Play On! Cast

Geraldine "Gerry" Dunbar (Cat Meunier)
This is Cat's (11) 3rd acting role at Greenville HIgh. They look forward to continuing to work both in tech and on stage.
Henry Benish “Lord Dudley” (Levi Vernon)
Lavarius (Levi) Vernon (11) is a 17 year old junior. He was previously seen in fall 2020 as Louis and Mark in “Check Please” and in Spring of 2019 as Sweaty Eddie in “Sister Act'' and at League Academy in a production of “Alice In Wonderland” as the Mad Hatter. He would like to thank his parents and siblings and LIL B THE BASED GOD.
Aggie Manville (Ashleigh Parker)
Ashleigh Parker (12) is very excited to be in another Greenville High production. Other productions that Ashleigh has participated in are 'Little Women'', Addams Family', 'The Third Wave', 'Sister Act', 'Check, Please!', and 'Chicago'. She is very excited to be participating in this year’s production of 'Play On!'
Polly Benish “Lady Margaret” (Lailah Wideman)
Marla “Smitty” Smith - “Doris the Maid” (TBA)
High school student playing the maid in the play within the play.
Saul Watson “Doctor Rex Forbes” (Mono Fitzgerald)
Mono (12)is a senior at Greenville High. Their past performances were Mr. Darling in 'Peter Pan Jr' and Lord Agamemnon in 'The Hysterical History of the Trojan War' in middle school. In high school, they played Mr. March in 'Little Women', Lurch in the 'Addams Family Musical', the cop in 'Sister Act', Robert in 'The Third Wave', both Ken and Brandon in 'Check Please', and ensemble in 'Chicago'. They are glad to be in Play On playing Saul Watson and would like to thank their family and friends for encouraging them to do this and they would like to thank Mrs. Florin for letting them participate in this play. .
Billy Carewe “Stephen Sellers” (Reid Schultz)
Reid Schultz (12) is so excited to be playing the role of Billy in “Play On!”. As the Co-Vice President he has done both acting and technical roles for theatre. You may have spotted him as Amos in “Chicago”, Perseus in “Medusa’s Tale”, and NOrman in “the 3rd Wave”. Behind the scenes he has done the sound for both “146 Point Flame” and “Check, Please!”, and general tech for “Little Women”.
Violet Imbry “Diana Lassiter”  (Murray Freedman)
Murray Freedman (12) is excited to participate in another Raider Player production. She was last seen as Mona in Chicago. She would like to thank Mrs. Florin and Mrs. Derrer for their guidance throughout this process.
Louise Peary  (Mikyah Thompson)
Mikyah Thompson (11) is currently in her junior year in high school at Greenville High School. She is the daughter of Shankeya Bryant and Rico Thompson. Mikyah has been in the plays ‘Check, Please’ and ‘Chicago’. She is also very excited to be in the upcoming play, “Play On!” With Mrs.Florin and Mrs. Derrer.
Phyllis Montague  (Ellie Heckman)
Ellie Heckman (9) is a freshman who is eager to get involved in another play. After being part of several productions, including playing Viola in “Twelfth Night” and ensemble in “Carmen”, she’s excited to show her acting skills. In “Play On!”. Ellie has had a lot of fun taking on the role of Phyllis Montague, and she can’t wait to share the stage with the incredible cast.