Deadly Trust Fall: A Corporate Retreat Whodunit Cast

Jeff Snyder (Johnny Snyder - The CEO)
Jeff is a professional financial advisor; amateur archer; amateur golfer; amateur actor; semi-professional karaoke singer; amateur lover of fine things; professional weekend napper; master of all things Family Guy and Seinfeld; devoted uncle to 8, son of 1, brother to 4.
Vanessa Robb (Claire Snyder - The Wife)
Vanessa Robb is excited to slay tonight in another murder mystery. She's no stranger to these capers and remains calm at every crime scene thanks to her killer composure. It would be scandalous if she didn't mention a special thanks to her husband and 2 kids, who all remain alive to this day.
Michael Robb (Glenn Humperdinck - The Accountant)
This is Michael's second murder mystery, and he is thrilled to be working with such a great group of devious and murderous people. Former productions in the area include "The Pirates of Penzance," "Mamma Mia," "25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee," and "Young Frankenstein." In his spare time, Michael works at YouTube.
Kyle Reidinger (Chet Snyder - The Younger Brother)
Kyle Riedinger is so excited to be back with GCT! Recent credits include Spring Awakening- Moritz, Godspell-Judas, Mamma Mia-Eddie. You can also check Kyle out on the Essex Stream Train around Christmas time hanging with Freddi Frost. Kyle has been here from the start of the Murder Mysteries and is DYING to see how this one turns out. Lastly he would like to thank his fiancé Matthew and their dog Chicken and Waffles for their support.
Danielle Zaugg (AmberLynn Rose (Friday))
The Influencer
Becca McCord (AmberLynn Rose (Saturday) - The Influencer)
Good Company Theater has been a big part of Becca's life since she was a young child. After directing the organization's last show and helping with lots of things behind-the-scenes, she is so excited to be acting again with this role!
Nate Strick, Director (Hank Donavan - The Security Officer)
Nate Strick is a mediocre actor who has been performing in central Connecticut for over 15 years. He's taken on a wide range of roles in various productions, although he admits that he can only remember the ones where he embarrassed himself too much. By day, Nate works as a music educator, but by night, he indulges in his true passion of pretending to be someone else on stage. This will be Nate's 5th murder mystery performance, which is quite impressive given that he still has to use a cheat sheet to remember his lines. He's also known for his uncanny ability to make terrible jokes at the worst possible moments, which is a skill he's been honing for years. Despite his lack of talent and tendency to make a fool of himself, Nate loves the collaborative nature of theater and enjoys working with passionate and dedicated actors. He believes that the process of bringing a performance to life is just as important as the final product, and he cherishes the friendships and memories he's made through his years of acting.