir. In her free time, she takes her pet fish on walks. She has been in Game of Tiaras, Matilda Jr, Disenchanted 2, Tangled and more. She would like to thank Ms.Winters and Mr. Meza. They have helped her improve her skills in choir and theater so much throughout 6th and 7th grade.
Rowan Boyd (Prince 2)
Rowan is in 8th grade and is playing the role of a Prince. Whenever he has free time he likes to read, but he really only reads Percy Jackson. He was in Game of Tiaras and also performed in Indie High School's Big Fish. He would like to thank Ms. Winters for letting him get to experience this, and his parents for helping him with his audition.
Leo Child (Hansel)
Leo is in the 7th grade and plays the part of Hansel. In his free time, he likes to sing, do theater, and listen to epic music with his earbuds on the bus. He also likes to pretend that he is the main character in a movie. Leo has been in quite a few shows, and a few of his favorites are Matilda Jr, Game of Tiaras, and Newsies Jr. He would like to thank his mom for getting him interested in theater in the first place, his family for all the support that they have given him, and Ms. Winters for helping him out a lot and for giving him a lifesaving sheet for practicing his accent.
Ellie Horton (Gretel)
Ellie is in 8th grade and playing the role of Gretel. She loves to do aerial silks and play piano. She was in the Little Mermaid Jr. and The Game of Tiaras. She would like to thank her parents for always supporting her and Ms. Winters for helping her improve her acting every day.
Lila Byers (Girl Without Hands/Grandma)
Lila is in 7th grade and is playing Little Red Riding Hood's Grandma and The Girl With No Hands. In her spare time, she trains bearded dragons to play video games. She was in the crew for Matilda Jr last year, and is back as a part of the cast. She would like to thank both her parents for supporting her and changing their schedule so she could make it to practice. She would especially like to thank her dad for helping her practice her lines.
Riley Hesson (Mother)
Riley is in the 7th grade and playing the role of Mother. She loves to do art and horse-back riding. She was also in Matilda Jr last year. She would like to thank Ms. Winters for allowing her to do what she loves!
Alex Hopkins (Father)
Alex is in 8th grade and plays the character of Father. He can’t believe the character that had one line has a bio. (LOL) This is his first show ever. He would like to thank his mom for telling him to participate and Rebecca P. for getting me into theater in the first place. He hopes you enjoy the show.
Elsie Cook (Princess)
Elsie is in 7th grade and plays the role of a Princess. In Elsie's free time, she likes to hangout with her friends or see them on FaceTime. Her favorite shows that she has been in are Game of Tiaras and Grease. Elsie would like to thank her parents for always pushing her to audition and to not be nervous.
Maddie Page (King)
Maddie is in 8th grade, and plays the role of the King. They like to write stories with their friends. The stories are usually about teens in a nutshell during a serious situation that they absolutely can't take seriously. They have performed in Game of Tiaras and Matilda Jr. Maddie would like to thank Ms. Winters for giving them the role they were given, and their mother for letting them audition for the play as well.
Asher Fey (Dwarf 1)
Asher is a 7th grader and plays the role of Dwarf 1. He enjoys theater and has many other hobbies. Asher would like to thank his family for their support.
Matthew Cobb (Dwarf 2)
Matt Cobb is in the 7th grade and is playing the roll of Dwarf #2. In his free time he does a lot of theater, in and out of school, and he enjoys crushing little kids' dreams in video games. He has been in many other shows such as, Matilda Jr, Game Of Tiaras, Guys and Dolls, and Tangled. He would like to thank the AMAZING Leo Child (Hansel) for gettting him into theater, Mia Platt for choreographing the EPIC dance battle, and Charli Clampt-Yancey (Devil/Wolf) for really pushing and pressuring him when it came to his lines. “Thanks Charli for really forcing me to get on top of them!”
Kylynn Lamb (Snow White)
Kylynn is in the 7th grade and plays the role of Snow White. In her free time, she takes care of three frogs, draws silly things for friends, and peruses the internet with chip dust coated fingers. (And rewatches Falsettos and cries every time!) This show will be the first she's ever done and she would like to thank Ms.Winters for the opportunity. She would also like to thank her mom and dad for the countless support, and her cousin Anisley for her inspiration to try theater.
Ryan Nelson (Prince 3/Guard)
Ryan is in 6th grade and plays Prince 3 and Guard. He is also involved in baseball. He has never participated in a show and would like to thank Ms. Winters for making the show.
Madi Williams (Witch/Witch 2)
Madison is in the 8th grade and plays the roles of the witches. In her free time, Madi loves singing Hamilton with friends. This is her first production with Heritage Middle School. She would like to thanks Ms. Winters, the crew, and her family for this amazing opportunity.
Raul Lugli (Prince Charming)
Raul is a 6th grader and plays the role of Prince Charming. One reason that he was chosen for this role was his excellent British accent. Raul has many hobbies, other than theater. He would like to thank his family for their support.
Maddie Rogers (Little Red)
Maddie Rogersis in 7th grade and playing the role of Little Red. She enjoys annoying her siblings, eating all their food, and being REALLY sarcastic with them. This is her first show! She would like to thank her parents and best friends for always supporting her and loving her.
Meredith Hollins (Cinderella)
Meredith Hollins is in the 8th grade and is playing the role of Cinderella. In her spare time she plays Club Volleyball, so she is very busy jumping between theater and volleyball. I guess you could call her a professional juggler. She has performed in Little Mermaid JR, Game of Tiaras, and Matilda JR. She would like to thank her family for encouraging her to do things like this, and Ms. Winters for giving her the opportunity to have this experience.
Ethan Martinez (Herald/Guard/Son)
Ethan is in the 6th grade and plays the Herald, Guard and Son. He is in flag football and his main interest is Ancient Rome. He’s been in school plays in elementary and would like to thank Ms. Winters for making the show happen.