Almost, Maine Cast

Josie Archer (Deena)
(Marketing Crew, Crew Lead) - Josie Archer has been participating in Hartland Drama Club for two years, and theatre overall for nine. This is her first lead in a show, and she is beyond proud that she can bring this role to life. She cannot wait for you to see the show!
Bridget Bills (Waitress)
(Costume Crew) - This is Bridget's third show in the Hartland Drama Club so far, and her last play. She had so much fun working with all these wonderful people. She would like to thank Mr. Usher for giving her such an amazing opportunity.
Teddy Borsodi (Shelly)
Teddy has previously performed in Honk! the Musical. This is their first time in a speaking role. They also participate in other performing arts like band, choir, and winter guard.
Nicholas Cipolla (Pete, Jimmy US)
This is Nick's first year in Drama Club, and he is very excited to be in a big play for the first time.
Laurel Comiskey (Marvalyn, Marci US)
(Hair/Makeup Crew) - Laurel is so excited to be playing a different kind of role than normal. After playing Abby Wells in Murder on the 518 and JayBird in HONK!, she knew she wanted to expand her boundaries while acting. She is so excited to share this story.
Sienna Dietze (Gayle, Rhonda US)
(Marketing Crew, Officer, Student Director) - Sienna is overjoyed to be part of such a beautiful story that is Almost, Maine and to be the Drama Club's Student Director. She is so proud of all the diligent and kindhearted people in this club! Enjoy the show!
Preston Dixon (Dave, Lendall US)
(Set Crew) - Preston has been involved in theatre his whole life, and his whole life has been about theatre, but he never thought his first kiss would be on stage. But here we are… and that reminds me, does anyone have a mint?
James Dusseau (Phil US)
This is James’ second year in Hartland Drama Club. He was involved in a crew for last year's fall play, and was on stage in the spring musical last spring! He is so excited to be back on stage as Phil in Almost, Maine! He hopes you enjoy the show!
Allison Ehlfeldt (Sandrine)
(Costume Crew) - This is Allison's last fall play with the Hartland Drama Club. She has had so much fun working on developing her character and helping to bring characters to life with costumes. She's loved working on each show she’s done.
Ella Falkenhagen (Deena US)
(Costume Crew, Crew Lead) - Ella has been in three Hartland High School shows and this is her first show as costume crew head! She is very excited to put on this production, and she would like to thank her friends and family for putting up with her!
Sean Haaseth (East, Pete US)
(Marketing Crew) - Sean is excited to be performing in his second show, and first with Hartland Drama Club. Sean would like to thank all his friends for inspiring him to join drama, and Mr. Usher and Alyssa for their dedication to the club. Hope you love the show!
Gemma Jaworski (Ginette)
(Hair/Makeup Crew) - This is Gemma's second production with Hartland Drama Club, and she couldn't be more thrilled to be a part of the club. She is beyond thankful for the opportunity to be a part of the show and hopes everyone enjoys it as much as she does!
Malia Klumpp (Hope US)
(Marketing Crew, Crew Lead) - This is Malia's fourth show with Hartland Drama Club and their third show on marketing crew. Malia is so excited to get this amazing opportunity and is thankful for the friends they made along the way.
Ruby Landacre (Glory)
(Hair/Makeup Crew, Crew Lead) - Ruby is thrilled to bring the role of Glory to life! She is so honored to be a part of this amazing show. This is her second production as a HS student, but her fourth production with HHS Drama Club. She hopes you love what they have created together!
Avery Lesnek (Sandrine US, Shelly US)
(Hair/Makeup Crew) - Avery has fallen in love with drama since she stepped foot on stage for Murder on the 518 in 2021. She has had so much fun and has learned so much from her director, Mr. Usher, and her fellow cast and crew members. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Bria Mayer (Glory, Marci)
Bria is a senior at Hartland High School. She has been a part of theatre through Fenton for several years, and she is very excited to finally be doing a Hartland show. She enjoys volunteering in her free time, and singing whenever she can.
Alayna Miller (Gayle)
(Marketing Crew, Crew Lead) - Alayna Miller is a sophomore in high school. She has done 4 productions with Hartland High. This is going to be her 17th production. She is very grateful to her family for supporting her and being the greatest family that she could ever have.
Tommy Persons (Phil, East US)
Tommy Persons is excited to be acting with this incredible group of actors and actresses for his 19th show. He is a senior attending Hartland High School, where he participates in the drama club, choir, and band programs.
Therin Preiss (Jimmy, Man US)
Therin is very excited to be playing the role of Jimmy in Hartland High School's production of Almost, Maine. This is his third show with Hartland High and his sixth show during his high school career. Other shows include Murder on the 518 and HONK!
Christian Primm (Lendall)
(Costume Crew, Crew Lead) - When Christian first heard about Almost, Maine, he was very intimidated by everyone's vulnerability in the show, but he’s grown to love it! Christian has had a blast working on his second show ever and is so excited for you to see it! Enjoy!
Carmen Pushman (Rhonda, Marvalyn US)
(Hair/Makeup Crew, Crew Lead) - Carmen loves theatre more than anything else in this world! This is her third year being a part of Hartland Drama Club and her eleventh year being a part of theatre! She is so thankful for her amazing theatre family and hopes you enjoy the show!
Skye Schlueter (Steve)
Skye is stoked to be in his fourth HHS Drama Club production, and feels that everyone will find something to love in these wonderful vignettes. When he isn't acting, Skye enjoys meaningful conversations, making music, and gaming with his brothers.
Brielle Shortt (Waitress, Ginette US)
This is Brielle's third play with the Hartland Drama Club. She truly loves to perform. She is also a member and officer with the Hartland Choir.
Felix Sleeman (Man)
Though a sophomore, this is Felix’s fifth show with Hartland Drama Club. He participated as a younger cast member in Music Man and Fiddler on The Roof. Felix loves the club and all of the members like a family.
Makenna Usher (Hope)
(Hair/Makeup Crew) - This is Makenna’s twelvth play and her fourth lead, following Ida in HONK!. She dances at Maria's School of Dance and is on the competitive team, Dance Express. She’s a drum major of the marching band, and is in Chamber Choir. She hopes you enjoy the show!
Jimmie Wirt (Steve US)
(Marketing Crew) - Jimmie is a Junior and is excited to perform once again with this amazing cast. He is on the competition dance team at Glen’s School of Dance in Howell. He is also on color guard in the marching band. He would like to thank everyone who came to see the show!