Signatures XXIV: Senior Pieces Performers

Riley Adams (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my mom and dad for being my biggest supporters. Thank you for always being there for me and encouraging me to be my best self. Thank you to my family for always supporting my dreams and friends for always making me laugh. Thank you to the staff at Dance Class for preparing me for my next journey and teaching me so much more than dance. After graduation I will be attending Point Park to get a BFA in dance. I hope to be a professional dancer and one day have my own company!
Gianna Del Campo (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would first like to thank my parents, my sister, and the rest of my family. I am forever grateful for your love and guidance, which has shaped me into the young woman I am today. You have been the foundation of all my successes, and you have sacrificed your time to support me in my dance performances, competition days, and the endless car rides. I’d especially like to thank Mr. Taylor and Mrs. Stahl, as well as Chez Dance, because my passion for dance was ignited through you, and you have opened so many opportunities for me. Thank you for never giving up on me and pushing me to my fullest potential. You’ve created an environment for me that was first a dance floor, now a second home. Throughout my years of dance, I have made lifelong friends who were always there by my side. Thank you for all the memories and laughs that hurt my stomach the next day. Thank you to everyone who believed in me when I doubted myself. I am forever grateful for everything you have done for me. I plan on attending Rowan University as a dance and exercise science major in the fall. I am looking forward to continuing my studies in dance and starting a new path in the medical field.
Sofia Del Quadro (Choreographer/Dancer)
Throughout my years of dancing, I would like to thank my family for being my greatest supporters. My parents have always encouraged me to pursue dancing. I appreciate how incredibly involved they are in my life. They are always open to listening and seeking ways to be supportive in everything I do. I thank my parents for being my greatest role models and guidance throughout my life and the decisions I make. I thank them for giving me the opportunity to do something that I love. Lastly, I thank them for showing me unconditional love. I would like to thank my sister for always being there for me. We will always be able to rely on one another through the good and the bad, while teaching each other ways to thrive in life that we could never do on our own. Francesca, I thank you for always encouraging me to be myself and being my best friend. To the rest of my family, I thank you for always expressing how proud you are of me. I am so grateful to be surrounded by loving and caring individuals. It is a pleasure to call you, my family. In the fall, I plan to attend Rowan University for Elementary Education. I am excited for what my future holds in this next chapter in my life, and it is comforting to know that I will continue to have endless love and support in the future.
Avé Dixon (Choreographer/Dancer)
First off, I’d like to thank my parents for supporting me and giving me the opportunity to dance for the past 15 years. Thank you for being my biggest supporters. A big thank you to everyone one of my dance teachers I've ever had that has helped shape me as a dancer. Lastly, I’d like to that my friends and family that have supported me and have been my biggest fans.
Elizabeth Ekimoglou  (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my mom, dad, mom mom, friends and every dance teacher I ever had. I wouldn’t be where I am today without any of them. I would especially like to thank my mom for being there with me through ups and downs, long trips to competitions, the undying faith and love and always pushing me to believe in myself. My dance studio, Dance by Debra DiNote has made me grow from a little girl that was just happy to get a sticker at the end of class, to a girl that has so much confidence in herself and loves what she does. My dance teachers always made me push myself and had faith in me to do my very best. In the fall, I will attend Rowan University to double major in dance and criminology. I’m also a member of the Rowan Dance team. I am so excited about my future and know that I would not be where I am without all the love and support.
Olivia Fowler (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank all my family and friends for supporting me throughout my dancing years. I will always be extremely grateful for my parents helping me and being a supportive system throughout this journey. I would also like to thank my siblings Abby, Randi, Steve, and Paul for being there for me all 4 years of high school and being great role models to look up to. Lastly, I would like to thank The Dance Factory for the great training I have had and my amazing team. In the fall I will be attending Rowan University for business marketing in hopes of working for a big corporation when I graduate. I am very excited for what the future holds and can’t wait to see where life brings me!
Jasmine Gardrie (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my family, friends, and all dance teachers for always supporting me with my dance journey. Without all of you, I would not be who I am today. Thank you for all the endless support and encouragement throughout my dance years, it is so greatly appreciated. I would like to especially thank my Chez Dance family. Through Chez, I have met my best friends, and I truly could not have gone through dancing without them. In the fall I will be attending Rutgers University- New Brunswick to major in Elementary Education. This next chapter in my life is so exciting and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for me.
Maya Helmbrecht (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my entire family and friends for always supporting me. I will forever be grateful to them for watching all my shows, even when they are many hours long. I would especially like to thank my parents and siblings for encouraging me to try my best and never give up. You have taught me to be grateful for every opportunity and to have fun while doing it. In the fall, I will be attending Rutgers University to major in psychology. 
Emma Herman (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my Mom, Dad, Grammy, and family for your love, support, and encouragement over the years as I pursued my passion for dance. I truly appreciate all of the hours spent driving me to/ from dance, supporting me during long competition weekends, and the financial commitment it took to allow me to continue dancing all of these years. I would also like to thank my teachers at Spotlight Performing Arts Center for welcoming me with open arms into the studio, helping me with my dance training and, most importantly, believing in me! I wouldn’t be where I am today without you all! In the fall, I will be attending College of Charleston to major in accounting.
