About Failure: A Love Story

By the end of 1928, all three Fail sisters will be dead—expiring in reverse order, youngest to oldest, from a blunt object to the head, disappearance, and finally consumption. Nelly, Jenny June, and Gerty live out their lives above the family clock repair shop near the Chicago River before their time unexpectedly runs out. Failure: A Love Story is a magical, musical fable where, in the end, the power of love is far greater than any individual's successes or failures.

Habersham Community Theater

The mission of Habersham Community Theater is to provide live entertainment; to offer opportunities for personal growth through use of creative talents in drama, music, art, and dance; to contribute to the cultural enrichment of the community; and to share emotions that enrich our perceptions of life and our understanding of others.

Located in downtown Clarkesville, Georgia, Habersham Community Theater is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization and is a member of the League of Historic American Theatres, the American Association of Community Theatre, the Georgia Theatre Conference, and the Habersham County Chamber of Commerce.

All donations to Habersham Community Theater are tax-deductible.