Puffs Crew

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Assistant Stage Manager
Katie Hartmann
This is Katie's final year of theatre at GCHS, and as an avid fan of Harry Potter (in an ironic twist of fate), she was more than thrilled to get to work in stage managing this show. She is a senior at GCHS and plans on going to UNC with the intent of continuing her theatre passion in community theatre. She hopes to wind back up at GCHS as a teacher and continue helping students in their artistic journey.
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Stage Manager
Elizabeth Nagler
This will be Elizabeth's second show stage managing at Central, and she cannot be more excited! She is grateful to be a part of this cast, and crew! She hopes you enjoy all of the hard work the crew, and cast has put into this! She thanks you all for coming!
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Light mentor/Booth Manager
Jacoby Barnhill
Jacoby has been with the troupe since his freshman year running lights and has also been an Assistant Stage Manager, and this year he is mentoring the Lighting technician, and running booth manager, This is Jacoby’s past year with the troupe and has always been supported by his family.
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Sound assistant
Jack Patrick
This is Jack’s second year participating with the Thespian Troupe! Last year, he performed in the orchestra for Grease. But this year he is hoping to be more involved with the Troupes productions!
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Chloe Alexander
This is Chloe Alexander’s first year at Central and she is so proud to be a member of Thespian Troupe 657! Puffs is her first show at Central and she is excited to be a part of the House crew. Chloe is very thankful you came to see the show and hopes you will come support the troupe on December 2nd at our One Act festival!
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Visual art projectionist of Greeley Central Highschool
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Sarah Rasmussen
Sarah Rasmussen is a junior at central and this is her first show doing tech. She has acted in Radium Girls, Grease, Addams Family and other things at Central, and is so excited to be on tech for Puffs.
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Stage Crew
Tenley Oreskovich
Tenley Oreskovich is involved in many things at Central like the music program, track and field, and theater. Outside of school she enjoys playing the flute and going to see musicals.
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Stage Crew
Milo Kile
Milo is a junior and a band and theater emphasis, this will be his 2nd high school show, he’s been apart of theater for 5 years as both tech and an actor, he’s excited for the rest of this school year to unfold.
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Topaz Nguyen
Topaz has been in many productions in both tech and as an actress. She is a Junior and loves all artsy things.
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Costume Chief
Grace Bowman
Grace Bowman is a junior at GCHS, and in her 5th mainstage show, and 3rd show as costume chief. She is beyond excited to continue working with the troupe, as they are all lovely people. She would like to thank her parents & grandparents for always supporting her, and her wonderful costumers for putting up with her. She hopes you enjoy the show!
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Prop Master
Erin Chastain
Erin is a Junior at GCHS and is a double emphasis in Graphic design and Illustration! This is her first time in a tech position and she it so exited to be a part of Puffs! She has done all the shows she can at central including acting in Twelfth Night, Addams Family, Radium Girls, and Grease!
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Ruby Frederick-Law
Ruby Frederick-Law is a Junior at Greeley Central. She is interested in visual arts, but likes to participate in the plays and musicals as well.
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Sound assistant
Gracie Dunlap
Sound techie:)
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Prop assistant
Arianna Selby
Arianna is a sophomore in the Greeley Central Arts Magnet Program, and she is so excited to be a part of tech for the third show in a row. She is grateful to be with her friends within tech.
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E Green
This is Es first central production and first time on makeup crew. They have been participating in tech theater for about 4 years now and are very excited to continue to learn about it
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Stage Crew
Kaya Eaton
This is Kaya's first show that they have worked on. They are a senior and has experience with acting classes given at the school
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Sophia Kicak-Burnett
Sophia Kicak-Burnett is a freshman at GCHS and is so excited to be apart of the Thespian Troupe this year! She is so proud and excited to be a wildcat and continue to be apart of and support the Arts Magent Program! She has been apart of 6 shows at Chappelow and in the process learned her love for theatre!

Original Creative Team

PUFFS, Or: Seven Increasingly Eventful Years At A Certain School of Magic and

by Matt Cox

Originally Produced Off Broadway by Tilted Windmills Theatricals
(John Arthur Pinckard / David Carpenter)
PUFFS was Developed in Part During a Residency with the University of Florida
School of Theatre + Dance, Jerry Dickey, School Director
Originally Produced Off-Off Broadway by Stephen Stout and Colin Waitt