Amber Ivy (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my entire family for their constant support in doing what I love. My parents were always ready for the next step I wanted to take, whether it was taking more classes, driving hours to competitions, or deciding to go to a new school for their dance program. I would also like to thank all my dance teachers from Ovations Dance Studio and GCIT’s dance program for shaping me into the dancer I am today. I am grateful to have learned from these special teachers whom I admire so much. Thank you to all my amazing dance friends who make everything fun no matter what we’re doing. At the moment, I’m not decided on where I’m heading, but I know I’m going to keep dancing no matter what! I hope to continue performing and eventually become a dance teacher and choreographer.
Naomi Jones (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank God for getting me through all of my years of high school even when I wanted to give up. I would then like to thank my parents who have always been my biggest supporters in everything I do. I would not be where I am today if I didn’t have the two of you as consistent strong role models to guide me throughout my life. I love you both more than you know and I’m forever grateful for the constant sacrifices you both have made for your daughter to follow her dream. Of course, I am thankful for every dance teacher who has ever taught me for having such an impact on my life and strength as a dancer. When it comes to who I am as a person I would like to thank every single person who has supported me ever since I was nine and started my business. I will never forget how much faith all of you had in a little girl who wanted to help her community. Lastly, I would like to thank Geri Brown. Thank you for reminding me that I am always enough in my skin and my body. I owe so much of who and where I am as a dancer and person to you. I’ll never forget how you would always make sure as dancers we prioritized our health whether it was physical or mental. I am forever grateful for you and my Liberate Artist family. Thank you for believing in me. In the fall, I will be attending Rutgers University, the Mason Gross School of the Arts- New Brunswick Campus. I will be majoring in Dance and graduating with a BFA and master's in dance education. After college, I plan on owning my own company, performing around the world, and teaching dance all around the country.
Sarah Markham (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to start off by giving a huge thank you to my parents and family who have given me their unconditional support and love throughout all my years of dance. Your constat encouragement has helped me become the person I am today. I would also like to thank my friends who have stuck with me on this journey. Thank you to all my dance teachers who have pushed me to be the best dancer and person I can be and for never giving up on me. Starting this fall, I will be attending The University of Delaware majoring in Elementary Education.
Victoria Misilewich (Choreographer)
I would Like to thank my dad and my brothers for always being there for me, I would also like to thank my best friend Maddie for helping me achieve my goals for this dance and always being there for me. Thank you to all my dance teachers and family that has supported me through the years and making me the person I am today. In July I will be attending Elite Welding school to learn pipe welding, I’m beyond excited to see what life is like after graduation!
Cara Murphy (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my mom, dad, and entire family for their endless support and encouragement throughout my dance journey. I am forever grateful for all you have done for me, and all the time you have devoted to supporting my dreams. Thank you to all my dance teachers and friends for pushing me to be the best version of myself, I could not have done it without any of you! Dance has left an everlasting impact on my life and has given me some of the best memories and friendships I could only dream of having.. Starting in the fall I will be attending TCNJ for nursing and will be on their dance team! I am so excited to begin this new chapter of my life and will never forget all that I am leaving behind!
Magen Neal (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my parents for always supporting my passions, especially as I plan to continue my dance career in college. My mom and dad have never missed a performance and are my biggest cheerleaders always, and I am very grateful for them. I would also like to thank my dance teachers for helping me grow to become the dancer I am today. Julie Smith, Tina Heuges, Greg Amnuth, and Bob Tyler specifically are all teachers that have influenced me greatly, and I am thankful for all of them. In the fall, I plan to attend The Ohio State University as a dance major, in hopes of someday becoming a professional dancer.
Olivia Papasso (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my mom, dad, family, and all the dance teachers I’ve ever had for making me the person I am today. You’ve taught me how to get past those stressful times and not give up so easily. I would like to say a special thanks to my mom for all the times you’ve driven me hours away to dance while you sat in the car for hours until I got done. Your eyes would always light up when you saw me on stage even if I was on for a second and I always looked forward to seeing how happy you were. I would also like to say a special thanks to my dad, for always making those long car rides fun with your cringy jokes and funny stories. You also gave me the best advice when it came to my future. So, thank you, Mom and Dad, for always being there when I needed you, always having faith in me, and encouraging me to keep going. Even if I might not show my appreciation as much, just know I am so grateful to have such amazing parents like you. Finally, thank you to my dance teachers who gave me all the amazing opportunities I've been offered and who gave me a second family. In the fall, I will be attending Stockton University for my undergraduate degree in health sciences. Next, I hope to attend P.A. school to further my career.
