About "There Inherent": New Works Staged Reading

“There Inherent” is the latest work from award-winning Middle Tennessee playwright Kyle Thomas (read more about Kyle under “Creative Team"). This stirring, creative, and deeply felt drama takes a thoughtful look at love, loss, belief, and more.  As a threatening storm bears down on an old family home, an aging couple decides to ride it out. When their son and daughter-in-law show up demanding that they evacuate immediately, the story shifts into a battle of wills, an exploration of faith, and ultimately what can and cannot be left behind.

The play is scheduled to receive its official theatrical debut in New York City later this fall. A staged reading provides the playwright at opportunity to hear and see his work in the flesh and receive feedback for making final adjustments to the play. FTF is honored to partner with Kyle to help workshop this piece. We are proud to support local writers, artists, actors, and new works like this one.

Franklin Theatrical Fellowship

Franklin Theatrical Fellowship is a semi-professional theatre company with a new vision for the performing arts in Franklin. FTF exists to bring human beings together through the shared experience of live theatre. We strive to bring the kind of arts programming to our city that not only entertains an audience with excellence, but also challenges all of us to be a better community. We believe that the telling of stories and the sharing of laughter, tears, songs, or powerful words help us understand one another more fully. Our productions also include good old-fashioned southern hospitality-- with local snacks and beverages lovingly offered free of charge. We also provide an opportunity for thoughtful conversation with our cast, director, and your fellow audience members after each performance. In an era of loneliness, isolation, bitterness, and division we need this kind of interaction more than ever. In addition to producing shows, we also work to make the arts more accessible to all children and students, not matter their background or socio-economic status in our area. 

Welcome to FTF… make yourself at home. Visit our website FTFshows.org to learn more.