Annabella Petronglo (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank all my family and friends for always supporting me throughout my dance career. I want to give a special thanks to my mom for always being my number one fan, and being there for me throughout every performance, recital, or competition. I love you all and I am truly grateful to have you all in my life. I would also like to thank every dance teacher I have had throughout my life as well as the GCIT Dance Department Staff. Thank you for shaping me into the dancer I am today and allowing my passion for dance to grow as well as widening my horizons with new opportunities. In the fall, I will be attending Rowan University with a dual major in Mathematics and Education.
Hailey Puglia (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my parents and sisters for their endless support and encouragement throughout dance at my studio and school. Also, I would like to thank the rest of my family and friends for always supporting me at all my dance performances. The Dance Factory has always given me so many opportunities and I am forever thankful for that. It is my second home allowing me to meet the most amazing people and make lifelong friends. The staff at TDF has always supported me endlessly shaping me into not just the dancer but also the person I am today. Next fall I am attending Rowan College of South Jersey for one year to complete prerequisites to apply to Our Lady of Lourdes School of Nursing for Fall 2025.
Mitchell Savitsky (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my parents for their unwavering belief in my abilities and for continuously encouraging me to excel. Their support has been instrumental in my success. I would also like to thank my dance teachers for their invaluable guidance and for greatly influencing my development as a dancer.
Alexa Sierzaga (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to give a huge thank you to my parents. My parents have supported me throughout my entire dance career, going to every single show and competition, driving me late at night to and from the studio or theater, and being there for me through everything. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for my parents' endless support. I would also like to thank my friends and dance teachers for always cheering me on and supporting me through everything. In the fall, I plan to attend the University of South Carolina to major in psychology. Thank you to anyone who has helped me accomplish my goals throughout my dance journey as I head into the next chapter.
Marissa Staino (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank everyone in my family that have always supported me since the first time I stepped out on stage, especially my mom. She was with me every step of the way in my dance journey, and I cannot thank her enough for the lengths she would go for me. I would also like to thank all my friends that I have created in my career. They have been a second family to me, and they always make days at dance less stressful. They always know how to make me smile and make dancing so much fun. I also want to thank all my dance teachers in and out of school. I have been in a few studios, and each of those teachers have had such a significant impact on me. Teachers and guest artists at school have also allowed me to see a whole new side of dance and have taught me to be a choreographer and teacher. They have helped me become versatile in my craft, given me so many opportunities, and have allowed me to become the dancer I am today. I am so thankful for my 15 years of dance and for all the people that stood by my side through that journey. For college, I plan to attend Rutgers New Brunswick in hopes of getting my BFA in dance performance and my master's in dance education. I am so excited to see what this new chapter in dance will bring me.
Sophia Trapuzzano (Choreographer/Dancer)
I'd like to thank my family for getting me into dance and my best friends for helping me stay in love with it. l'd also like to thank my teachers at Dance Class, Miss Debbie, Miss Jenn, Miss Sara, Mr. Bob, and Mr. Greg. Thank you for always teaching me, In all realms of life not only dance. They've prepared me for the professional world and helped me feel confident in myself as a person and as a dancer. Thank you for always encouraging me to be my best self and be the best performer i can be. Next Fall I'll be attending Goucher College in Baltimore with a double major in Dance and Arts Management, as well as a minor in Historic Preservation. With the help of these programs, i would love to one day own my own company, and dance and choreograph forever!
Jocelyn Trimmer (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would like to thank my mom and dad along with the rest of my family for putting in so much time, effort and money into allowing me to carry out my love and passion for dance. Thank you for driving me to and from the studio every night, and never missing a performance or competition. Next, I would like to thank my dance teachers at Spotlight for the many hours of hard work in the studio, I would not be where I am today without you guys. In the fall, I will be attending The University of North Dakota as a Kinesiology major with hopes to become a Physical Therapist. I will also be a part of their Division 1 Dance Team. I'm ecstatic to start this new chapter of my life and see where it takes me.
Olivia Valente (Choreographer/Dancer)
I would love to give a huge thank you to my parents, and the rest of my family for always supporting me, on and off stage, and always being there for me, every step of the way. I am also so thankful for all the dance teachers I have ever had at GCIT and Tricia Sloan Dance Center, every dance teacher has had an impact on what I know about dance, and what I learn from it. Dance has taught me so many wonderful things throughout my whole life and I will be forever grateful for my 14 years of dancing, it really shaped me of who I am today. I will never forget the most memorable feeling of the warm stage lights and excitement of being on stage, and even off stage, of having fun memories in class or even learning something new from a teacher. Dance will always have a special place in my heart, for so many reasons, and I will always miss it. In the fall I will be attending RCSJ, and I am so excited to see how the next chapters of my life will unfold!
Class of 2025 (Dancers)
Devon Brown, Elaina Caputo, Talia Cope, Juliana D'Angelis, Josephine DiCicco, Juliana Graham, Aniya Halmon, Abigail Hurst, Madison Kanter, Claire McQuaid, Marissa Morozewicz, Hannah Murawski, Gina Plum, Katherine Nelson, Juliana Santiago, Issabella Taimanglo, Sydni Taylor, Olivia Teyssier, Kyla Ward